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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You guys know there is a code block thing on the forums right ? (This way code is not lost after the image expire)
  2. Hello and welcome to the forums. Why were you banned in the first place ? Usually it's because of profanity on the lobby or because you use multiple accounts. Both are marked in the ToU as being banning reasons. Also please note that bans are usually temporary. I'm pinging @user1 to hear his version of the story.
  3. AFAIK no blend files were committed. Which means you have to do cleaning work to stay under 800 polys. Might be worth it.
  4. Can't wait to showcase all this for A24 mates
  5. I think he meant sharing all the screenshots Lordgood, Alexandermb, Wackyserious post on the forums on social media. We communicate very little on stuff we do which gives the impression that we are doing nothing. (Which is wrong of course) I think the problem with the art department is we are not going in one specific direction so it's hard to say what's being worked on. Most of the stuff is on on the public forums. I just use PMs to be on track with anyone else. If I had to give the current status Id say Wackyserious is at school for now Lordgood is killing trees, and Alexandermb is giving polish to art units. I am not doing much art wise. I'm cleaning stuff a bit and preparing the boring tasks that needs to be done. I also need to keep learning so I don't throw 20 bucks away each month.
  6. Well he has 200 000 subscribers so that helps ^^
  7. Well since we are all still here there is hope.
  8. Looks like I just added an asset import mission to my to-do list
  9. I have on my task list a plan to make the display of the specific name optional.
  10. Hey and welcome back to the forums. Assuming this is not a SPAM/Scam, I'm not sure I understand. Who gets rewarded ? The projects or the individuals ? If it's individuals it could work, but if it's the project I'm not sure SPI allows us to have funds like this.
  11. Actually I agree with you on that. Itms recently launched a new Initiative that's called Housekeeping days, with the goal to help fix that. The first iteration was mostly trac reorganization, but the goal is to keep patches out of the review queue as well. If I remember correctly though the last two things you linked on Phab were patches, not differentials, and I don't see them on my dashboard, and since they are not technically asking to be reviewed that's why they might go unnoticed (Along with all the other reasons)
  12. I don't think he will ever come back as Fork AD 9001 will fulfill anything we could offer him. Unless of course Fork AD 9001 becomes the only 0 A D. As of for why he might have left I guess you should ask him directly. I guess parts of the answer lie in the Fork AD thread. True. However there's been quite a few blows in the past years. I don't think AI will be picked up anytime soon. We never know but the code is gonna be a big leap of faith for anyone agnostic to it. However as I said since mimo is still working on it there are still hopes for improvements. Keeping them in sync though might be harder.
  13. You are welcome. My goal is and I guess will always be making 0 A.D. an enjoyable experience for the players. So I can give back what was given to me when I played videogames. I believe players have the right to know what is going on however sad it might be.
  14. Did you enable the 0ad mod as well ? You need to have both the game and the mod enabled.
  15. Sure. I have no contact with them so I assumed you would infirm or confirm the statement. I don't remember any such discussion taking place but I might be wrong.
  16. Well... I don't have any solution to this. Also it's not really my call to make as I'm not a team programmer. Yeah that was I referring to. I guess time will tell. Maybe something good will come out of this maybe not. One can only hope. Didn't they say first quarter 2019 ? That would be in a month
  17. There could be complications. Like some edge case fixed by some random commit we don't know about which isn't a problem without the improved AI. That is only assuming they keep their repository private forever. If we are able to see their commits it will be easier to track changes.
  18. I wasn't sure of that. I assumed it had more chances to work with the AI with similar names. That's why I left it untouched.
  19. Well the best thing would be that someone do a knowledge transfer with mimo but I don't know whether he would accept to do that. Else we'd have to wait for someone to come along and learn about the current AI or make another one. We can also dumbly copy paste fork AD AI code each time they release their source.
  20. Well those settings work better for Direct X games. As I said earlier it's unlikely the console on Mac and Linux for the Nvidia drivers give you as much control as Windows drivers do.
  21. Thanks so what would be the best for the Generic name ? Assembly of princes ?
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