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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Looking forward to hearing from you. Let me know if you need anything else
  2. Somehow though all games with constant updates with a complex technology tree always end up simplifying the whole thing. See WOW League of legends and a few others.
  3. What's going on here ? XD
  4. Well we have a dependency system but that doesn't apply to binaries
  5. Me love. Reminds me I need to commit stuff from the eyecandymod (cliffs mostly)
  6. Did you have a chance to fix the berry bushes with @borg-'s comment on them not being filled enough ? The buildings have a bit a cartoony look because of the texture saturation but I think the whole set looks lovely. The little stalls are a bit more detailed than the houses though so it might give an unbalanced feeling
  7. Your post is now visible again. Sorry for the inconvenience and you had to encounter that guy.
  8. My apologies Sundiata. I hid your post because I hid the few last posts. I did not see a reason to keep the quotes of the offensive posts and your educated answer would have a reason to be in the first place if that troll wasn't here. I can show it again if you want but I'm not sure that's gonna help anything. Glestul is now flagged as spammer all his posts have been hidden and I believe he can't post anymore. I don't think I have the ban ability though.
  9. @Glestul please stop. This is my last warning.
  10. There are also two old AIs on GitHub. One is by @agentx https://github.com/agentx-cgn/Hannibal and the other is way holder and written in Haxe https://github.com/lexoyo/split-bot You can also get in touch with There is also (I'm not sure exactly what that is) https://github.com/0ad4ai Then you could try implementing openai for it And finally you could get in touch with those students who tried to make a Python AI You can separate Petra from the public mod. However it is deeply linked to the engine because it chats directly with it. So it might be a bit weird to do so because it's part of the main game. I believe a lot more people play against IA than in multiplayer.
  11. @Itms @elexis Hello and thanks for the application ! As you read in the application, programmers need not apply. Positions are granted after a certain number of contributions. That depends on the value and the number of those. So I'd suggest you read the documentation on how to get started on trac.wildfiregames.com if you haven't already. Let me know if you need anything else
  12. Nice work man ! We should commit these trees to the repository
  13. Well given your username I'd say it checks out
  14. Well about formations there is a reason they are disabled by default. Units in formation are still considered as single units which means you have to compute both the formation movements and obstructions and every single unit's ones which is why 1) there is a disclaimer at the beginning of the game 2) they are disabled by default 3) people keep asking for bataillons About actions directly affecting gameplay I don't know but I'd guess the increase of buildings makes pathfinder computations harder.
  15. I think we should try to keep them under 800 polys unless they are multiple trees in once. If people start spamming these we are gonna have a big performance problem :/
  16. You can change the graphic resources, not the logic
  17. It might work from time to time I know it works from some blender exported animations, not all of them, but clearly not for 3Dsmax exported ones
  18. Fail, retry, fail, retry, that's how learning goes.
  19. You can't import then export. You need to use the source blend file.
  20. Well one could have a download manager that re downloads the whole game, but the best thing would be patches files like what was done in old games, where you get a 15MB file instead of a 2GB one. Assuming one knows the install location it could replace the files in the correct folder. However we wouldn't be able to provide patches for all the linux distributions and their specificities.
  21. The problem is providing one for all the platforms.
  22. Have you heard of https://khaganat.net/wikhan/fr:start
  23. Assuming you are on windows, it's in %appdata%
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