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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yes you are right. However if you tell me, I can probably pull something off.
  2. Hey, can you take a picture of your map ?
  3. @Samulis would you be up to making some sounds of projectiles hitting stone structures ?
  4. 1. Actually I think its because they are too white and not organic enough, maybe try to increase the amount of details 2. Whatever you like and works 3. Yeah they are definitely too flat :/
  5. Now that's gorgeous ! Great work mate ! Some more comments 1. This looks a bit weird is that buggy alpha ? 2. Can you try to increase the saturation of the red berries bush ? They have to stand a bit more out in order to be clearly identifiable Hopefully not too unrealistic because I really like those as is. 3. Maybe more geometry or a different angle ? 3
  6. The main problem for me is that I have a high end computer so I can't test that much ^^ But yeah their quality is less. Though it's not that bad is it ? Only when you really zoom.
  7. @user1 and @Hannibal_Barca might help you with that.
  8. I did try that too Actually threading the pathfinder makes it faster. I can render the game at 20x with very little lag with the patch so it does help. It gives more time for other areas of the code. But yeah the goal is the vertex pathfinder rewrite. See D13 on code.wildfiregames.com. @wraitii will be able to tell you more.
  9. Not too late to go back your contributions are always welcome. Let me know if you want to go back or if you need anything else Thanks for the feedback !
  10. @elexis are those js error message normal ? @oOWOOHOo What os are you on ? As a temporary workaround you can disable TLS in the game options in the lobby tab. If you are on Mac os I have a fixed version for you.
  11. Well ... 0 A.D. ? Yes you can use the source browser on trac.wildfiregames.com. We release our art under the cc by saying 3.0 license and there are copies and links to that license in the source as well as the artists in our credits.json So if You give credits to Wildfire games. You add a link or a copy of the license with your files you should be covered. Be careful though not all open source licenses are compatible.
  12. Most of the textures come from the game itself, though they are mostly in DDS format. Then the rest come from open source places like wikimedia.
  13. There is a fix by @wraitii but it's waiting for review by @vladislavbelov
  14. Hey thanks for the report, can you also upload the interestinglog.html ? Interesting.
  15. The main issue is that ResourceSupply is a lot similar to Health.js but that trees are not alive.
  16. Unfortunately we can not (and will not) add them if they don't fit the time frame - 500 B.C. - 0 B.C. Terra Magna uses the same time frame as the game does. However it can totally go in a separate mod.
  17. Supposed to be a champion but I guess there could be one evolution I wonder though where it will be recruited if the tavern is replaced by the auditorium and what the auditorium will be for. I need to add carnyx maybe shingle roofs and then commit it
  18. Did they wear helmets @Genava55 it seems awkward to have an helmet when you are naked...
  19. Hopefully it will I just need people to test it and and someone from the programming team to review it
  20. You can download this version: https://www.mediafire.com/file/00lxxtdmsu64nrs/0ad-0.0.23b-alpha-osx64.dmg/file It should be fixed in it. Let me know if it works for you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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