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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well they are filters so that would be counter intuitive. Plus if a new player comes to the game and sees 0 maps that's not gonna do it
  2. No I think he shared it on the forums somewhere.
  3. Since you are in Fedora due to a bug we haven't resolve yet you will have to disable TLS in the game's options. It's in the lobby tab.
  4. Sound file recompression sounds a good job for @Samulis @Alexandermb can you use the png tool on your new textures to see if difference is visible ?
  5. Might want to suggest that into the tree thread. Farsi yes, ancient Persian no @Itms was working on something for them. Totally unrelated, this .rc file just adds information to the windows executable
  6. Ah yeah I see. Keep experimenting then
  7. There is so much art related stuff to do that's not art ;(
  8. Yeah that's true... Maybe @vladislavbelov might have insight on whether using texture atlases but having numerous models is better or worse. I couldn't find a thread discussing this. Maybe @Wijitmaker can enlighten us
  9. Do you need help for packaging again ? I could help if you give me a zip
  10. Indeed, yet it wouldn't change much in the game. The caching part where everything is grey might be slower, but after it's cached it will be using the dds and its mimaps. Yes. This is called texel density and it should be added to the Art Design document. Each type of objects should have a texture size depending on its size. The Art Design Document should be split into different wiki pages for new artists, and that might actually be a good theme for my presentation in the art school in Rennes in may. This is a daunting task though. I'd appreciate some help in that department. Were we to reduce texture size, original pngs should be put in the art repository.
  11. Hey, actually not really. All the textures are cached as dds file, using either DXT1 or DXT5 before getting into the game Package bundle comme with dds and not png But I might have not compressed that png yes.
  12. Yeah like the current one from the gauls. You can put everything you want in it The goal is just to reduce the number of loaded textures.
  13. I hate being the bad guy... But I guess it has to be done for the game to not reduce in quality. Celtic_Shields - Variants use four spaces instead of two. - Carnyx + Scabbards should be a separate commit - Naming conventions → https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument#FileNamingConventions No spaces in the file name are allowed No capital letters are allowed XML, PMD, PSA, DDS files should use these rules. For any file-formats not specially mentioned here, follow similar naming rules to fit the file type. If using numbers always use two digits. Example: 01, not 1 Use underscore ( _ ) to separate portions of the file name Use this order <general>_<civ>_<type>_<extra>_<variation> If the folder path to the file already defines one portion of the name, exclude that from the file name. - Might want to use letters or numbers but not both. - Shields should be in a texture atlas. Loading that many textures will be heavy. - If you are adding duplicates in both gaul and brit folder of the celt folder I think they must be removed. Less maintenance to do. - Incorrect indent in some of the actors - Might want to give a name to the main variant, like base with a frequency of "1" in case we have different models one day. Celtic_Shields_Horses - You removed the rider on death, is that intended ?
  14. Doesn't seem like a good idea, not all random maps are good in an artistic sense. Well actually it should be random/procedural They are random because of the seed, and procedural in the way they are generated. Well it's old... Also worth noting, the art department is more active now than it has been in the past 5 years. I have a few things in my eyecandy mod but I need to improve my skills more... https://github.com/0ADMods/eyecandy Well it's actually not the case, if I had more hands I'd do some improvements over some building assets. The issue is there is no one working on skirmish maps. @niektb was the last one, and he is now retired. If @wowgetoffyourcellphone wants to propose some updates to the existing non random maps, I guess I can review them. By the way wow what do you think of the last berry bushes by bigtiger ? Remind me I need to package @Bigtiger's mod with his permission to include the new biome in the game.
  15. Will fix it asap for some reason the commit did not add all my changes... Thanks for the report.
  16. Yes you can. There have been quite a few other AIs over the years
  17. Yeah I get it, I was actually hoping we had at least an option to disable shadows ^^
  18. I guess you could discuss it with @borg- and @Itms
  19. Well you could look at D14 and tell us why it segfaults and then improve it
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