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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Updated https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1718 <ResourceSupply> <MaxAmount>200</MaxAmount> <Growth> <GrowsWhenAliveOnly/> <Rate>2</Rate> <Interval>1000</Interval> </Growth> <Decay> <DecaysWhenDeadOnly/> <Rate>1</Rate> <Interval>1000</Interval> </Decay> </ResourceSupply>
  2. I believe (though thinking about it I'm not sure anymore) than the idea was that the unit "experience" levels where meant to depict their wealth. Like say from the cannonfodder to the elite bodyguard. Of course it could also depict historical evolution; I just would find it weird if the more you make research the less the unit is equipped.
  3. Would be nice to have this as well - https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1899
  4. Yeah, but that means more things running in the background, and so potentially more lag if there are a lot of units abusing it I'll update the diff when I have some time. Also I like to avoid memory access collision, two timers writing in the same variable at the same time might cause issues. I meant on a code standpoint if you print the health on the deer while it's alive: var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_HEALTH); if (cmpHealth) warn(cmpHealth.GetHitpoints) // will print 50 (Current Deer Health) While it's dead var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_HEALTH); if (cmpHealth) warn(cmpHealth.GetHitpoints) // will print 100 (Current Deer food amount inherited from the Hunt template)
  5. Could work as well. I just didn't want to have two timers. Also trees are not alive. Their health bar is the resource bar.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums. Try disabling GLSL and postprocessing in the game's options.
  7. Yeah I fought a bug for a while and didn't remember to change it XD
  8. You could do that with that patch. For now I was thinking making it start at one third or half, so you can hunt a bit at the begginning of the games. Could be done in a separate patch Pretty easy to do. I might not have thought of all the cases so it might break But currently <a:example> <Amount>1000</Amount> <Type>food.meat</Type> <KillBeforeGather>false</KillBeforeGather> <MaxGatherers>25</MaxGatherers> <DiminishingReturns>0.8</DiminishingReturns> <Regeneration> <Fattening> <GrowsWhenAliveOnly /> <Rate>0.5</Rate> <MaxAmount>500</MaxAmount> </Fattening> <Decaying> <DecaysWhenDeadOnly /> <Rate>0.5</Rate> </Decaying> <RegenInterval>500</RegenInterval> </Regeneration> </a:example>
  9. Anything, for now just sheep cause I'm testing it but it could apply to literally anything. Could work, What do you have in mind.
  10. I started working on a feature that allows sheep to gain more food over time, and make animal's food decay over time, when being left out (rotting) I was wondering if that's something you guys would like to see in the game which would have a positive impact, or if you think that's better for a mod. @borg- @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Nescio @Hannibal_Barca https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1718
  11. I'm not sure but I believe the reasons we don't have images is because of security reasons... @Itms will know more.
  12. Looks okayish you might be able to use more uv space by organizing things a bit differently like joining the two middle space. Just make sure that all the uvs have the same texture space. By using the UV texture with squares.
  13. Not a great fan of the wolf maybe if it was inside out
  14. Feels a bit squared and like it was stretched on the Z axis. Looks nice otherwise.
  15. Hello, No unfortunately currently you cannot do that. There is a ticket for it, but no one has taken it for now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Sure what do you have in mind for the decal ? Anything we already have or something new ? (I just use it so we don't see the foundations below. About the shingle roof I don't know I guess we could put it over the wooden entrance. But I think it will look bad replacing the hay roof.
  17. Always happy to help. Always happy to see interesting initiatives so if you could keep updated that'd be awesome
  18. Having a 256x512 texture sound fine. You will need different variant of the mesh for flaps skirts and stuff.
  19. When it will be reviewed, extensively tested, and finished by @Kuba386
  20. Just had a look, and while this is really nice I must say the Kushite boats look too big compared to the other ship, they make the quinquereme look small. They could probably use some props to make them look less bland as well. Otherwise great job. Didn't check the indentations, but pretty sure you should Make sure to update the boats templates accordingly, some boats have become bigger.
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