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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I took the liberty to redact your post, it's a bit clearer now.
  2. What did you change when it last worked ?
  3. Unfortunately no. That's a patch by @Freagarach https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1819
  4. There is patch for it on Phab I think (Capturing)
  5. Stan`


    That would be @user1
  6. if you disabled all you companies protections and it still doesn't work I guess the problem is on their side.
  7. Just to make sure they do not include any other unseen bugs.
  8. Ping @elexis / @Imarok Are you in a school network, a Wi-Fi hotspot or any potentially network restricted place ?
  9. Can you edit your post to only have the greek names, use spoilers by civ, thanks ? Each civ should have one differential
  10. I guess it can be a bit similar to what is done for the wonder then.
  11. They are stalled by elexis until they have been marked as safe.
  12. Fonts are extracted by a python script and pre rendered for the game as a bitmap and a position text file for the game to find those chars. Few issues. Those are big (so big in fact that asian fonts should be bundled separately as mods) Those do not scale well with 4K resolution (and become blurry) I'm not really sure how the script works. I believe Itms does.
  13. Don't worry, I'll help you ! No unfortunately you need either VS2015 (recommended) or VS2017 (You might have some tweaking to do) (2019 does not bundle the VS2015 compiler) You can find it here : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/ You need to download the patch save it as a .diff file then apply it like it's explained here how to (you can also download each file manually as view options → show raw file right, and replace the existing ones)
  14. Try to apply the patch in the link vladislav gave you above then compile the game, let me know if you have issues
  15. Making fonts for the game is a bit more complex than that... Just having the TTF/OTF/... doesn't do everything.
  16. As for that, It's not really lost if you keep the source isn't it ? Sure, you cannot go back, but we should keep the original ancient greek words somewhere. Maybe a wiki page.
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