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  1. Maybe deleting buildings should not be possible, instead you should be able to command units to dismantle them; it would take time but you get resources back. Or deleting should take time, like after you press delete the building gradually loses health over like 10 seconds, and stops if captured.
  2. I use call to arms a lot; I changed its hotkey to c, and made z select idle and x select wounded so all three are in easy reach. I should use attack move more.
  3. The one problem with the shortcut is it doesn't work when units are in formation; it treats the whole formation as one unit.
  4. I've played with the mod some, and I believe it is an improvement. Might want to reduce the Gaia fanatics in Caledonian valleys map, they can be pretty dangerous early game with extra attack.
  5. I'm a conscientious person and don't right click on women, so my units may commit war crimes but I don't. I would prefer women being capturable, and deleting units equal dismissing them rather than killing them. A score victory condition would be nice; the requirement for victory should be to both have at least a certain score, and have like double the score of any enemy player.
  6. How about scythe chariots and elephants?
  7. Would there be a way to number units as they are built? Having units numbered is very important to controlling them, I usually number some archers 1, cavalry 2, infantry 3, and so on. It would be nice if I could auto queue a barracks to produce a type of unit and add them to a numbered group as they are trained, so when I need them I can just hit their number, hit call to arms (i made that hotkey c) and click where I need them.
  8. I'm from southern Indiana, USA, in my 30s. I've played the game occasionally since a22, and do a little modding. My oldest son will be old enough to play soon. My username is Plato's brother, the character in the Republic who is more practical and likes a simple life. I think the name means 'fearless.' I know some Greek and Spanish, and bits of several other languages. I'm a homesteader, raising some of our own food and working toward going off grid.
  9. Anything that changes will have side effects, but reducing range damage will have less effect than increasing melee attack. I propose trying some of each: reduce range attack and increase melee attack each by 20%, reduce melee armor by one level. I also think javelins attack should be reduced more than others, and compensate them by giving them more armor.
  10. Maybe instead of raising melee attack lower range attack (especially javelins). Or some of each.
  11. I like the way Delenda Est does capturing buildings; units can only capture Civic centers and temples, and once you capture a Civic center it'll capture the economy buildings in its radius. It would also be nice if possible for defensive buildings to become capturable only after losing half their hitpoints. Anyone know how hard that would be to implement? It's annoying the way enemy soldiers will capture my buildings and then delete them, or how my soldiers will go and try to capture towers they have no chance of getting. Attacking buildings should have a bigger role in the game. I think the regular game should implement these changes.
  12. I got the impression that you wanted to halve armor and double attack. If anything i think that would make melee weaker and make it more possible to win battles with an army of only archers.
  13. Basically, this change makes infantry more similar to infantry in the age of empires series. I think you should apply the changes you propose to some melee units but not all of them. Leave the spearman alone, maybe reduce only the melee armor on the swordmen and only the pierce armor on the pikemen (that'll affect how much you should increase their attack), go ahead with the other changes. That way each unit will be more unique, allowing more strategies for army composition.
  14. Maybe make the unlock champions upgrade really cheap, and eliminate it for dedicated buildings. Having to wait for city phase and then the long train time delay them a lot.
  15. Increasing melee attack and reducing armor would make infantry more like Age of Empires. It would also make them better against siege (good), and more vulnerable to range cav (and jav cav are OP already). Reducing javelin dps should happen first. I'd like melee infantry to include in some tanky units and some with higher attack lower armor.
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