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  1. 4 points
  2. Well, about 1 month I started working with 3ds max. I had no idea until then, I started from 0, only some youtube videos to help me. I know it's pretty simple and I still need to learn lots of new things, but I think it would be interesting for us to use this topic to share our arts. What u think guys?? Cya
    2 points
  3. Alrighty, thank you. I'll probably just ask Exo to work his magic sometime down the road.
    2 points
  4. For what it's worth, the warnings above for AtlasObjectXML.cpp concerning the implicit fallthroughs should no longer occur as the code has been rewritten to no longer need the break-less switch...case statements at all. @eecsninja, thank you for your patch. It is unfortunate that it wasn't included (due to it being superseded by work being undertaken pursuing another objective), but we appreciate the effort .
    2 points
  5. Thanks borg! That works! Valeu!
    2 points
  6. refs #5070, discussions about chat in replay since ever. Probably a good idea for the purposes of creating good memories for the players and observers who were participant, and probably a bad idea because of creating bad memories alike, and replays being shared on the forums while players might have assumed some of their ingame chat to not become public. So it would require solid understanding of the player that the chat may end up in the replay forum. Or some technical solution to split purposes. Anyhow. Using them for moderation purposes however is entirely different. People post screenshots of chat, that's technically not granted by any policy and may be objected (GDPR 21) or the like. Wildfire Games does not host any ingame matches, so there is no way to obtain actual knowledge of what happened there. So this ought to be respected, WFG can't be held accountable for that. Only the data people post on the lobby is something that can be governed (including the rating and lobby chat data, advertized games). If players want that their ingame behavior is controllable by the lobby provider, then there would either have to be some shady backdoor or the lobby service provider would have to host all matches. The latter is actually in the theoretic plans of development for the purpose of minimizing rating fakery. So maybe something will change in that regard in the future. But rating and chat are two different pairs of shoes, the chat may still be encrypted so that it might remain protected from the hoster. On the other hand ingame chat may be interesting for good memories, perhaps the users can chose. It would require actual notice. I guess this comment doesn't help any further, other than stating that there is a ticket, that posting ingame chatlogs is possibly objectionable (I guess people would have to fight who has overriding legitimate interests in publishing ingame chatmessages for the purposes of moderation. If someone wants that, they should write it into the terms of service directly or indirectly).
    2 points
  7. Thoughts? Really the advanced ptolemaic pikemen are the gold standard as far as quilted armor in game is concerned atm imo
    2 points
  8. Yeah, the speed of the attack animations for slingers as well as archers needs to be brought down to more realistic levels. I'd say a reduction of at least 50%... Even if it means increasing the damage to compensate.
    2 points
  9. Now show me one who matches 0AD slingers speed! 10 stones per sec
    2 points
  10. OMG, who did that??? Hahahaha, that's legitimately awesome! lol "When 0AD is life, but you prefer racing games..."
    2 points
  11. Great commentary as always! I know, the balancing is harder when the level of some players differs between games, but perhaps it's better to let someone experienced that isn't playing make the teams. I was all for what Feldfeld suggested, even though I don't think it would have made much difference. I don't think that the balance complaints after the game were very legitimate. Partly because the complainers agreed before the game, partly because many things could have been better by our team: We talked about making some early warships, but no one made any until borg had killed our fishing ships. Hannibal managed to save it by his naval skills. Half of our team didn't really make any economy upgrades (and let's not include my baskets here, I had great food income and I wanted that wood for camels). The big push at darkcity's side wasn't very early and we wasted time on the hard defenses, while darkcity even managed to get a fortress up. It wasn't really my plan to attack from the south without any siege weapons. Anyway, it was a good game overall. I liked the map selection because anything is better than playing Mainland all the time. And yeah, I'm just saying all of this to finish it in a positive tone.
    2 points
  12. Because Campaigns aren't implemented yet, I came up with an Idea to create my own military Campaign. So I sat down with the Scenario editor and built a map which should present the Thermopylae were the famous Battle of the 300 took place. I even thought about a secret path leading through the mountains were you can attack the enemy from behind. Here are some screenshots:
    1 point
  13. The patch above is a debug patch. It is used to get more information about the error you are encountering. If you don't test it we can't fix it.
    1 point
  14. @Itms recently asked me to try Conan on IRC. Conan is a C++ decentralized package manager that is supposed to make life easier for developers. https://conan.io/ So today I tried to make it work with the game and succeeded. It's still missing some libraries, but they are hard to build as they require cygwin, which takes a long time to install. I had no luck with wxwidgets either, the build just fails. You need Cmake and python and a working visual studio 2015 In cmd cd to you libraries/win32 directory then; pip install virtualenv python -m virtualenv .\scripts\activate pip install conan Now let's add some repositories to get all our dependencies For libcurl, libpng,openal,enet, sdl2,ogg,vorbis conan remote add bincrafters https://api.bintray.com/conan/bincrafters/public-conan For miniupnpc conan remote add rhard https://api.bintray.com/conan/rhard/conan For boost, zlib conan remote add conan-community https://api.bintray.com/conan/conan-community/conan And another one just in case conan remote add conan-transit https://api.bintray.com/conan/conan/conan-transit If you want to find another package '*' are wildcards conan search *boost* --remote=conan-center Then all the magic happens in the python file, that's where you define the requirements and the build flags for the libraries Currently not enabled, icu, iconv, wxwidgets. Currently missing gltext (OpenGl) Then finally run load-libs.cmd > output.log This will build the libraries one by one after downloading them, then place all the files in the correct folders. Don't forget to apply the diff on premake conan-premake.diff conanfile.py load-libs.cmd 0 A.D.Using Conan.docx
    1 point
  15. Oh, my god, who's going to fix this?
    1 point
  16. nub games total unbalanced
    1 point
  17. I agree with this. It means basically a roster for the Suebi with a Spearman using the framae (polyvalent spear), Skirmisher with barbed javelins, Infantryman with wooden clubs, Champion unit with heavy spearhead and/or Germanic swords, Slinger, a Champion melee cavalry. Regional and allied units could be the Cherusci pikeman, the Harii Night-Ambusher, the Lugian heavy swordsman, the short-swordsmen with round shield from Lemovii and Rugii tribes, the Batavi or the Tencteri cavalry, Chatti veteran infantryman (with shaved faces), Aestii axe female warrior etc. etc.
    1 point
  18. pathfinder issues... others are expecting battalions(mode) to fix this.
    1 point
  19. Try change names to tower1 and tower2. <Upgrade> <Tower1> <Entity>structures/{civ}_stone_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower1> </Upgrade> <Upgrade> <Tower2> <Entity>structures/{civ}_wooden_tower</Entity> <Tooltip></Tooltip> <Cost> <wood>50</wood> <stone>50</stone> </Cost> <Time>10</Time> </Tower2> </Upgrade>
    1 point
  20. For review: Plumed variants for Montefortino @LordGood @Stan` helmet-extraordinarii.rar
    1 point
  21. I think the neck hole on the bronze armor is too big. Otherwise it looks nice.
    1 point
  22. I'm using the latest graphics driver.
    1 point
  23. Modified the Roman Montefortino mesh and added some prop points for the Extraordinarius helmet in order to update the old prop with the newer mesh. Also added a variant without cheek guards. The Montefortino without cheek guards and a single plume on top of it was based on the original actor file for the Equites (as seen in the old screenshot below)
    1 point
  24. @gameboy Are you sure that you aren't using any mods? It certainly looks like you are, as nobody else is getting these gamma ramps error (from what we can tell). @Angen Any chance you could check if this redness happened before the rP22297 commit? I think they should.
    1 point
  25. I might have to second wow's suggestion for more subtlety in the quilted armor. Something as simple as some very faint folds within the quilts could do you justice too, as it stands it does look like surface design. Best option of course would be to sculpt it in blender but that's quite a bit of a length to go for such a compact texture lol
    1 point
  26. @tlauick_19 algunas unidades son de después del siglo primero después de Cristo. según entiendo este enfoque es desde Ariovisto a las guerras romanas de Gérmanico, antes de las Guerras Dacias y Marcomanas. .
    1 point
  27. I would not know how to change that. And I also can not make these changes in mod. I need someone to see this for me. AI not make range barrack/ranged units, at least in some test games I did, perhaps this is a fact of AI spam more cavalry. About rams, compared to vanilla i decreases pierce armour 50 to 30, health 400 to 350 and movement speed. Infantry in general and mainly sword champions should do it very well, but the problem is that not all factions have champ swordmen, so I'll have to find another way to do it. I'll do some testing. Thanks for the feedback.
    1 point
  28. yes I recorded that yesterday. I spamming pikemen and some siege engines to counter them. was easy. the rconomy is complex that ie very strong point.
    1 point
  29. Thank you @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld for the stream, @HMS-Surprise @Unknown_Player and #ThePlayers for the game
    1 point
  30. Need for Empires. From the creators of 0 A.D a new phase is coming...
    1 point
  31. @av93Maybe it's less binding where they live? 'Current' wife? @thankforpiejk. Congrats to you two! (Should it be true.)
    1 point
  32. Marring after half year? Crazy, we dont do this here. We even dont get married at all
    1 point
  33. I'm not taking it. There aren't any girls playing 0 A.D.
    1 point
  34. Yeah. But I was looking into this paragraph specifically: Well, I was thinking about groups of the Suebian confederation -> regional standard unit Neighbors or Allies -> mercenaries. Is a way to have mercenaries and have fuller rooster in the barbarian civs. Think the metal cost as part of the alliance and deals, or something like this. Also, the name would be something like "Cherusci Allied Pikeman" in the same way of "Italian Allied Cavalry" of Romans. Other units would be just the demonym of the tribe + Class
    1 point
  35. what about 0 A.D racing carts?
    1 point
  36. Here is the video link: @psypherium @Feldfeld @ValihrAnt @camel @Boudica @ffffffff @JC (naval supremacist) @Unknown_Player @borg- @chrstgtr @Lefo @Pudim @Philip the Swaggerless @Stockfish @PhyZik @itrelles @nani @Hannibal_Barca @LeGenDz @phoenixdesk @LANDLORD @kizitom Here is the replay: Have fun! 2019-06-02_0004.zip
    1 point
  37. New lorica hamata with subarmalis beneath it.
    1 point
  38. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Is the armor too light for artillery crew?
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. sorry if I waste time seeing the art or gameplay aspects. but i like see the beauty the actual game is. and thinking how is working the mod. I have w crash after several clicks in middle of battle. the OBS records the game very weird.
    1 point
  41. Hey man feel free to practice with our structural textures! It's a much better start than mine haha
    1 point
  42. reverse engineering is best way to learn how 3D textures works.
    1 point
  43. Real winter battle: Team B: Boudica (Romans), Itrelles (Gauls), Unknown_Player (Britons), AtendedorBoludos (Iberians) Team F: Fpre (Romans), Vasil9555 (Gauls), PrincipalityOfZeon (Persian), servo (Iberian) I and Boudica were facing on the east front and with the snowy map the hunts are aplenty. I realized I need to rush and slowdown Boudica but the result was bad. Boudica rushed Fpre and did much better. Fpre was my pocket and Itrelles is Boudica's pocket. I was too behind in everything when everyone else is in P3 but Fpre forced ahead to P3 and attack Boudica but was repulsed. Our front has a never ending battle wherein there were no gains or counterattacking advance on both sides( I never had any unit upgrades until late in the game). On the other front my teammates seems to start a pretty good offensive but was repulsed too and counterattacked that PtincipalityOfZEon lost his CC and end up with less than 10 pop. He rebuilt his CC in the middle and with very tremendous defensive effort of Vasil9555 he was able to regain his pop. Midway in the game Fpre was down to 110 something pop and seemed to be afk and the enemy has maintained or able to accumulate max pop. AtendedorBoludos champ cavalries are ravishing deep behind enemy lines destroying CCs and structures but I guess he should have done something more on the frontlines. Seems like their effort to bring Vasil9555 into submission has very little or low progress. Meanwhile I started to slowly upgrade and training champs for defensive purposes and later for cavalry raids. I was able to take down couple of their defensive towers and help take down strategic forts then build my offensive tower to aid on Fpre siege of Boudica. Itrelles battalion of elite slingers and Boudca's swordsmen were wrecking havoc on our offensive thrust. Boudica's attempt to build siege camp was thwarted and he stayed defensive most of the time. Quite a balanced team and was really thrilling... commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  44. 1v1: Mainland Wing vs Servo I would like to post this game because its weird. He cant figure out how to finish me off despite an overwhelming advantage. I haven't played much 1v1 with intermediate players and above nor had been playing MP lately except for fun. He had Britons and I picked Athens or maybe random but ended up with the Civ. I struggled to have better wood and ended up being border pushed and ended with just around or less than 1/4 of the map. The game lasted more than an hour and my Slingers and Healers prevailed but resigned to give him the points coz imo he deserved that game, he did better overall except the late fight which he has lower tactic. Perhaps due also to my troops has 1 upgrade advantage in armor. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
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