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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well they did make massive walls
  2. Yeah, maybe one day we will have navmeshes when @wraitii is finished with the pathfinder, so we can have bridges, and we can also reuse the celt sloped walls
  3. GLSL BUG > ig8icd32.dll!5de0caa1() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ig8icd32.dll] Unknown No symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Link() Line 380 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramGLSL::Reload() Line 465 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewProgram(const char * name=0x004fec3c, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines={...}, std::shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & program={...}) Line 271 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadProgram(const char * name=0x004fec3c, const CShaderDefines & defines={...}) Line 68 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::NewEffect(const char * name=0x00576da0, const CShaderDefines & baseDefines={...}, std::shared_ptr<CShaderTechnique> & tech={...}) Line 545 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name={...}, const CShaderDefines & defines1={...}, const CShaderDefines & defines2={...}) Line 369 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderManager::LoadEffect(CStrIntern name={...}) Line 351 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!SkyManager::RenderSky() Line 262 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions(const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor={...}) Line 1538 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderScene(Scene & scene) Line 1897 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CGameView::Render() Line 489 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Line 223 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::ReallyStartGame() Line 319 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Line 279 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 364 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc=1, const char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 634 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 680 C++ Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00810008) Line 126 C Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc=1, unsigned short * * wargv=0x0054edf8, unsigned short * wenvp=0x00557d98) Line 151 C Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 623 C Non-user code. Symbols loaded. pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 364 C++ Symbols loaded. kernel32.dll!76d38494() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found. OS : Win8.1 (6.3.9200) CPU : x86, Intel Celeron N3060 @ 1.60GHz (1x2x1), 1.60 GHz Memory : 4096 MiB; 1442 MiB free Graphics Card : Intel Intel(R) HD Graphics 400 OpenGL Drivers : 4.4.0 - Build; OpenGL 4.4.0 - Build Video Mode : 1366x768:32 Sound Card : OpenAL Soft on Altavoz/Auricular (Realtek High Definition Audio); Sound Drivers : 1.1 ALSOFT 1.17.1
  4. Merged with this thread. @Hannibal_Barca, @user1
  5. Just found this in @Wijitmaker's files maybe there can be some ideas in there.
  6. 2. Yes you can bundle another AI as a mod. That's what @agentx did with his AI a long time ago now.
  7. Stan`


    Well you said the entire lobby so I assumed it was the XMPP server Okay. @elexis Yeah which is why the moderators need to identify them.
  8. Stan`


    Indeed it is not. Since you seem to have information on that person, maybe @user1 @Hannibal_Barca may do something. Would be nice to know if his IP was used to create a DoS on your router. Maybe he didn't use a VPN. Any fix of the sort on the actual lobby @user1, @Dunedan ?
  9. Stan`


    To be pedantic it cannot be a DDoS (distributed denial of service) if there is only one computer doing the deed. It would be nice to have actual proof someone is trying to cause denial of service. Do you have any logs on your router to support your claim ? I'm not saying you are lying, but not much can be done without proof unfortunately.
  10. Stan`


    I believe @ffm has a fix for the network lag maybe he even recompiled the game with some more fixes. Due to the netclient not being threaded if there is too much timeout it might freeze the game and cause disconnection. @elexis has a patch for this.
  11. Well it depends on whether they are domestic or not. But one could make units go wild
  12. some animals ignore all orders no ?
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1718
  14. Well i made a patch to make trees grow back resources over time
  15. Yeah this is the only picture I could find. I mean has no one tried to forge them again ? So from what I see the hammer has an octagonal shape, and a spiky slightly curved end ?
  16. @Genava55 Did you have a chance to see the new shields in the SVN version of the game ? Are they accurate now ?
  17. @Sundiata, @Genava55 are there blacksmith hammer head reconstructions ? All the images I see seem too... Modern ?
  18. Given the error message in the pm he sent me he should disable tls in the game's option lobby tab.
  19. Yeah I believe shadows are really important for the depth effect. The modders at Taleworlds and at Total War made really awesome textures even though the engine wasn't that good, and I always found it awesome how they could take every little detail out. I mean look at this, it is ridiculous: (Taken from the Uniform spoiler here)
  20. Sweet ! The details, though if you want to do more armors, why not For some reason they look better than yours (no offense, also not all of them) but I can't pinpoint why they look better, maybe it's because they have a normal map, which you can by the way enable on animated meshes by setting gpuskinning = "true" in your game options, or maybe it's because they have more details, or different shadows. Maybe @wowgetoffyourcellphone or @LordGood could give you a better insight.
  21. @wackyserious Some ideas for you https://www.artstation.com/artwork/94ZkR https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?topic=72668.0 http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?633346-Lines-of-Battle-New-textures-unit-Previews/page2&styleid=41 Can you try to add more details like this ? (From the 3rd link) EDIT: I believe we have no special texture for Ptolemy IV, a very brief description can be found here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Ptolemies
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