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  1. Since the graphics have been getting some nice upgrades lately due to the efforts of the art department, perhaps we can adjust the default zoom levels a bit for the base game. I am thinking: view.zoom.min = 30.0 ; Decreased from 50 to 30 for a closer min zoom to see the excellent artwork. view.zoom.max = 220.0 ; Increased from 200 to 220 for a farther max zoom. view.zoom.default = 120.0 ; Default camera zoom not affected We could make a ticket to add a couple presets to the game as well. Standard/Near/Far, so players can choose based on their gameplay style and their computer specs ("near" zoom values help with framerate, for instance).
    5 points
  2. Nieder_bieber with two visors: All of the gallic, nieder and italic works with the masks.
    3 points
  3. Oki, have read all the new information, from all of you, quite complete, thanks a lot. Yet though, I've had a long and difficult day with a client, I will process all the data better and in detail tomorrow. But I can already see that several tasks grab powerfully my attention (illustrations, portraits, animation, icons and animals (be it modeling, texturing or animation)). It will go depending on time available and all that, like for everyone. (PD: for the commitment I can realistically compromise, I'd see myself more of a probable "eternal external" contributor ) About the rules, yep, they seem reasonable, anything to contribute here must have its full sources, and with the rights and licenses, no probs. But I will process and reply all better tomorrow (or the reply the day after tomorrow, depending on this one person from today, and another client) Valete,
    3 points
  4. I would love this...
    2 points
  5. They must think 0 A.D. is for fetuses then. lol
    2 points
  6. Aye, this is for armour only. This would allow for a modder to circumvent specific resistance types. An example: The downside of this is, when we include it but noone uses it, that it means more code to maintain, more chance for bugs, for no benefit. I hope this clarifies it a bit @Trinketos? Otherwise feel free to ask! Anyone who is constructively participating on the forum is, IMHO, a contributor. But if you still want to be edited out (because you're no modder?), I'm willing to do that.
    2 points
  7. Yes. One of the major missing animations.
    2 points
  8. @Nescio, I just noticed something, and I wanted to share it with you. It's not directly relevant to your question about straight swords, but it's still interesting. I get the feeling sometimes that you're not the biggest fan of comparative history, which is understandable. A healthy dose of skepticism is good, and drawing conclusions from comparisons between disparate societies separated by space and time is definitely questionable. What I'm trying to say is that this isn't the case when comparing the 2nd Kingdom of Kush (Napatan and Meroitic Period) with New Kingdom Egypt. In fact the parallels are sometimes direct. I try to draw as much as I can from primary period Kushite sources (written, archaeological and pictorial). Then more secondary sources, like written accounts and depictions by foreigners (Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Assyrian, Persian and Aksumite). But these don't always suffice to create a complete picture of Kushite society. This is where I start comparing, and looking for potential parallels in New Kingdom, Late Period and Ptolemaic Period Egypt to the north, Nuba and other South/South-West Sudanese populations, and Beja/Blemmye in the East. Sometimes there is simply nothing to compare. But sometimes you end up staring at exactly the same thing, and the argument for incredible levels of cultural continuity in Sudan become all the stronger, and all the clearer. In my last post I referenced a New Kingdom image of Ramesses II, smiting his enemies, while Amun stands next to him offering him a sickle type blade. The image is from Abu Simbel, c. 1264 BC. I did this to quickly illustrate a type of blade I hadn't seen in Kushite art yet, but seemed to be the "knife of Amen-Re" that the Kushite King Aspelta was referring to in his stele. Here it is again: Here's the actual relief from Abu Simbel: Well, I recently found myself staring at a partially reconstructed facade of Temple 200 from Naqa, built by the Kushite King Amanikhareqerem in the 1st or 2nd century AD (Meroitic), at least 1300 years after Ramesses' relief was commissioned at Abu Simbel. Open and download image and zoom in for detail. It's the same scene! Especially the panel on the left is basically an inverse image of Ramesses' scene, created well over a millennium after the original source of inspiration was created. This is an example of a direct parallel between the New Kingdom and the 2nd Kingdom of Kush, well into the Meroitic period. Which is a little crazy... You might wonder what is the value of the Kushite version of the scene, if it's just a copy? Well, it's not a carbon copy. Kushites remixed everything and gave it their own spin. In this scene, Amun of Thebes seems to be replaced with Amun of Napata. There are lions at the feet of the king, unlike the Ramessede scene. Lions in such scenes aren't unknown in Egypt of course, but the style in which the lions are depicted is totally different. Amanikhareqerem is also wearing a similar, but more elaborate outfit than Ramesses in the left scene. The same type of outfit seen on Natakamani from his relief on the pylon of the lion temple in Naqa. Amanikhareqerem in the left panel is also wearing the same crown as Ramesses II. On the right scene the King is wearing a full body scale armor from his torso and arms, down to his knees. This type of armor isn't present in similar Egyptian scenes, but it's the same type of scale armor seen on a relief of Kushite King Tarekeniwal on the pylon of his pyramid chapel at Meroë. Also, the king is holding prisoners by their hair, while a spear with a massive blade can be seen sticking out vertically above the prisoners' head. Again, this confirms that the large blade sticking out above the head of prisoners in a variety of Kushite reliefs isn't a sword as some assumed, but the immense blade of a spear, whose shaft is obscured by the prisoners. Very similar spears with blades between c. 50 and 70 cm were actually found in the royal graves of El Hobagi (Post Meroitic). These types of spears are not known in Egypt to my knowledge. So basically, we're looking at the same scene as the Ramessede scene, adapted to a Kushite reality, with the king wearing typical Kushite versions of royal attire and armor, while holding at least one typically Kushite weapon. But not all the weapons in the scene are different from their Egyptian counterparts. The sickle shaped blade in the hand of Amun can be seen on both sides of the pylon. Essentially the same type as the one in the Ramessede scene. This is the blade that I believe the Kushites referred to as "šꜥd n ’Imn-Rꜥ" or "the Knife of Amen-Re", which is apparently distinct from the Khopesh of Amun. Note that just above the sickle shaped blade of Amun on the right panel, there is a circle (I assume to denote the holiness of Amun's weapon). The victory stele of King Tanyidamani (c. 100 BC), which I believe features a stylized full sized khopesh also has this circle above Amun's blade, which is much larger than the small blade in Amanikhareqerem's relief. Close up of one of the lions from Amanikhareqerem's temple. Lions aren't an uncommon depiction in Egyptian smiting scenes, but this Kushite style is totally different. The temple in question, in Naqa, right next to the Amun temple One example of an area where a comparative approach was necessary was Kushite boats/ships. There was very little to go on for a while, until discovering the crude graffito that depict a number of types of vessels similar to Egyptian models. I originally provided the following New Kingdom example of the ships of the King's son of Kush in a Theban scene: Well, I just came across a crude Meroitic period graffiti from Philae, depicting a ship which looks quite similar, more than a thousand years later. Typical high, upward and inward curving stern, elevated prow, cabins, double rudder, and this one also has a central mast. Of course there are many, many parallels that can be drawn between the two civilizations, and the ones mentioned here are simple illustrations of a concept that can be expanded to almost every aspect of their respective societies (with caution), including military. There were many differences as well, and that's why sticking to purely Kushite sources when and where possible is always the best approach. But where this isn't possible, for specific things like military formations or details in ship-design, looking at the New Kingdom is the closest you're going to get, for now. And this isn't a bad approach as long as you're already intimate with all the Kushite sources on the respective subjects first. So basically when it comes to comparing the New Kingdom to the Napatan and Meroitic periods, many aspect can be summed up as follows: same same, but different. This is also why I thought it was a bad idea to remove Nuba and Blemmye mercenaries, because you'll essentially end up with a Kushite faction that's pretty much just a rebirthed Iron Age New Kingdom, which is kind of how the Kushites viewed themselves, but it's also not the full story. What differentiates Kush from Egypt is the Kushite periphery, a tribal wild land, a savannah biome full of exotic people plants and animals, as opposed to the Egyptian periphery, which was just sand.
    2 points
  9. @The Undying Nephalim might want to take a look for Hyrule Conquest as for other mods the more options, the better (more useful) it will be. By the way, thank you for your hard work, I am definitely interested in what are you doing.
    2 points
  10. Te vas al disco C y creas una carpeta llamada 0ADSVN. @Obskiuras Sección 2: Haciendo tu primer “Checkout” Ahora necesitamos verificar la URL y hacer un “checkout” de la actual SVN en el directorio principal de tu disco duro. El acceso para anónimos es: http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk Pero ahora la nueva versión SVN es llamada nighly build, que se actualiza en la madrugada europea. https://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk Usa el directorio que prefieras. Aunque sugiero usar la carpeta C:ADsvn Trata de no usar carpetas con espacios tales como:, C:Mis DocumentosAD puede causar problemas. Ahora, sigue estos pasos. Haz “checkout” en el directorio del SVN. 1 en Windows Explorer, navega al directorio que has elegido para usar como Directorio raíz SVN. 2 Click derecho. Selecciona 'Checkout...' en la parte del SVN: 3 pon la 'Url del repositorio'. Y deja lo demas igual:
    1 point
  11. Hail to all modders! (@Exodarion, @darkinterloper, @borg-, @Nescio, @Angen, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, @Trinketos, @Stan`, @FeXoR, @asterix, @DarcReaver, @nani, @azayrahmad, @Loki1950 and all those not mentioned (we gotto have a list or something for this).) When working on improving support for armour (D2229) there rose some questions during discussion with @wraitii. I've seen some mods with directional damage support and, because templates ought to be changed anyways, I thought I might as well try to add some support in SVN, or at least make it easier. Template code as it stands: What I propose: The code to calculate the resistance to a specific attack would allow for resistance types to be circumvented. However, the condition as to which resistance type(s) to circumvent still needs to be coded in component files, by you. This leads to the loaded question: do you think this is worth a shot? (For those interested in the actual code and perhaps willing to give some feedback on that specifically: D2229.)
    1 point
  12. Hi, I would like to ask if someone could find some time and create seeding animation? So then current building animation for farms could be replaced with it? Thank you
    1 point
  13. The blacksmith upgrades seem rather meaningless to me for a number of reasons. First, they affect things too universally. Compare things to Age of Empires II, and the difference is stark. In 0 AD, there is a distinction given in attack upgrades but not defence in the case of ranged versus melee. Also, the technology cost seems outrageous in the case of the wood necessary to research the armour upgrades. Last, only two upgrades make concern of teching into a specific unit combination practically a nonexistent other than worrying about the cost. My proposal is to have three upgrades that are cheaper but have a less wide range of effect: A line of melee armour that would primarily affect infantry but also cavalry to a small degree. A line of armour upgrades for horses that only affect cavalry. These upgrades would be a bit more expensive than the former. A line of armour for ranged units. Lines of separate attack upgrades for melee and ranged units. There could be armour upgrades for elephants specifically, but that might be too situational. All of these upgrades would also operate under further limitations. Basic experience level infantry would only benefit from tier 1 upgrades, advanced could enjoy the benefits of tier 2 as well, and elite and champion units could work with the tier three upgrades. Ranged units would have fewer available armour upgrades since armour was less prevalent for them, and the upgrades available would probably only affect advanced, elite, and champion units. The reasons for using this system to me would be that the experience system would fit more organically into the game design and veterans would matter more. The third tier for armour might also, with a benefit, have a tantalising choice such as what was originally hoped for like heavier armour at the cost of movement speed.
    1 point
  14. @Servo Here are some comparisons: You should compare your current narration video with my first one. I had no editors that time, and it took me several takes to get it the way I wanted it. And I still ended up being to shy to speak. What I use is simplescreenrecorder to record the video, and my phone for recording the audio. Make Audacity get rid of some noise. And finally use OpenShot to sync them together. It's a hassle, really. In the recording department, I don't have the patience setting up OBS. The fact that you have it means you have already the superior setup. Here are my tips based on experience: Keep recording, and keep talking. Experience is important. This is the best way I got that "shyness" away. Also, it helped set my mentality from "You're talking to a computer" to "You're talking to people on the internet." Watch your own videos, observe where you think you're lacking in and improve on it. This one's difficult on my part as I didn't like hearing my own voice. If I didn't want to watch my own video, who would? But at least you have yourself as your greatest critic. Have a Model Youtuber and Watch His/Her early Videos. I like resonance22channel's style. I wanted to be like him. But watching his newest videos wouldn't help me a lot. His first videos are still way better than mine, but I did see how far he's gotten because of them. The same case can be made for ZeroEmpires. Comments Section This one I can't help you much. But I hope you get some form of encouragement / critiques in the comments section. I don't know if it's true to the other Youtubers, but getting feedback from people is encouraging for me. So I hope you'll get some too.
    1 point
  15. I think both hardcore players and mod makers, as you say, have very different goals set in minds. Hardcore players have spent considerable time mastering current state of the game, therefore the mod they wish to make is one of subtle fixes and mechanics. Extreme changes means their effort learning the game could potentially be invalidated. Even bugs are embraced if it could be taken advantages of. However modders as a whole seek to exploit 0 A.D engine in any way possible to reach its full potential. Sometimes it means crazy weird changes with utter disregard of market needs. So in a way we're all biased toward certain goals. So I think we have to be open to new ideas and try them all, while the game is still unfinished and the risk of extreme changes is not as big as if we try it later on Beta stage. Although I predict whatever changes are applied to 0 A.D, some people will claim that it destroy gameplay, simply because they are not used to it. Look at every discussion whenever an online/esport game releases new update. But after a while the protests died down as players, hardcore and casual alike, get used to it and perhaps enjoy it even more. TL;DR: Modders wonder if they could, hardcore players wonder if they would, we need to work together to figure out if it should.
    1 point
  16. If one wants to read that sentence carefully it can be understood as just be related to work posted in the art development forum. And the icons can be understood as something other than work in this context (as they were not posted as work done for the project, but as references of what you are capable of doing). Either way, the text is mostly so we have some way to show that people are responsible for the things they post to abide by the license.
    1 point
  17. Yep, you may find paths to cache here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
    1 point
  18. Oops, my mistake, I apologize. Here you go: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/pull/23
    1 point
  19. Finally, I bought it. I would say that, although not perfect, the game in SP is a huge improvement. The really thing that I miss is the lack of gates (and the addition of triggers would have been a very quality improvement). Some guys before the launch, were complaining about farm reseeding saying that the game have been dumbed down for kids
    1 point
  20. I was just wondering if it had anything to do with A.I. I sure will enjoy now I can use atlas again! keep up the good work can't wait for the next update!
    1 point
  21. For the HDRi thing, you can either replace the scene sky by an environnement texture and use an hdri, or download the pro lighting skies by Andrew Price (the free version)
    1 point
  22. @Alexandermb Have you tried using an HDRI to bake in some fake but realistic reflections from the sky and such? I think Enrique suggested something similar recently. It would add to the realism of the helmets, which currently look a little as if they were lit under a spot, reflecting whites but no blues from the sky. (I know lighting is probably one of the most difficult things and an HDRI might be a bit hard on your system). Here's a beautiful example of how outside lighting reflects the sky in the polished metal As LordGood said, I think adding dirt and scratches afterwards with the spec map offers the cleanest approach, perhaps even using normals for heavier denting? Of course I'm not an expert in the matter. I just see you're still experimenting a lot so I thought I'd my 2 cents.
    1 point
  23. i can make you a belt following this:
    1 point
  24. En tus documentos. Ahora haces algo similar al svn. En la carpeta que creaste le das click y te va dar un menu similar. Lo que hsremos es clonar el repositorio(codigo) de delenda est. El codigo es este. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est.git Donde dice URL pones el codigo que te di. El directorio es la carpeta que creaste. Luego ledas ok. Y empieza a bajar todo. Hay un video de como hacer esto. Apartir del segundo minuto.
    1 point
  25. Hay que hacerle un acceso directo al ejecutable. ps/trunk/binaries/system/ Buscas pyrogenesis.exe Luego lo ejecutas para ver si se instaló bien, las texturas la primera vez cuesta cargarlas y aparecen grises pero va ir cargando.
    1 point
  26. Ya estoy haciendo lo del video
    1 point
  27. Mod with the helmets in 1024 resolution (2048 for a cleaner edges normal map) for art repo.
    1 point
  28. Rome_nieder_bieber: Missing cheeck Helmets for comparisson:
    1 point
  29. The thread is revealing the issues at hand. The question isn't about affecting Gameplay, but destroying it. @wowgetoffyourcellphone's answer to @Feldfeld's question is the embodiment of @Nescio's concern for the "necessary [gameplay] evil". The question "Does it Destroy Gameplay?" can be expressed by the players' opinions. Take for example their popular mods (Champion's Mod, and borg-'s Mod). These two are examples of "The Hardcore Players' Mod". Last time I checked they don't employ the "Mod-makers Mod". Why? We tend to say, They'll get used to it. Without even asking Will they want it? That will be the crux of the matter. If they want it, then they'll only see it as something that affects the gameplay. If they don't, then they see it as something that destroys gameplay. The best-case scenario I'm looking for is that there will be some hardcore players who will promote the idea of Fields away from the Civic Center by employing a mod that does that.
    1 point
  30. Oh men, this is such masterpiece:
    1 point
  31. See Delenda Est for new already fixing the shoulders. The texture there is fine. Already have a prop there.
    1 point
  32. Neider_mormter: (Missing upper visor) Difference on the height of the back neck zone: @wowgetoffyourcellphone should i continue using the cleaner metal or the dirtier one for match the bodie texture?
    1 point
  33. Plus with proper formations working
    1 point
  34. I think I understand what you're getting at, and it does sound intriguing, but maybe you can give more examples of how it can be used. Right now, I'm thinking something like this: Using your example, "Armor" could be body armor and "Shield" is, well, the shield. So, using directional attacks, an arrow from the front is blocked by both the "Armor" and "Shield" resistance, while an arrow from the back would only be blocked by the "Armor" resistance. Is this close? Could even extend it to an arrow from the left gets blocked by 100% of the Armor and 75%of the Shield stats, while an arrow from the right is blocked by 50% of the shield and 100% of the armor resistance stats, making flanking even that much more dynamic. (historically, generals had to place their best troops on the right flank to counteract this and other phenomena. This stuff is pretty cool, but frankly only makes sense with battalions. I can't imagine having to worry about flanking and directional attacks while microing 100s of individual little soldiers on the screen. Makes more sense to include such a tactical feature with dozens of battalions instead. But having that functionality in the engine would make it that much better for potential mods, definitely.
    1 point
  35. Going to add this to the Seleucid Cataphract texture variants.
    1 point
  36. Related but different: the problem with Delenda Est is that it duplicates hundreds of files from the public repository, which makes it hard to maintain. Millennium AD doesn't have its own version of `template_structure_military_stable.xml`; the issue here is that byza, caro, umay were updated, but `anglo_stables.xml` was forgotten.
    1 point
  37. Sadly, there is absolutely no such thing as common armor for the Suebians. Neither helmets or chainmail were common, even in noble burials. Scale armor are only found in Roman auxiliary tombstone gravure. For the 3rd century AD, there is a chain mail found in Vimose https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-early-iron-age/the-weapon-deposit-from-vimose/the-chain-mail-from-vimose/
    1 point
  38. Champions Mod 1.2 Towers do more damage. Garrisoning units used to reduce or barely change the amount of damage done in fights because tower damage was only 4.5/s. Towers now do 12 damage/s which is higher than most units would do ungarrisoned. This makes towers a good defence until siege units become available. The city phase is now slightly cheaper and grants +20% unit health instead of +10%. Civic Centres are now cheaper and Military Colonies are slower to build. Civic Centres now garrison 30 units. New Brits tech to decrease the metal cost of Naked Fanatics. New Rome tech to expand territory even further in the city phase. Mauryans' Bamboo Bow tech is weaker but cheaper. It was too strong since it affects Maiden Guard Archers and Elephant Archers too. New Blacksmith tech to increase Infantry Swordsmen armour. The Market dilemma techs Cheap Labour and Cheap Goods are now free (excluding research time). The vision ranges and loot of buildings are more consistent. Improved some tech icons and improved tooltips. Other small changes. When you update to the new version make sure to delete the old version first!
    1 point
  39. A little update about Phase II As I have finished patching the Phase I for both Alpha 23 and Alpha 24 (available on Mod.io) it's time for me to continue to Phase II: Economy. In this phase I attempt to make extensive change to the way economy is handled in 0 A.D. to make it more resemble city builder games, namely Impression city builders like Caesar, Pharaoh, and Zeus, and also taking some inspiration from castle builder games like Stronghold. I'm still in the research part of the process, and really overwhelmed by the code, as I'm not too familiar with Javascript. So any programmer who wishes to help is very much appreciated. So here's a list of things I want to accomplish in this mod, and the status of their progression: Money resource: A new resource that cannot be gathered, but instead trickled. House and Markets will trickle money over time, which can be used to train units and construct buildings. There are many mod projects that are already implemented this modification, some of my favorites are 0abc and also Delenda Est, so I plan to add some of my own twist to it. Trickle rate is based on location desirability of each house, with ruleset already established in Phase I to make city planning has a more tangible reward. Status: Largely finished, still tweaking the trickle rate. Also have to merge with Phase I completely before adding other changes. Adding features from other mods like tax adjustment etc (if permitted). Secondary Resources: New secondary resources that can be produced using primary resources. Like Weapon made from wood and metal, Horses from food, etc. In city building games they usually have different building for making different weapon and there will be automated NPCs bringing wood to the fletcher and another to bring the finished bows to armory. The way to do it is probably by trickling Weapon periodically while also negative trickle on wood and metal. And also having citizens tasked to 'gather' weapon from blacksmith and drop it at barracks. Status: Not sure if it's going to be enjoyable. Perhaps a refinement of the idea could help. I'm also not sure how to stop trickling if the primary resources goes to zero. Victory Condition: As with city-building tradition, several new victory conditions are planned to be added as options. Population Victory (first faction to reach 500 population), Economic Victory (reach 10000 money), etc. Status: Still an idea, but peeking through code seems like it could be done. Resource Cap: Just like population, I'd like to make resources have limit too. Every dropsite will increase the resource cap just like house to population. For example a Farmstead could only accept 500 food, so if it reaches 500 then all available food dropsite will stop functioning until a new one is built. Status: Learning the code. It seems very complex as there seems to be many files that have to be changed. Hopefully I can do it. Any programmer out there that have experience in handling resource and population Javascript, I need your help. So the most realistic part of this plan is probably the money resource and victory condition. I hope I have enough time to learn while my day job is not too hectic recently (it might change soon though). Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  40. Hi its me again (As you know I have been working at battalion mod. It is sad to said but I might to break something I cannot fix now and have no idea what and at what point I broke it. Anyway here we are.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ git: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/Survival basic overview: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/Survival/blob/master/Research.xlsx Basics: Every living entity (sure, there are some exceptions) consumes some kind of food. If it cannot consume, hp is lowered. If can consume, will be healed. It does not have to eat from every type of food (visible in tooltip), just one. (Cavalry is exception as grain is must for horse). No formations No promotion No healing by healers and temples No expand of territory with phase or other bonuses Low resource capacity for units Soldiers gets experiences (except champions) 4 Types of soldiers (Light, Medium, Heavy, Champion) Attack and Armour: Dealing of damage is directional Shield size defines how much damage unit blocks from front Friendly fire for all units Attacks consume energy, if unit is low on energy, will fight terrible Soldiers can be trained to get experiences in barracks, ranges by garrisoning inside. Citizens: can build any type of building work unit limited per house and cc pays you coins Slaves : can be bought from civic centre cannot attack (even slaughter) cannot place foundations are limited per citizen does not have to eat Soldiers: limited per barracks Cavalry: limited per stables Ranged: limited ammo (will refill after all used) Mercenaries: do not eat hire them with coins need to pay them else they turn to gaia Rams: cannot destroy by attack provides radius of protection from arrows need to be garrisoned to be able to attack can be captured Healer -> Priest: Provides auras for faster work and better fighting (based on priest category) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUN PART BEGINS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Research points: You need them for most of the research. You can get them by collection resources (repeated action) , training some units first time, building some buildings first time and so on. Feed your pigs: If you do not slaughter pig and you will feed it, it will grow over time and will provide additional resources. When will be ready to slaughter, small meat icon appears over it. (need to hover or select) Berries: If you collect all berries, they will grow back after some time ( so it is not good to collect all bushes at once else your workers will be idle and do not collect automatically when they regrow) Fields: Fields starts with growing session and applies for them the same as for berries. You can shorter regrowing time and you can double resources you get from them with research. Metal and Stone: Techs for these resources have been merged. You can research Shaft mining and after you exhaust mines and quarries (the 50k ones) there will spawn additional resource. Wagons: You can research and construct wagon with horse. Then you specify resource with upgrade (can change any time for free). Units will drop resources into it and when full, wagon goes to dropsite and then back to last position. Trade and Barter: Too many resources so that is moved to dialog window ( just in case you wonder why market is empty ) Damage is deadly Mainly from ranged attacks and animals AnimalAI Collective behaviour based on https://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/1724/collectiveBehavior-v4.diff Enlarged vision for wolfs Animals will run when they are going to attack UnitAI Collective behaviour for passive units to flee Animations and Art Horse update from a24 Units will hold tools their are going to use Combat / relax animation variants for soldiers Ranged units will not display ammo when they have none Ranged units will hold daggers when no ammo or only melee allowed Displaying real attack range of buildings even when in preview Buildings Grouped by category Will take resources only if actually build (Queue stalled message if not enough resources) Will give resources back when demolished Fortress Territory root Trees Lowers vision and walkspeed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT NOTES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Only Athenians AI broken -> so none Every victory condition has survival script (you loose if you have 0 citizens) Maps Some maps might give errors when you try to play I left them so you can play multiplayer. SURVIVAL SCENARIO I have created single player Scenario map with scripted enemy to attack in waves. Cool thing it is actually player not gaia so victory condition applies Your can stop attacks if you manage to destroy its fortress. ( Has one ) Then to win you need to kill citizens of that player. (They are in city and countryside. Some are garrisoned inside CCs, because currently has no active defence reaction.) // Side note: Took me 3h to finish that map (to win) Have fun, enjoy report.
    1 point
  41. https://www.facebook.com/HellenicArmors/ http://www.hellenicarmors.gr/armor/great-alexander-linothorax-2nd-version/
    1 point
  42. Committed: New Macedonian unit textures are now available in SVN.
    1 point
  43. @Alexandermb was planning to work on it. Yes.
    1 point
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