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  1. Offtopic: You just gave me an idea with this.
    6 points
  2. India really doesnt look right without it's banyan trees
    5 points
  3. Sorry to be a snitch/not sorry, but there is a limit to things. I ignore this type of unprovoked bigotry and racism in the vast majority of cases. But it's a bit different if it's deemed acceptable for a regular visitor of the Multiplayer Lobby to use the crowded lobby to espouse overt religious extremism, spamming out any normal discussion people might be having, and then out of the blue turns it into a heavy racial rant as well. Read pesem's messages. There's a limit... I want to clarify very clearly that this is only a small part of a much larger rant that went on for a while. It wasn't provoked either. He just joined the lobby and started ranting about how only Jesus can save us. I guess he saw me online, and decided to go all anti-African... What kind of Christianity is that? I had one previous encounter with him, the time before last, when he was ranting even longer about Jesus, and that women in tight dresses were the devil trying to tempt us and blablabla... I asked him if he always does that in the lobby and the ranting became even worse. @Hannibal_Barca eventually muted him this time because he launched personal attacks. But here's my second problem. I originally asked if there were moderators online and @user1 responded. I asked him to ban the account based on the considerable rant he could read for himself, but he just ignored me and left again. The racist ranting continued unabated, and I notified user1 again, and told him that kids play this game. His astonishing answer was that you needed to be at least 13 years old to play, and promptly left again, further ignoring me. The racist ranting continued. So what is he saying? 13 year olds aren't kids? Hardcore racism is perfectly fine in the lobby? I should stop bothering him? How long has this nonsense been going on? Kids play this game... Africans play this game... Other non-supremacists play this game... I don't know if Pesem is a schizophrenic mad man or if he's just a super troll. I honestly don't care. This behaviour should never be tolerated, and I feel embarrassed to have to make a post about this. I'm disappointed that such behaviour is deemed acceptable, and expect this to end. Religious extremism, racism and sexism have no place in a multiplayer lobby where people get banned/muted for way less. I have to deal with Christian extremist neighbours in real life, and faced more racism (actual violence) than anyone should have to in their life. I'm going to throw one hell of a tantrum if I have to tolerate it in the lobby as well. I go there to relax. Not to find out that in fact, I'm a soulless monkey created by satan.
    4 points
  4. The terms of use are clear. User1's "responses" were insultingly dismissive. I would have never made an issue out of this if Pesem was simply muted or banned for his overt extremism, but he wasn't! He was eventually muted because he simply insulted someone else (not race related). The message was loud and clear. Insulting Africans for soulless satan monkeys is fine. Insulting non-Africans is not. THAT'S my problem... I don't care if moderators receive flack for banning people simply because they wanted to play a multiplayer game with some friends on the same network and I don't care if moderators receive flack for banning or muting people for mild swearwords. There's a lot of edge cases that are dealt with ruthlessly, but hardcore racism, bigotry and sexism.... Nah, that's fine... That's what's shocking to me, and that's the reason I made this post. After asking around a bit, Pesem seems to be a regular, and his behaviour is well known to other players. The previous time I saw him spewing bigoted and sexist rants, there was no disciplinary action whatsoever either. Hence the question: how long has this been going on? This is not an edge case, and as I said earlier, I feel embarrassed and disappointed that this needs to be pointed out. Where I'm from, Hate Speech and Defamation are criminal offenses...
    4 points
  5. Hello! I am sorry about the situation here. As far as I understand, the report was followed by action, but the report itself was not properly acknowledged. I just sent a PM to user1, telling him to answer here to clarify the misunderstanding. pesem's messages are definitely unacceptable and unwelcome on the lobby, and they are indeed covered by the Terms of Use. So let's not spiral down, and as far as possible let's not involve politics here. Let's just solve the misunderstanding that happened between Sundiata's report and user1's answers to it.
    3 points
  6. Yeah, the psychotic rant was one thing... But the idea that African satanic monkey talk was deemed appropriate lobby chat had me like: Who knows, a moderator might have decided to shadow ban me because I was annoying him with my desire to be addressed as a human being, so I sort of understand what you mean. With great power comes great responsibility, and not every moderator might be ready for that.
    3 points
  7. For these cases a shadow mute is the best option, makes the troll believe people are reading it and because he can't really know if he is being shadow muted he finally gets tired himself.
    3 points
  8. Gplv2 for code by copyleft. Though the code itself can be MIT. Art though is creative commons.
    2 points
  9. Hello! I will not take part in this discussion by writing something. But i at least want to show some pictures that i took the other day in which you can clearly see that the individual named pesem just does not care about rules or other people ( I know that it is already known what pesem writes all day long, these pictures will be shown just to make sure everybody knows just what he writes).
    2 points
  10. I just want to make some on-topic clarifications again because the discussion is indeed veering of into something different. As I said, this is just a small part of the rant in question and he must have repeated those statements and variations of it several times over. The previous time I saw him ranting it lasted even longer and went into sexist, Islamophobic and again anti-African territory, with no action taken whatsoever (and I tried notifying moderators several times then as well). I notified user1 several times in the lobby and even informed, right then and there in the lobby that I will make a post about this in the forum as I was unhappy about the course of events leading up to the mute of pesem, not because some BS threshold had been exceeded, but because he started personally attacking another lobby member. The misunderstanding is a difference in what is deemed acceptable conduct in the lobby, as pesem has clearly been at it for a while, and rather than clarifying whatever action was supposedly being taken, the moderator in question took the time to give me an illogical and dismissive response instead. I could have just laughed this whole thing off. I still want to. And if it was one on one, I probably would have done just that. But in a public lobby where African kids or kids of African descent may well be reading along (let alone everyone else), for god knows how long, is honestly horrifying to me. Even kids can read between the lines... This isn't about politics or freedom of speech or moderators having to babysit manchildren. As a child I've had to physically defend myself against violent and unprovoked attacks by people espousing such rhetoric. I've faced dogs, rocks, sticks, fists, feet, spit and more, by people screaming those kind of things at me, and I'm not someone who ever picked a fight or looked for trouble. I'm also not the only person with such experiences. So excuse me if I'm a little sensitive about this. There are still people loosing their lives and their minds because of this rhetoric. pesem and his kind bring up some really bad memories for me, and others as well. It kills me that kids still have to face this nonsense today. It also kills me to have to explain where this rhetoric leads to. They're not just "words". That kind of rhetoric is a weapon.
    2 points
  11. Hello, if you folks create a mod, put it on mod.io and PM to sign it, it shouldn't be an issue! As said above, checking maps is really easy and quick to do, even if there are a lot of them. As a potential user, may I suggest that the mod comes with a pinch of GUI code, adding a map filter for the new maps? (So that the game setup drop-down shows "Default", "Community Maps Pack", "Naval Maps", "Demo Maps" etc). I like the idea
    2 points
  12. Hey folks! I haven't been active here lately, well, since about 3 years now. So some of you will remember me, but there are a lot of new faces I'm sure. It's time for a re-introduction! My name is Ben (aka historic_bruno) and I started with 0 A.D. in fall 2010, because I was bored and wanted to join a fun project. Something bigger than myself. 0 A.D. was first alphabetically on Wikipedia's list of open source games, so I clicked it and fell in love. I mean, I always loved history and Age of Empires. And I always loved programming, so it was a match made in heaven. I started looking at the code, adding a few small features or bug fixes here and there. Started hanging out in IRC and on the forums. It was my first time contributing to an open source project, and really the largest software project I had worked on at the time (right out of college - I had a degree in computer engineering). It kinda came along at the perfect time for me, where I was in my life, not happy with what I had been doing. 0 A.D. gave me a new direction and fresh perspective. Before long, I was working on bigger changes to things like the random map generator, game setup UI, and Atlas, and they invited me to join the dev team! I was incredibly excited to be a part of such a great team. From there, I learned so much about software development from folks like Philip and all the other devs. Eventually I had so many things going on in my life, that I couldn't spend so much time in IRC, and even following the daily logs became too much (for a while 0 A.D. was like a full time job for me). And then I found it hard to keep up with Trac, so I stepped away. But I never intended it to be for years! IMO, 0 A.D. is one of the finest, if not *the* finest open source 3D game out there. Art, music, graphics, and everything is top notch. I've always been proud of our releases, each one an improvement on the last, and even though we may be slower paced than some big studios, there is a lot of passion that goes into 0 A.D. It's kind of a gift to the world and to the FOSS movement in general, and that's a cool legacy for everyone who has contributed and followed along over the years. Anyway I'm glad to be back and can't wait to see what has been happening in my absence, and meet the new folks in this community! And most of all thanks to everyone who has been playing, testing, packaging, designing, creating, developing, and involved in whatever way to making 0 A.D. what it is :-)
    2 points
  13. I think that the issue is that there need to be clear guidelines for what is and is not appropriate for lobby chatting. While I would say having respectful religious discourse is quite innocuous (Not that pesem in any way reflected that behaviour), the boundaries should be readily available to everyone, making moderators feel no issue when action needs to be taken since they are just following protocol. user1 felt insecure because of the lack of these, leading to inaction. Of course this would not eliminate the need of moderators to interpret the rules, yet I think that it would be a sep in the right direction.
    2 points
  14. Hell, have a chat bot specifically for this that will randomly reply to these shadow muted people, further perpetuating the illusion. lol
    2 points
  15. Unless the opponent dances with 10 unit. Though I agree that might reduce the problem already to the point where people don't collectively push each other into using this thing. Notice that even if we'd nuke or restrict patroling, players can script such things (at least Lefo scripted his base building commands already). Another issue is that the likelihood to strike a unit is reduced with the distance to the unit. Mostly I wonder whether the trajectory code itself doesn't offer a nearby solution. We only need a consensus amongst coders, not everyone. If the problem is gone either way, the topic will be gone. If the problem only morphed into another problem, we have something new to talk about the alpha following that
    2 points
  16. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    1 point
  17. @coworotel The same for me if that's true (GPL) (those maps are also in 0ad phabricator)
    1 point
  18. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
    1 point
  19. Both of those guys... Good lord... Maybe we should just have a separate lobby for all the nutters.
    1 point
  20. Imagine what kind of problems he has to say that and talk alone in lobby hours and hours, pesem need a group hug lonelyness make dull brains, he is just a kid who needs to grow up having sayd that once we where both silenced at the same time for saying the S word, he was desilenced 24 hours before me, maybe he has inside help or i have a different silence timer. at night, loneless despairs
    1 point
  21. Yeah, who could really judge if those statements were pejorative...
    1 point
  22. Well could be CC-BY-SA 4.0 Unported. Though the best thing would be to ask each author to sign the 0 A.D. legal waiver.
    1 point
  23. Nuclear templar guerrilla mod?
    1 point
  24. I have to totally agree: These rants are unacceptable.
    1 point
  25. Possible final solution: ranged attacks should always hit although the objective is moving, but the odds of failing are determined by the attacker template.
    1 point
  26. Hmmm three years ago I was playing LoL and had not yet discovered 0 A.D. So for my first post to the forum..welcome back Ben and looking forward to the future!
    1 point
  27. Lol I had those planned next. That huge pichavaram forest is neat. Also good for bayou
    1 point
  28. There are thousands of trees and auras have bad performance (depending on the type of aura. In some cases it can take several seconds to compute). So if anything, it would have to be select few entities (probably the invisible placeholders), as wow and nescio proposed above. From a coding perspective, I'm not sure if auras are the right way to go about this. A tile-based mechanism might be a considerable alternative. That would allow for example rectangular shaped shallows / river crowssings to be covered precisely. Or a long road without placing many small auras. That is about movement speed modifiers. But why would a nearby tree change a units attack stats or defense stats? Ambush? Well I guess it's not forbidden to think about that, but it sounds like it could have weird consequences (all players running into the forest to fight?). (We have trac tickets on Ambush and environmental slowdown, but that probably won't help, and who knows what the design document intended) (Also it already is slower to walk through a forest, since the units bump into the trees and each other. But perhaps it's not as significant as desirable.)
    1 point
  29. Yes, this is correct. Adding terrain or flora effects to unit movement would have to be targeted and obvious, less kitchen sink and more focus.
    1 point
  30. I've had this sort of thing a number of times before, but I really can't be bothered to report it. It's not worth it and it's really not much of a problem, normally. But this guy... Jeez... We now have downloads from almost every African country. Imagine opening the MP lobby for the first time, only to find Pesem's ranting... Oh, and he hates muslims too, but I guess that was a given...
    1 point
  31. The problem is that I think it is difficult to define exactly what is dancing and what is not : - say I have a cav targeted by multiple ranged units, I want it to get out without getting damage, then I move it out while changing its directions sometimes to avoid arrow, the cav receives less damage than it should, then would it be considered dancing ? If so consider the next situation : - 2 big ranged armies are going to fight. The best way to engage is to have my units lined up as much as possible (with a limit to the width of the line) when ennemy enters range so that as much unit as possible fire at same time. But, crap, i didn't enable formation so i have some units more advanced than others and i want to place them back in the line. Doing so might attract the ennemy units if he doesnt care, and might have some dancing properties like in the first situation (in order to not receive too much damage), which could turn battle well in my favour, would that still be okay ? And in case first situation is not okay, then what is the bound ? some change in directions that aren't dancing could be interpretted as such, and maybe some players who like to spam click could be wrongly called for actions that change nothing actually. In practice, i'm pretty sure i had many games with Valihrant where there was tacital agreement not to dance, but since limit is not clear and some actions can be interpretted as dancing then, well in the end we both dance because no choice. I mean, the host does what he wants anyway of course, but i can expect heads on fire and facepalms nubest suggestion of the thread Si tu regardes dans les fichiers du jeu, tu pourras trouver dans les templates des unités la valeur "spread", qui n'est pas un pourcentage mais une valeur telle que plus elle est basse, meilleure sera la précision. Augmenter la précision des unités ne changerait rien, en réalité ça aurait juste tendance à avoir l'effet inverse : une bonne précision implique de prédire la trajectoire de la cible, alors que la dance consiste justement à changer constamment de direction pour brouiller cette prédiction. On pourrait alors penser que la solution serait de baisser la précision, mais en réalité, dans la pratique ça ne changerait rien IIRC. I think that this suggestion would bring quite a bit of side issues of units not acting like we want them to. Say i have a group of skirmisher cavalry raiding, i move them close to a group of 5 women to kill them quickly. But there's another group of 5 women (or unit) barely in range, maybe that are leaving, then only half of my army will fire effectively, where i want them to, and half of my raiding party would be firing inefficiently or drawn away and that would be quite annoying. As for dancing, its efficiency would not be reduced that much, a group of 5 units can draw 50% of enemy arrow which remains quite practical. I think that this is a problem for the engine, that something can be changed like maybe how a hit is determined (make unit "hitbox" larger and perhaps compensate with lower accuracy for units ? perhaps projectiles faster as well ?). I don't think at all that it will be easy to fix, some other RTS like AoE2 and Empires Apart have some sort of dance as well. When i play personally, what i do generally is that i don't dance (or "too much") until ennemy does it, which is why i picked my choice in the poll (closest choice)
    1 point
  32. Any kind of form of opression to humans beings shouldn't be tolerated.
    1 point
  33. There you go. Maps included: Skirmish: Italian Peninsula (6) - @Bigtiger Country Side (2) - @Bigtiger City VS City (2) - @Imperator Ferrum Princeps I Jungle Valley (2) - @Bigtiger Coastline (2) - @Bigtiger Lesvos Castle (2) - @Bigtiger The Duel (2) - @Bigtiger Battle of Vikingland - @woodpecker Fahrenheit (8) - @phoenixdesk Euboea Harvest (4) - @Bigtiger Alpine Rivers - @z4k Random: dune - @nani fert - @nani fert_mountain - @nani grand_canyon - @nani plague_swamp - @nani riverway - @nani test - @nani test2 - @nani forest_nothing - coworotel Scenarios: Paradise valley - @Nevar Olimpus 4 - @Juli51 First Battle of Numantia - @Lankusnav Siege of Numantia - @Lankusnav Brigantium (2) - @Lankusnav invasion_of_britain_by_KzoneDD - @KzoneDD At World's End - @shieldwolf23 FirthandFourth - @AgamemnonPhlemnon If your map is included but you want me to remove it, please contact me here or by private message. If you want to submit a map to be included, let me know. community_maps.zip
    1 point
  34. Units Designs: Shield classification as I suggest: I tried to maximize the differences between the both factions and to keep in mind that different role units should be visually different. I suggest some exclusive shapes and arts for each factions to emphasize this. Art pattern could be limited to specific shapes to avoid trouble in the shield texture collision with the edges and the shield boss. We could also make specific art pattern for some units to emphasize the visual differences between them. Although, there is already a lot of work on this aspect and this is maybe unnecessary. By the way, I extracted the pattern of this Gallic shield found on the web: We can still add exclusive patterns and textures for each factions. I think there is enough texture for them in common.
    1 point
  35. Dancing with patrol is clearly a bug, so it must be fixed. Only infantry units should dance (manually obviously), because in real life it's impossible for a horse. In my opinion, manual dancing should be reviewed too. Maybe it should be possible to dodge some arrows but not a 100 archers army...
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. A stacktrace. gdb shows it with the command "info stack".
    0 points
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