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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. That's different. Elevation bonus just adds more range to the tower. The fact that it isn't taken into account in the visualization is a bug ret.attack[type].elevationAdaptedRange = Math.sqrt(ret.attack[type].maxRange * (2 * ret.attack[type].elevationBonus + ret.attack[type].maxRange)); Just had a look. It would seem that the height property of the footprint isn't used anywhere. So it's basically useless. @bb_ can you confirm ? EDIT: I was wrong
  2. Yeah. That would suck though. Pyrogenesis is not that bad.
  3. 6x6 footprint would be 24x24 7x7 footprint would be 28x28 I guess 7x7 makes sense. Actually you can't see the height footprint. It's something different. So height seems to only be used to define guarding and whether a projectile will hit the structure.
  4. In the Actor viewer in Atlas you can. Well as I said obstruction define how close you can get to the building, so I guess the original author tried to get as close as possible to the building. Footprint however shouldn't be that precise.
  5. That plus from what I've seen It looks worse than our engine. Same goes for the spring engine
  6. Hehe. If we had to choose a graphics engine though I would go for Godot. I believe we could migrate 0AD code into a GDNative plugin and replace JS by Godot script which looks a lot like python though it now has variable types.
  7. I know I try but I'm exactly where I have been wanting to be during all the time I was a mere contributor. So now I have to be the changes I wanted for all those years
  8. Thanks guys. I'm sure people would notice more the scaffoldings/buildings basis though. I extracted lordgood's to make one for walls you can see it on the edge of one of my screenshot. It's using the scaffolding texture from the main game. Maybe I'll push further. I have too many things on the list. I also need to improve to be able to do material like Lordgood Alexandermb and now BigTiger It's not boring it's tedious and repetitive. You can quickly mess up if you want to do things properly.
  9. After that patch is committed one will be able to add trees with a slow regen rate and an another. object that will boost that regen. Destroy that object and the effect goes away
  10. Worth noting that someone asked the government for a 90% tax reduction on that money.
  11. Well they send catapult projectiles with their slings don't they ?
  12. That's on me I might have judged you which is bad by itself for me, and to make things worse, I did it too fast.
  13. I mean Violet le duc, who made the roof kinda destroyed some castle history by doing things to his liking instead of restoring them.
  14. Well the person who built it kind of defaced a few castles so it's not cultural loss, but still a loss.
  15. Will be. It's pretty much the case until 6x6 7x7 and 8x8. In the template you gave me 40x40 is 4 * 10 + 4 * 10 so that should be a 10x10 foundation instead of a 8x8 Yeah because some of them didn't respect conventions either. They will after I'm done, which might take some more weeks. Well it's kinda of arbitrary, which IMHO Sucks. Obstruction and height should be defined by the mesh so the closest to the building footprint needs to be a bit bigger so that it's not under the building. A too big obstruction will mean unit using it as a dropsite or attacking it will not go near to hit it. What could work is set the Footprint to the nearest foundation size, and keep the obstruction to the building size. Might lead to overlap though. Maybe @LordGood has some thoughts on that. Not in the near future. You can find my todo list here. These kind of tasks kind of make me lose my motivation, because they need to be done, but they don't add a lot to the game.
  16. What are you waiting for exactly, ? A24 isn't out of the corner, and if you want to work with the latest version you can download the dev version directly ?
  17. Hmm since Atlas is broken on your machine you might not be able to see it yourself so here is a screenshot. Okay so in blue are the actual game tiles. The small tiles are pathfinder resolution IIRC. The white tiles are the tiles we use for the game buildings as everything is tilted by a good 45 degrees. The placement isn't restricted to either of these tiles. 1x1 is one blue tile, or one white tile. (Somebody messed up the bigger foundation sizes like 8x8 which is actually 10x10) In obstruction and footprint size (as well as decals) 1x1 = 4x4 subtiles (eg. a 5x5 footprint should be 20 x 20 = 4 * 5 x 4 * 5) Any other questions ? I guess all this should be in the Art Design Document at some point.
  18. According to this https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/results/ 50% of or users run on Intel GPU chips. Which aren't the best graphics cards, but make good frying pans. I'd say when most of our users support 4.5/4.6. A lot of Unix users have only access to OpenGL 2.1 (We are using 1.2) But that's not restricting us. Mostly we need someone to cleanup the renderer and use wrappers or interfaces so that we can switch between versions depending on the computer. Old branch for OpenGL 4.0 from @Yves https://github.com/Yves-G/0ad/tree/OGL4 Presentation from @vladislavbelov (you are famous now) https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/0ad_graphics/ One big milestone is when Mac OS will be dropping OpenGL in favor of Metal. https://developer.apple.com/macos/whats-new/ This would be a good occasion to switch to Vulkan and MoltenVK (Because doesn't support Vulkan either)
  19. Well depends on what you define by old hardware but I know 8 years old computer that can run the game just fine. The game also runs on jailbreaked versions of the PS4 (With Linux) and some people made it work on raspberry pi
  20. Nice ! So you use a lot of commercial software ( Nothing wrong with that) I was wondering since its way higher quality than the tower you made for Borg EDIT: If you are up to the task it would be nice to have an Athena Statue compatible with our license
  21. Actually it's the contrary. People playing with toasters urge us not to do it
  22. Well you could generate 3D Models on the fly and load them but that sounds like a mess. Then the decals are actors so you can change the depth and width. You could then reload them on the fly. But all of that seems wasteful. (not as wasteful as doing them one by one but still)
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