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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @wackyserious I was looking for something else, and stumbled on this, this might help you figure out shadows on your textures
  2. Clean workspaces, delete vs folders and try again. Since there were changes to the precompiled headers, you might have files that don't get recompiled for some reason.
  3. I'm afraid the front part will be either too massive or too small...
  4. Depends, will you fix your patch that has been reviewed ?
  5. Well it should be in an imperial roman folder so... I don't know.
  6. Well that's a visual effect petra don't actually see the map. But it know where its enemies are
  7. What if you add them to the wallset ?
  8. I think @Itms disabled the autobuild for windows compiler migration.
  9. Well you can keep a copy but I'll move it to old public most probably. The game is getting hug with all the added actors Also nothing's really lost you can just revert
  10. Well currently the AI commands are not written to the replay there is a ticket and a patch for that by @Sandarac. But if you manage to send the commands on the network I guess it can. The only issue is that the ai has a revealed map. Maybe @elexis or @wraitii know more.
  11. Even if it inherits from the wall tower template ? In the dwarves mod (unreleased tm) I made the fortress around the long wall piece. You can upgrade the wall into a fortress for a fee. I need to change the foot print code and manage to offset the obstruction and it would work
  12. I'm not doing the basillica I'm doing the other one the basilica looks too much like the current building...
  13. Well they did make massive walls
  14. Yeah, maybe one day we will have navmeshes when @wraitii is finished with the pathfinder, so we can have bridges, and we can also reuse the celt sloped walls
  15. GLSL BUG > ig8icd32.dll!5de0caa1() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ig8icd32.dll] Unknown No symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Link() Line 380 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Reload() Line 465 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewProgram(const char * name=0x004fec3c, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines={...}, std::shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & program={...}) Line 271 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadProgram(const char * name=0x004fec3c, const CShaderDefines & defines={...}) Line 68 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewEffect(const char * name=0x00576da0, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines={...}, std::shared_ptr<CShaderTechnique> & tech={...}) Line 545 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name={...}, const CShaderDefines & defines1={...}, const CShaderDefines & defines2={...}) Line 369 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name={...}) Line 351 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!SkyManager::RenderSky() Line 262 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions(const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor={...}) Line 1538 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderScene(Scene & scene) Line 1897 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CGameView::Render() Line 489 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Line 223 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::ReallyStartGame() Line 319 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Line 279 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 364 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc=1, const char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 634 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 680 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 126 C Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc=1, unsigned short * * wargv=0x0054edf8, unsigned short * wenvp=0x00557d98) Line 151 C Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 623 C Non-user code. Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 364 C++ Symbols loaded. kernel32.dll!76d38494() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. OS : Win8.1 (6.3.9200) CPU : x86, Intel Celeron N3060 @ 1.60GHz (1x2x1), 1.60 GHz Memory : 4096 MiB; 1442 MiB free Graphics Card : Intel Intel(R) HD Graphics 400 OpenGL Drivers : 4.4.0 - Build; OpenGL 4.4.0 - Build Video Mode : 1366x768:32 Sound Card : OpenAL Soft on Altavoz/Auricular (Realtek High Definition Audio); Sound Drivers : 1.1 ALSOFT 1.17.1
  16. Merged with this thread. @Hannibal_Barca, @user1
  17. Just found this in @Wijitmaker's files maybe there can be some ideas in there.
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