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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You need to add their skeleton file (XML) in art/skeletons
  2. Notice the Z axis (height) So actually would be 0.853 x 0.46 x 2.13m
  3. @wik you can also try https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2476 Don't hesitate to drop by IRC #0ad-dev on quakenet.org if you have any questions.
  4. chrome.zip There is still this material that was made by @wraitii maybe we could make something out of it.
  5. For the atlas specific issue https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2019
  6. You might need to enable them in the main game then start atlas again.
  7. Usually yes, using a wide variety of methods. Can be 2D painting, or sometimes a bit of 3D and 2D, or more recently vector images using Inkscape.
  8. For the offcenter issue use the set origin feature of blender use bounds center. then move the object back to the origin of the scene and ctrl+a to apply location
  9. Do you think you can convince him to join #0ad-dev on quakenet.org instead so we can ping him directly?
  10. Well it would be if it was a boolean, wouldn't it?
  11. Stan`

    USA Arsenal

    I guess it will produce cannons and maybe some techs related to that, although more generic techs related to firearms will probably be in another building
  12. Stan`

    USA Arsenal

    Okay, great, Now I know how to rename the template in the 1861 mod.
  13. Stan`

    USA Arsenal

    @Trinketos do you meant it as a blacksmith building?
  14. Could be her firewall If it doesn't allow 0 A.D. on private networks for instance
  15. I guess you could apply https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2126 by @Freagarach
  16. One could create a 3D actor with obstruction to create a small lake uphill. Currently there is only one water plane.
  17. Thanks! The screenshot make the palisade fit quite long. Yeah I planned to fix it myself, as animation can be quite complicated for a beginner Can you share such errors?
  18. I could commit those textures, they look indeed great. But feel free to make suggestions. I've been willing to improve ours for years. I had some in my eyecandy mod, but never managed to get the reviewed
  19. Something for the engine split. It might break a lot of stuff. But yeah eventually. Will try. As for empires besieged I really want to put together the mod with the factions; Just not having the time currently. Prequel could be 0 A.D. : Empire Origins Then 0 A D. : Empires Unity 0AD : Modern warfare ;:D
  20. I guess at some point we'll have to make that clear ^^.
  21. Git != github Git = versionning technology Github = website hosting git repository. Don't worry about it 0 A.D. has a mirror. If we had too many pngs we'd know
  22. Yeah, it's on @wraitii's list.
  23. That's because you run a too recent version of gcc. You need to apply an additional fix for fcollada, from the Fedora guys See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5709
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