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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Interesting that the other myths "confirm" the Bible's telling, instead of the other way around? Floods are one of the major natural disasters which plagued early mankind, especially since we have the habit of building our dwellings on or near floodplains. It is not surprising that the myths and legends of many ancient peoples include large floods. There's also, as @Sundiata mentions the massive sea level rise after the end of the last glacial period, which contributed to the flooding of the Mediterranean basin and later the Black Sea basin.
  2. Looks nice on my bookcase, along with my Indy hat and Excelsior class Enterprise-B.
  3. I feel like the Huns are better for late antiquity. Mongols feel better for Millennium AD. That's up to them though of course.
  4. Making a Huns faction. First things first: Was wondering what references we have from which to base a civ emblem. Google images doesn't offer much for me.
  5. I'll see if I make a fix release for this (and of course include other new stuff I've been working on), mainly adding the nomadic civs (Xiongnu from Terra Magna, Scythians, and Huns; they'll all use primarily the art assets from TM for now; having 3 different nomadic civs allows me to try different gameplay stuff for each).
  6. I said melee cav, bruv. And since the siege unit is made up of a couple of dudes and a wooden contraption, I don't see where the distinction between sword and spear cav should matter.
  7. I think it's high time H:C received its own subforum. --------- May I suggest H:C use the groves and trees from Delenda Est? Since buildings are so large in H:C, it would make sense to make individual trees be destructible like in DE, then you could have indestructible groves as in DE, with the different auras/effects they have.
  8. In my hypothetical world elephants aren't so good against buildings anymore. Also in my world, melee cavalry have a bonus attack vs. your dangerous catapults (and every civ has access to some kind of melee cav, so it's all good).
  9. I guess saying "many examples" was an error. But one I can think of is Pyrrhus at Argos (where he was slain by a roof tile thrown by an old woman). Your aggressiveness is unwarranted, since I am with you that elephants being meat battering rams mowing down buildings left and right is not much supported. Just felt reasonable to make them good against wooden gates, but not against many other structures which are often made of brick or stone. However, if we follow @Sundiata's suggestion and give every civ the battering ram (which we bloody well should), the gate bonus I suggested for eles would be unnecessary. Can I suggest this? Every civ's battering ram starts as a simple ram carried by men (like the Xiongnu ram). Then many (there's that enraging word again) civs can upgrade them to Covered Rams with a tech (more armor and HP, a little slower). The game needs more visual upgrades, methinks.
  10. There are many examples of elephants being used to batter down city gates, but not much else regarding "sieging" capability.
  11. Thanks. I will post photos of the home once the closing is complete and I am given the keys. It has been a long time coming. My 2 kids will finally have their own rooms. Yard for a dog. Hardwood floors. Very nice.
  12. Picked this up from Amazon as a kind of "house warming" gift to myself, since I'll be moving into new digs soon. It's actually pretty cool in person and has some considerable weight to it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GB2E3M2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. A man is very busy buying a house and working 50 hour weeks.
  14. Yes, it is. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  15. I'm going to make some changes to rams and eles in DE based on some of the discussion here. Rams will be rarer and slower. An individual ram approaching your walls should cause you a bit of anxiety, while for the attacker their anxiety comes from using such an expensive unit. The same thing should occur with siege towers, but those are a completely different discussion and need custom code, imho. One thing's for sure: the era of massed rams should and will come to an end.
  16. Right, the ultimate meat shield, with trample and charge effects, etc.
  17. I don't think elephants should be siege units per se. They should be spec'd as the ultimate battlefield melee unit rather than as a substitute for battering rams. Perhaps a bonus vs. gates, and then that's their only "siege" bonus. Sure, they could be good vs. buildings due to their high hack damage, but they aren't a substitute for battering rams.
  18. I think ladders could work if all wall models were readjusted to be a standard height.
  19. I like the pathing in AOM. I think it's pretty decent.
  20. This isn't an academic paper. A game designer has to make concrete choices and these involve compromises to make the concept work. Essentially, yeah, that could work. I was just thinking that it could be the "official" game though since most of the mods are made either by WFG members themselves or by active forummers. Either way could work. That could be cool too. In the past I have pushed for more meta to be added to the civ.jsons so that the host can create interesting gameplay situations for their match, similar to what you suggest here.
  21. I wouldn't mind a greater variety of Phrygian/Scythian/Thracian/Persian cap models, personally.
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