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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. May I suggest a less noisy base terrain texture? I really like those round forts.
  2. I'm still not understanding what you say the "root cause" is in regards to the texture. It's clearly a UV mapping issue on the model to me. The "new" and "old" textures you show don't adequately illustrate what you're trying to say. The player color bricks on both textures are in the same exact position.
  3. https://www.resetera.com/threads/aliens-colonial-marines-ai-fixed-by-a-single-letter.55247/ https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/all-this-time-aliens-colonial-marines-stupid-ai-may-have-been-caused-by-a-single-typo/?__twitter_impression=true Niice. Reddit discussion:
  4. Right, just a small adjustment of the UV map on the model. No need for texture shenanigans. @stanislas69
  5. I playtested it and it is kind of cramped. I really need that map resizing patch. Also, the bamboo models I took from Terra Magna are a real framerate killer for some reason. Way more so than the Cretan Date Palms. @stanislas69 @Alexandermb There is a distinct lack of Chinese fauna in the game for sooooome reason.
  6. Neat! I think from a gameplay perspective, the scale of the dunes is outsized from terrain features in most other maps in the game. I think if the dunes scale was reduced by about 40% you'd have something super cool here. Put a randomly seeded oasis in the middle surrounded by dunes or something and you got a stew goin. I like what you did with the ambient colors to make the dunes that orange color. Perhaps have a few variations between a set of few different realistic colors to make the map look slightly different each time. Also, too bad the game doesn't have SSAO. Would look so much better on a map like this.
  7. Well, I can't imagine that since DE has a Chinese faction. What I propose isn't really awkward. I think it solves your problem, while allowing for civs that are way out of the original "Part 1" scope, like Sassanids, et al. I think it would be super awkward in a Dacian Wars campaign if the Roman civ was training Triarii to combat Decebalus.
  8. ? I'm saying scrap the Part 2 thing and just have the option of time periods (or no time period) for game setup. The only "work" this makes is adding one line to the civ.json files and a selection option in the game setup code. With this, the game host can prevent a Republican Rome vs. Imperial Rome or Sassanids vs. Achaemenids situation if they want to (or they can just allow players to choose regardless of time period too).
  9. Eh, not really. This isn't Age of Empires where you are advancing a civilization through eons of time. The factions are (more or less) supposed to represent a general point of time. I could see a game setup option where the host can choose a time period, which would then cap which civs can be chosen by the players. So, this way the old "Part 1" and "Part 2" idea could still be represented. Host could choose Early (Part 1: Republican Rome, Carthage, Athens, Achaemenids, etc.), Late (Part 2: Imperial Rome, Sassanids, etc.), or Any period (some civs can span both periods). Maybe then later WFG or mods can add other periods, like the Middle Ages and Bronze Age. But for now, we'd have Early, Late, and Any.
  10. There are already games that handle this waaaaaay better than 0 A.D. Why try to reinvent the wheel with this particular thing? In Age of Mythology (a very inexpensive game, you should acquire it), soldiers ignore animals until one attacks a nearby unit and then they are triggered to respond. It's simple, effective, and doesn't require extra input (click a stance button to prevent animal holocaust).
  11. Not to be contrarian, I think it would more interesting for the Republican Romans to get a building overhaul to more accurately depict them in their middle Republican form. A less impressive civic center would go a long way there. Keep the more impressive stuff like the current CC and Colosseum and Triumphal Arches and Circuses for the Imperial Romans, a separate faction. I really can't see a reform system working very well in the game (not without a ton of work on the conceptual and programming sides). I am envisioning Trajanic legions fighting alongside triarii and I'm wincing. lol
  12. This actually looks really awesome. Makes me wish someone would make a 2D version of 0 A.D.
  13. I had the idea for "Chicken Coop" tech at the corral that auto-spawned free chickens, X number maximum alive at a time.
  14. While I think this is too in-depth for it all to be done for the game, there are a lot of things there that can be done and should be done. I like these kinds of thought-out in-depth proposals though, especially from someone with some real knowledge to share. I think berry bushes are a standard model as to be easily identifiable from other (wood or cosmetic) bushes. Perhaps pare the berry bush proposal down to one type of berry bush per biome? Or perhaps just 3 types that can be used biome-specifically, so they can be visually learned quickly. They should be modeled to be somewhat similar in shape. It would be neat to actually have these slightly different fields for each civ. We have wheat and barley textures. Now we need millet and spelt. Your ideas for techs and tech names are pretty good. I too have been annoyed by the oddly generic techs in the game. You're also right that the game needs more/better tree models and species.
  15. I like how the art that they stole from 0 A.D. to make their promotional material looks way better than the actual game art. lol they should have stole 0 A.D.'s art for the game itself!
  16. You should try 4K on Butanna Steppe or another nice looking map like that.
  17. Nice! Finally the game plays and looks like what it should have been at launch.
  18. I'll take this opportunity to make another plug for Battalions, since doing this with a Battalion would be suicide for a whole bunch of soldiers.
  19. Nice little guide, @borg-. Should help a lot of rookie players. This^ kind of thing I would really like the team to look into minimizing in the gameplay. I think these are the kinds of "tips" which are really exploits of poor unit behavior, things @Sundiata has lamented. Not a slam on you, borg, since players play with the game they are given, not what they wish it to be.
  20. Dunno, only defense I have there is that The Persian Empire was (for the most part) a single political entity. At no point until the Roman conquest were Athens and Sparta a single entity. Are you saying we should have Cultures instead of factions? If so, perhaps the Britons and Gauls should be merged and the Carthaginians renamed to Punics. Perhaps we should discuss this for a few more years, eh? Apparently, with a 95% approval, not even unit behavior toward animals can be "agreed" upon around here. We need to spend more time poking holes in each others ideas. Perhaps your mod should generalize the Greeks into one faction and we can see how it feels. Personally, I like to recreate different scenarios in my head when I play the game so would feel sad if the differentiation I feel from the current Greek civs would be lost. You can possibly propose a branching system, but such a proposal is a moot point when there's no one to implement such a system. I'd rather just have the Spartans and Athenians be separate from the get-go. I also like the visual and unit variety, not to mention gameplay variety experienced in a little mod called Delenda Est (Sparta plays as differently from Athens as any other civ does).
  21. I think this is an artificial "problem." Athens and Sparta are the Hellenic states most interesting to players, so that's why they are included. Honestly, I wouldn't mind adding the Argives and Corinthians and Syracusans too. But for real though, some can be Atlas-only civs for scenarios and campaigns (Peloponnesian War). It would be easy to add them. While Athens and Sparta remain the selectable Greek civs.
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