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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. The more I think about the more the resource supply components is gonna identical to the health component
  2. Okay so basically sculpt the texture on the mesh, then bake the texture, and bake the normals and ao
  3. How would you do it without killing the polycount
  4. They have normals, they are textures from the terrain initially
  5. @LordGood Are those any good ? I made them a long time ago.
  6. It looks like you have two instances of the game running at the same time. Try killing them in the taskmanager.
  7. Could work for a capture the trade route map ?
  8. Well if you can't join it usually means some port is not open on one of the networks of your "crew" so what people can try is opening ports on their routers, and see if that fixes things. We use STUN to find open ports but sometimes that doesn't work.
  9. It's a matter of taste but usually it's more visually appealing cause you have to read one line instead of 8 //-------------Else if------------------------- let variable if (a) { variable = d; } else { variable = c; } //-------------TERNARY------------------------- let variable = a ? d : c; If you want to submit patches go ahead. I you haven't already I'd suggest you head to trac and read the https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers page. you can then submit your patch to be reviewed on code.wildfiregames.com
  10. I guess the situation in Venezuela hasn't improved so it might take some time for @Alexandermb to come back...
  11. Would be interesting to have them yes. Dunno where you could upload them though.
  12. On my wishlist you will find a feature that allows buildings to act as sockets. I haven't started programming it. I was waiting for the regenerative resources patch to be committed. I might have been a bit too optimistic ^^ For more details about my plan for that features see the readme https://github.com/0ADMods/building-sockets/blob/master/README.MD
  13. We might have more information on the staff forums and on the meetinglogs @elexis is digging out
  14. Might have. When in doubt always send files in zip files
  15. @borg- @Basshunter The png is not being accepted by the game because its resolution is 750x750. That's no power of two. The closest resolution you can use is either 1024x1024 or 512x512. Also one should be careful because faces have only one side where they are not transparent (backface culling)
  16. Yeah, I was about to then I tried some more and build 200 theatrons without the bug. it's so weird. I thought it was camera angles, not being in focus, but it seems to be totally unrelated.
  17. Okay so it's definitely the bug fabio linked. It happens when I spam theatrons on an atlas map. (I replaced the gaul house)
  18. @borg- Can you try building multiple and seeing what happens ?
  19. You might want to submit another application then and get in touch with @Itms
  20. Not from the XML file it's a missing prop point in the DAE file ( Which is also a XML file although different)
  21. As many as physical persons under the roof of that IP. One IP per person. That's in the Term of Use.
  22. That was mostly my question Thanks. The thing is the more we spread the more coverage we get but the more likely we will spread outdated erroneous information. Also, I hope it won't but if Wikibooks goes down, you have nothing left the same happens if you stop updating it
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