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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Were you in debug mode ? The fonts can take some time to load in SVN because the textures need to be cached.
  2. Hello Look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors and https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths In the meantime in the game options try disabling GLSL and postprocessing.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums. I've never seen this before. Are your graphic drivers up to date ?
  4. Great I think it's been reported before
  5. Do you have any special shortcuts with the desktop manager ?
  6. Keep your motivation Also I guess making a mod would be nice, so people can try it and give you feedback. Let me know if you need any help.
  7. You need to alt + click on objects. If that doesn't work try making a selection with alt pressed.
  8. I love your work man. For the birch you might want to make the leaves a bit brighter
  9. I didn't know the water would render the blackface. Then my only concern would be the cinema manager when rendering cutscenes. But else yes they might be unnecessary.
  10. @Alexandermb anything preventing you to commit the new cattle ? Also have you seen this →
  11. I'd really like to commit this... Maybe rockinharm@gmail.com will answer...
  12. Actually @user1 said it's pretty obvious when it's the case. I think the bot only autobans when it's the language ?
  13. Well you need to stop creating accounts. And stop impersonating people Then wait for the ban delay to expire.
  14. You guys know there is a code block thing on the forums right ? (This way code is not lost after the image expire)
  15. Hello and welcome to the forums. Why were you banned in the first place ? Usually it's because of profanity on the lobby or because you use multiple accounts. Both are marked in the ToU as being banning reasons. Also please note that bans are usually temporary. I'm pinging @user1 to hear his version of the story.
  16. AFAIK no blend files were committed. Which means you have to do cleaning work to stay under 800 polys. Might be worth it.
  17. Can't wait to showcase all this for A24 mates
  18. I think he meant sharing all the screenshots Lordgood, Alexandermb, Wackyserious post on the forums on social media. We communicate very little on stuff we do which gives the impression that we are doing nothing. (Which is wrong of course) I think the problem with the art department is we are not going in one specific direction so it's hard to say what's being worked on. Most of the stuff is on on the public forums. I just use PMs to be on track with anyone else. If I had to give the current status Id say Wackyserious is at school for now Lordgood is killing trees, and Alexandermb is giving polish to art units. I am not doing much art wise. I'm cleaning stuff a bit and preparing the boring tasks that needs to be done. I also need to keep learning so I don't throw 20 bucks away each month.
  19. Well he has 200 000 subscribers so that helps ^^
  20. Well since we are all still here there is hope.
  21. Looks like I just added an asset import mission to my to-do list
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