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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I guess that could be a good start for @Pablinski2 ? (If he is up to it of course)
  2. Hey btw @OptimusShepard and I might have found a fix for it
  3. Hey @Pablinski2, Really sorry for the misunderstanding I guess I should have better advertised this thread as my own task list.... I already modelled and textured the hare. It's just waiting for someone to animate it. It turned out the rabbit armature wasn't that great. If you want to model animals there are plenty to choose from in the animals thread. If you need guidance or anything really just ask me . Really sorry. EDIT: Here are the files hare.blend
  4. Hey @Langbart thanks for trying. I believe this a sdl2 bug because we use an outdated version. You could try modifying the build script to a more recent one.
  5. Sure, the issue is that when using the lobby, the game is trying to connect through your router instead of using you local network to join your sibling. EDIT: Oh my bad. did you try direct connect through IP?
  6. Hey, Sorry for the inconvenience, you can try the following fix, or just click continue when the popups come out. We are currently investigating this issue with AMD.
  7. Well I need help modelling new scifi buildings, civil war buildings, ww2 buildings, we could use help modelling @Obskiuras awesome suebi concepts, else we have a middle eastern
  8. Hello @Pablinski2 Welcome to the forums! It's nice to see new artist coming. There is plenty of work to do, mainly for the mods. What era are you most interested in? (This way I can direct you to interesting mods you might want to contribute too) In any case you need to sign this And make sure you do not use copyrighted materials As for the workflow it's a bit detailed here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ArtDesignDocument#FileNamingConventions You can see a simple guide for how to get your meshes in the game : https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Basic3DImplementation And for animations here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial You can also have a look at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide If you have any questions, you can ask them here, on IRC, channel #0ad-dev, or to me directly. Don't hesitate to ask even what you think are stupid questions
  9. Well I use visual studio and it does that for me. On linux I guess you can use eclipse or something There is cppcheck that would do lint if they merged the coala bear update. we also use eslint. i made a patch for a clang format bear.
  10. Should be close to the same, but instead of ipconfig you should use $ ifconfig If you are on a distribution where it's not present because it has been deprecated, you can use $ ip a
  11. ping @user1 This is unfortunately a limitation of the current lobby window. You can currently join a internet hosted game if you are on the same network as the host. You have to use another connection, or a vpn. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. That could be done with status effects. Javelin units attacking shields and putting a malus on armor @Freagarach
  13. Hello and welcone to the forums @ImportantBookWorm It depends if you mean the game or in general :). If you mean the game we mainly have two languages. JavaScript and C++. Python ShellScript and perl are only used for external tools. JavaScript is used for AI, Random Map Generation, GUI interaction, and What we call Simulation. For simulation it's only for the not performance critical part of the code. C++ is used for the rendering engine performance critical code multiplayer. Multiplayer implies a lot of things so can you be more specific about what you want to know. The art is in mod folders binaries/data/mods/*** Usually people are interested in contributing, modding or playing not so much making new games
  14. It was made using @Alexandermb's blend file for banners
  15. rally_point_goth.xcf deer.svg rally_point_goth.xcf deer.svg
  16. Hello @pujok Thanks for considering the Pyrogenesis engine for your game It's not possible currently. According to @vladislavbelov in this thread, it's not that hard. It's actually a planned feature, there is just no one working on it. It's not possible yet, because there is no hooks between the Simulation and that specific component on the map, but it could be added if someone works on it. There were some mentions here and there There is already an experience system, where units promote while attacking others. In A24, we will allow building to train their units. There are technologies called paired techs, which can only be one out of two choices That's doable using something we call auras (basically using prepared map you could put special entities boosting or slowing speed), proper implementation is not done yet depending on terrain textures. You'd need extra code for this. Currently it's not supported. @Freagarach @Angen might help you more.
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