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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You mean aside from remaking them ?
  2. Well given how flat the map is, I'd say it's not finished ?
  3. Unfortunately the mod wasn't uploaded to mod.io so you cannot download it. I could package it if people are interested would reduce the size of the mod, and the time it takes on first load.
  4. Yeah, should be fine. Not much to be packaged with maps.
  5. @feneur You might want to lift the 3 posts limit. Looking at the crash's call stack it is indeed the GLSL bug. Thanks for the report. > pyrogenesis.exe!PerformErrorReaction(ErrorReactionInternal er, unsigned int flags, volatile int * suppress) Line 426 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!debug_DisplayError(const wchar_t * description, unsigned int flags, void * context, const wchar_t * lastFuncToSkip, const wchar_t * pathname, int line, const char * func, volatile int * suppress) Line 483 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!wseh_ExceptionFilter(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS * ep) Line 289 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 365 C++ [External Code] ntdll.dll![Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll] Unknown pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Link() Line 380 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Reload() Line 465 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewProgram(const char * name, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines, std::shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & program) Line 271 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadProgram(const char * name, const CShaderDefines & defines) Line 68 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewEffect(const char * name, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines, std::shared_ptr<CShaderTechnique> & tech) Line 545 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name, const CShaderDefines & defines1, const CShaderDefines & defines2) Line 369 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name) Line 351 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!SkyManager::RenderSky() Line 262 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions(const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor) Line 1538 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderScene(Scene & scene) Line 1897 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CGameView::Render() Line 489 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Line 223 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::ReallyStartGame() Line 319 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Line 279 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 364 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 634 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 680 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc, char * * argv) Line 126 C pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc, unsigned short * * wargv, unsigned short * wenvp) Line 151 C [External Code] pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 364 C++ [External Code]
  6. I think there is a tech for hp regen in the temple.
  7. Yeah I believe there is already something like that for women.
  8. That's the original layout ? XD Which is currently in A23B. Which also looks more like the blacksmith layout.
  9. You can add attachments to your post by drag and drop. In the mean time you can disable GLSL and postprocessing in the game options. EDIT: Merged the posts
  10. Since 0 A.D. is a hobbyist project and has lasted for more than 18 years, it will be fine. Also the founders didn't account for everything.
  11. Hey @crazy_Baboon well first it would be nice to have some screenshots Then if it's good you will need to sign the art legal waiver before we can do anything with it.
  12. In the actor tab you can switch between entites and actors(all) just filter with grass keyword.
  13. No you have to place it manually using actors. You can copy paste them though
  14. Currently the Engine does not allow changing the sun position through the simulation but pne could add that.
  15. Okay. What would you change ? Could you sketch a new one ?
  16. That's because you forgot a vertex group for the Vehicle bone. If you assign the rest of the car to it it will work
  17. @wowgetoffyourcellphone What's wrong with the new roman barracks ?
  18. You should really use the quote feature of the forum. It makes it hard to distinguish your words from theirs
  19. Yeah I believe that @Tiber7 kind of ran out of time... @Skhorn as well.
  20. Yeah it will extend. However if you take the map binary it can be anything you want cause it's generated code and not part of the game.
  21. That would be CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GPLV2 for js code.
  22. I'm with wow here. Though my argument would also be that the scale will look wrong. One will have either a to small area in the middle too few steps or too tiny ones.
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