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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I've been rolling around in my head simply removing named heroes from skirmish mode entirely (but keeping them for scenarios, campaigns, and Herocide of course) and splitting off their uses to other units, such as Officers, Bannermen, etc. I could foresee an option to "upgrade" one of your Officer units to a General (or some other culturally specific designation), which is now your civ's "Leader" with extra bonuses and benefits. For certain Naval-centric civs, perhaps one of your Triremes could be upgraded to Flagship, with aura and other bonuses, or one of your Officers upgraded to Admiral.
  2. I reduced max gatherers to 4. Since you have to overlap the quarried objects, the pathing can really only allow about 4 units to gather from the individual blocks without lots of bad bumping into each other and shuttling glitches. These are starting to look really nice. For cliff ones, I wish they were taller/extended further downward.
  3. I believe max and min distance can only apply to objects already under the player's control, not gaia-controlled objects. Instead, could have neutral generic mining camp dropsites on the map next to the quarries that players can capture.
  4. I'm starting to think that the stone quarries should look exactly like this from the start. But yeah, a quarry "diminishing" as it's being consumed is something I've wanted for a while. It could be an extension of the "damage" feature maybe, which is already in-game. I could imagine a "claimed" quarry would have ladders, scaffolding, etc. show up.
  5. 3. Should all factions have a battering ram? Yes, even if just 2 or 4 dudes carrying a log. In fact, you could have the "dudes+log" be the default battering ram in Town Phase, and then there be a "Covered Battering Ram" upgrade come in City Phase.
  6. So, the "weathered" variations of cubic look nice m8. I put the sharp cubic ones under the large quarry objects so that it'll look carved up when they are depleted. Not perfect yet, but still nice. The quarries themselves aren't great for this purpose and there could be some nice custom jagged "quarry" objects underneath instead, but the concept is there.
  7. lol okay, then what's the consensus? Is this something that should just be fixed in core game?
  8. I see what you mean, but honestly, if the game acquired a model that looked like this, I wouldn't be angry in the slightest: One of the things I like about this sculpt is her facial expression (you may disagree). To me, she kind of looks otherworldly or even psychotic in a way, with her bulgy eyes staring straight through you. Kind of like how I'd imagine a supernatural goddess of war to look. Like she could snap her fingers and murder you without giving it a 2nd thought. We are insects to her, or unfortunate collateral damage at best. She only really cares about any one individual human being when that unfortunate person pisses her off. Just an interesting interpretation of her visage.
  9. Surely the kennel is a gameplay convention similar to the fact that all civs have a "barracks" even if the concept of a barracks is an anachronism. I agree about the cost though. I've said before that costs in this game are super weird.
  10. What's so wrong about the Nashville reproduction? The pose and general details seem accurate.
  11. Stone and Wood should suffice, yeah. (same as in DE) I also have a yuge problem with a lot of the costs of things in vanilla, technologies especially. I don't think anything should cost more than 2 different resources except for special cases.
  12. Part of having a socket would be as a gameplay convention, allowing the player to build the dropsite out of their territory.
  13. Indeed. That's why Stone "mines" would be called Stone Quarries and Metal "mines" would be called Metal Mine or Mine Shaft.
  14. I tried mixing the two, to some decent results. Their textures are quite grainy with a lot of noise. It might be better to reduce the detail of the diffuse texture and instead add detail in the normal map, perhaps similar to these:
  15. The weathered one gives a weird lumpy shape to the top of the cliff face. I like the flatter tops of the cubic variant. Something between the two may be ideal. I imagine it'll take a lot of experimentation, though the current variants are already useful on their own.
  16. Not sure if Art topic or Gameplay topic. It would be great to improve the mines in the game. In ancient times, mining was quite advanced. I know it's an Age of Empires convention to just have piles of Gold laying everywhere, but with many other things 0 A.D. and WFG has improved upon in the genre, I think mines and mining can be another. Just with the assets already in 0 A.D. and Delenda Est, I was able to make a cool looking and more realistic mining depot than is currently in the game: Now, if anything the cliff face objects ("stone_savanna_cubic") should be more rounded and the "mines" more jagged, but you guys get the idea. It's a crude representation, but gets the point across (this screenshot is for my rework of Saharan Oases). Stone mines would look like open pit mines, while metal mines could look like mine shaft tunnel entranced. Both mining methods were used in ancient times. This in and of itself could be enough. They could work just like current mines, but be placed more strategically, be larger and more important. You could still have a couple of smaller starting mines in the home territory, but the bulk of a match's stone and metal would be mined from these larger strategic mines. To take it one step further, with a slotting concept you could add slots to mines whereby you can allow the player to "claim" mines by building storehouses there (and could extend this to a farmland concept where you claim juicy free farms by building a Farmstead on a slot). Like so: This could be a way to allow players to gather these resources outside their territory and provide points of contention outside territory boundaries while providing additional immersion. I hope you liked my brief presentation.
  17. Alt-right click switched to destroy the building instead of capture.
  18. I was thinking for the Gauls that they could get something like this But with some items like these details (antlers):
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