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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @trompetin17 had some plans for Autosave at some point, I haven't seen him in a while...I guess fixing the crash would be nice ^^
  2. I assume wxwidgets, the library we use to display the game, uses GTK on Linux.
  3. I guess something calls the profiler while it shouldn't. Probably another good reason to transform atlas to use the gui instead of an external lib.
  4. What version of the game are you running?
  5. You can do so too, but you need to compile it.
  6. Nice work @Trinketos ! Gotta make a mod now
  7. @user1 I believe there might be some GDPR issues.
  8. As long as you learn and have fun it's okay with me I would vote for the one with the smaller door though. Advice, try to randomnize the uvmap of the beams, we can see a pattern
  9. I'm not sure who this message is targeted to?
  10. Depends on the patterns. Some were remade from scratch using vases some are just animals vectorized. Some come from the old shields.
  11. One would have to update the maps accordingly. But we could also phase out the straight palissade.
  12. Access for , private, home, and public networks?
  13. Could be, but maybe this is something else, did you check all the firewalls? Router + Windows?
  14. We are currently working with AMD to fix the issue. In the mean time you can do the following
  15. Since they change the JS code it's highly likely
  16. If you host now in the lobby can you see it there ?
  17. Yes I wanted to showcase them on social media but we need to get rid of the innacurate ones first.
  18. That's because when importing actors it imports the unit they were exported in. You need to switch it back in the options. Safest way - Import inch exported mesh - Save blend file - Create new blend with meters - Append from the first blend.
  19. Yeah it's okay. In the screenshot you provided there is unpnp. It's to allow the router to do port forwarding automatically
  20. Is unpnp enabled? Are you friends in the same location ? You need to foward the port to whatever your local address is.
  21. Okay so now you should have both the files and the importer. You can now import any static model from the game into blender just find the actor, binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/** And use the import option of blender to import it
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