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  1. Missing a few years ago and old players. Our time was spent having fun, without personal attacks or anything like that. I've been online since the first lobby, where there were a maximum of 10 players, and I've been present in all subsequent versions, and I can say with certainty that this is the worst generation of players 0 AD. You've managed to divide a super small community into small groups that hate each other. Moderation was never necessary for things to go according to the rules, the fact now is that most of you are rude and can't follow the minimum required conduct. Anyway... I won't go on here, I don't usually share this type of topic, but I thought it was necessary this time. Hugs to everyone and a great year ahead.
    12 points
  2. Hello everyone! We are now in Feature Freeze for A27. With the new git workflow, a few things have changed (improved, we hope). The nightly-build tracks the state of A27 and can be used to test the new version. It is generated daily, and you can get it using SVN. Detailed information can be found on the wiki if you try to build the game on Unix, please note that the build process has slightly changed. you need to run first libraries/build-source-libs.sh, then build/workspaces/update-workspaces.sh, then make as usual Mock Release Bundles are also generated daily, from the nightly build. They can be downloaded from our Jenkins build system. Future RCs will be taken directly from here. For now, we have a few bugs to fix, you can find them on the Alpha 27 Milestone of our bugtracker. A higher overview of the release process can be found at [RELEASE PROCESS] Alpha 27 Contrary to previous releases, we are able to use a git branch for preparing the release. Thus, the contribution workflow is not stalled during the process. We are still merging the work of devs and contributors into the repository, for inclusion in the future releases. The preparation of Alpha 27 is made in parallel, and not blocking. That said, most of our energy is dedicated to the release, and you will experience delays in us reviewing contributions. Please make sure no mods are enabled when testing the game. Note that the "spirv" mod for Vulkan shaders is obsolete. The nightly build and bundles already contain the shaders. You can delete all trace of this spirv mod from your computers. It will not be needed anymore. What should I test? Everything What should I report? Not everything. We must fix regressions (stuff that used to work, but doesn't work anymore) and critical issues that would prevent the users from playing. We cannot reasonably fix all the existing bugs in the release. Critical issues include crashes and multiplayer OOS. How to report them is detailed in the ReportingErrors wiki page. With the new daily generation of testable game versions, it is absolutely necessary to check you use the same nightly build (version is displayed in the main menu) without any mods when testing for OOS. Happy testing!
    11 points
  3. The first Release Candidates are available for Alpha 27 You will find them at https://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/ Please report any issues in this thread! We are preparing the announcements, hoping to deliver this new release soon if no breaking bugs are found. Thank you to everyone who has already tested and provided feedback on the mock bundles.
    10 points
  4. Wildfire Games would like to send you its best wishes for 2025! May you have a prosperous New Year!
    9 points
  5. As we approach the New Year, I want to thank all the developers, designers and everyone else who made this great game and continue to improve it.
    7 points
  6. The second Release Candidates are available for Alpha 27 You will find them at https://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/ with the -rc2- infix. Thanks for testing!
    6 points
  7. Based on my 4-5 years of experience playing 0 A.D., I have noticed that many players are either overrated or underrated, with some claiming their skill level is higher than it actually is. To address this, I propose the following ladder to categorize players' levels: Iron Level (1200 or below): These players are beginners with limited experience in the game. They are still learning the mechanics, and progressing beyond this level may take a few months to several years, depending on the player. Bronze Level (1200–1500): Players at this level excel at booming but are weak in combat and often struggle against rushers. Many prefer defensive playstyles and are not as active in offensive strategies. Silver Level (1500–1700): These players are "eco-bots" with excellent economic skills and strong armies. However, they rarely rush and lack proficiency in advanced rushing tactics. When they do rush, it is often infantry-based. They primarily prefer playing on mainland maps and are less skilled on low-resource maps. Additionally, they are vulnerable to early attacks. Golden Level (1700–1900): These players are aggressive and knowledgeable about rushing strategies. They excel at disrupting the economy of silver-level players and often dominate early engagements. Diamond Level (1900+): These players are highly creative, capable of devising new strategies for both combat and economy. They often serve as role models, with others learning from their gameplay. In my opinion, among last year’s active players, only Vali, Borg, and Vinme belong to this elite level. Note on Cheating: Some players use tools like ProGUI auto-train, hacked auto-civilization selection, or multi-click mice. While some may argue these are not cheats, in my view, anything that provides an unfair advantage is cheating. These tools can artificially elevate a player's level. For example, a bronze-level player using cheats might appear to be at the silver level. Therefore, players using such tools should be demoted by one level in their ranking.
    6 points
  8. Those who play on Windows cannot have two versions of the game installed, as the installation program detects old installations and does not allow installing without removing the previous one. Now that the new version is close and we need to test it, I thought it would be a good idea to share this with you. To avoid this, all you need to do is change the name of the folder where the game is installed before installing the desired new version. Here's a step by step guide: 1) locate and rename your current 0ad folder. In my case, it is installed in a custom path. The default path is probably something like C:\Program Files\0ad alpha<version>\ from this: to this: 2) Run the new 0ad installation file. It will ask you to remove the older version. You just click Ok/Accept 3) The installation wizard will attempt to install the new version at the previous folder. You might want to change this to the new version number. 4) When the installation is complete, you can rename the old folder back to its original name. from this: to this: 5) You will now have the shortcut to the new version you installed in your start menu by default. If you want, you can create a shortcut of the old version to the location you want to access it more quickly. Assuming you named the old folder "0 A.D. alpha 26", the executable will be located in the following path: \0 A.D. alpha 26\binaries\system\ example of my two desktop's shortcuts Now when we start a27 it will probably send us to the Mods section and ask us to disable the mods that are not compatible. By just disabling them, we can play our new version without any problems. 5) Additional step (not necessary) @Norse_Harold Shared with me this trick to avoid having to enable and disable mods every time we start a different version. This step is not necessary, but it makes things a little easier and requires some kind of knowledge to not mess things up. If you don't feel comfortable with this, just don't do it. You'll just have to enable and disable your mods whenever you want to open another version. But it does make things easier if you're switching between versions repeatedly. 0ad saves all our custom settings in the following paths: C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\Documents\My Games\0ad C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\0ad C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\AppData\Local\0ad So what we can do is rename the 0ad folders according to the version of 0ad that we have previously installed, and then create new empty folders that we will name according to the new version that we install. In the example the previous version we had was 26 and the new one was 27 so we will rename the original folder to "0ad26" and create a new empty folder called "0ad27" Here is the screenshot of the first path, but you need to do the same for the other two paths (Roaming and Local): As you can see, I have two folders called 0ad26 and 0ad27, each corresponding to its version. And additionally, I have a symlink called "0ad" created by the batch files I'm sharing. Note that you cannot make a symlink from the Windows Explorer as shortcuts. You have to do it from the command line. Therefore, it is very convenient to use a batch file that reproduces the commands so you avoid having to rewrite them every time you want to perform this operation. This symlinks takes you to one of the two folders, depending on which version of 0ad we want to open. You may need to edit the batch files and change some paths defined in the variables of both files, depending on your Windows configuration. These files need administrator permissions to work properly. So you will need to right-click run as administrator Again, this last step is not necessary and you can avoid it. Batch26.bat Batch27.bat
    6 points
  9. Working on some new tip images... My computer is quite old, so I usually keep my graphics settings at medium to low. But every time I crank them up to take some screenshots, I'm just blown away by how good everything looks - even up close. It's truly incredible. Huge respect to the people behind it.
    6 points
  10. I'm happy to announce that I've been porting all features of boonGUI and proGUI into a new UI bundle for A27! Doing it made me realize once again how much work has been put into the development of 0AD but also to all those who contributed to the components of this bundle. So thank you! GitLab link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/tree/modernGUIA27 DirectDownload link: https://gitlab.com/4trik/proGUI/-/archive/modernGUIA27/proGUI-modernGUIA27.zip In this mod: Retrieve your favorite A26 GUI style with a Quick Configuration page once you launch the mod. New exclusive features, like kill counts, flare message and more! (the skulls near unit icons indicate for Player unit kills and Gaia entities kills) Explore tones of extra options in your settings to customize your GUI! Hope you'll try it out and enjoy! Please report any bugs and feel free to suggest improvements.
    6 points
  11. Greetings! 0 A.D. Alpha 27 is close to be released, and so is the new version of LocalRatings mod. For those who are already playing and experimenting on the game release candidate, LocalRatings v0.27.1 can be downloaded from one these links: Downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Changes are minor: primarily port to A27, quality improvements and fixes. Also, players with equal name but different upper/lowercase combination of letters are identified as the same player. I will later announce when the mod is available for download from the in-game mod downloader.
    5 points
  12. To be honest, its really not that many. The situation could be greatly improved without removal with: better organizing map categories like I tried to do ("Default" category problem), and folding 2,4,6, and 8 player versions of skirmish maps into one map. I think the redundant maps could be removed entirely, and maybe some of the niche maps like snowflake sea rocks could be a good fit for community maps. Maybe I misread but are you advocating for removal without advocating for it ? I'm confused. It's not that many yes. But if you consider ten maps per alpha updated with an alpha every year that's still about 25 years of upgrade. My point isn't to burn all maps and start again. It's just let's consider the fun and most played maps and make them the prettiest we can and keep the rest in the community mod for people who need more. Hiding maps behind options is as good as putting them in a mod IMHO. It also makes the download smaller which reduces costs with the bandwith and our finite server space. Also most scenarios are broken and not really playable. A three map campaign by @Vantha would be a much better advertisement than 70 maps Another problem we have is that most people making videos always pick the worst looking ones which is terrible for the game's image >< (Ducks behind the alpha label)
    5 points
  13. Nah it's only extracted manually. Same for the website. The numbers I gave elsewhere are still accurate. About 1500 players play the game every day. Some still play A23 Maybe @vladislavbelov will have time to update the site after the release.
    5 points
  14. To sum up resources that aren't "gathered" and can be used are: Starting resources Treasures Barter Trade Tributes Loot (Base unit loot + their carrying resources) Tickles (From civ Bonus like Ptolemies, or buildings like wonder, Persians palace, ice-house... relics, in a27 more units produce tickles...) Cheat codes (Rarely enabled when playing MP) I think it's a exhaustive list.
    5 points
  15. Sharing some more progress on the map... I'd estimate I'm about halfway there.
    5 points
  16. The Game is excellent and entertaining like no other, thanks again for so amazing development on continuing improvement. Hope that soon the game updates will be easy available for all of us No everyone is technical pro!!!
    5 points
  17. After 4 years of procrastination, I finally released a new version: https://www.moddb.com/mods/derphammer/downloads/derphammer-20 It's still a bit rough around the edges, but it works and that's all that matters.
    5 points
  18. My stance would be: less quantity, more quality. As of Alpha 27 0ad will ship with 157 (!) maps. While I believe a big map pool is good, 157 is too much in my opinion. I'd prefer something like ~100 maps in the base game. An easy step to decrease the number of maps would be to eliminate duplicates. For example there are three "Azure Coast" maps and three "Corinthian Isthmus"/"Isthmus of Corinth" maps right now.
    5 points
  19. I'm sure it will feel silly for some but I know some people beside just myself who would have used this post if it existed For lazies on ubuntu/deb who want to spare themselves reading the sorting the build instructions: Download : 0ad-0.27.0-rc2-unix-data.tar and 0ad-0.27.0-rc2-unix-build.tar https://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/ Unzip folders and merge their content. Get dependencies : sudo apt install build-essential cargo cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libfmt-dev \ libfreetype-dev m4 libgloox-dev libicu-dev libminiupnpc-dev libnvtt-dev \ libogg-dev libopenal-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev libvorbis-dev \ libwxgtk3.2-dev libxml2-dev python3 rustc subversion zlib1g-dev Build third parties, in the new folder you created : cd libraries ./build-source-libs.sh -j3 Then build game: cd ../build/workspaces ./update-workspaces.sh -j3 # if using system-installed versions of the libs, pass --with-system-mozjs and/or --with-system-nvtt cd gcc make -j3 Voilà! You can launch a27 by executing the "pyrogenesis" in binaries/system/ @Acero @Meister
    4 points
  20. So, as multiplayer tips are added in #7503 (by @ramtzok1) we plan to split all of the existing tips into three categories (which can be switched between on the tips and tricks page) Here's a first plan to divide them up: Is there anything you'd change? (I know there might not be much for debate here, but still) By the way, if some of the competitive mp players wanted to make some tips on their tricks and strategies, now'd be a better time than ever. I'd be willing to create the images for them. We could add an category "Expert"... take that as an invitation
    4 points
  21. So here is what happened yesterday: We deploy changes to the lobby using Infrastructure-as-Code (the code for that is available at https://github.com/0ad/lobby-infrastructure/). Applying changes yesterday included a value for an XMPP MUC room option as a boolean (true) in our YAML configuration. That got converted by Ansible into a Python boolean (True) and when applying it to a string (True). As you might notice that changed the capitalization. While ejabberd (the XMPP server we're using) accepted that value, it doesn't support capitalized booleans and hell broke loose when a code path accessing such a configuration option got executed. For one option (like: "ejabberdctl room conference.host logging True") this does cause the XMPP MUC room the option got applied for to get completely deleted immediately. This resulted in the lobby not being available anymore. Debugging what happened took some time. As a workaround we're now passing the configuration values as strings in the first place, which ensures the capitalization stays as desired and doesn't trigger that behavior anymore. I've also opened a bug report for ejabberd, so hopefully it won't be possible in future anymore to set such invalid options: https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/issues/4337.
    4 points
  22. I was just passing by to share with the community that I'm having a few tough months with a lot of work and personal issues, and I'm not able to even connect to chat with you for a while. But I've noticed that lately as a community we're going through difficult times that at least I've never witnessed. This is an excellent project that has come a long way and the few active developers are making a great effort to sustain it. I've read some posts on the forum lately that have made me think about the frustration that some players may feel, and I think that, if this game and this community didn't mean something to those people, they wouldn't have the desire to share it here on the forum. Even if what they share are negative things about their feelings towards the game, it's more than likely that they do it because of the love they feel for it. Here we often say: it is in difficult times that we see the miseries of each one and also where effort is most important. It's not normal for a development like this to last so many years in the current context of the gaming industry and hyper-connected modernity. I send a big hug to everyone, even those who look at me badly for being a noob, haha Don't give up. I look forward to 27 =) PS: Here are some photos from my summer season =)
    4 points
  23. I edited the previous post: the Mock Release Bundles are now signed on macOS, and should not require workarounds to be tested. Thanks to everyone who gave feedback and reported bugs already! We are steadily progressing towards the first RCs.
    4 points
  24. Alright, I revised and updated our old outline. Here it is, to get everyone up-to-date with what we've got so far: Some notes: the first scenario is meant to teach basic controls and UI so we can fully focus gameplay strategy in the other ones. It's only supposed to last somewhere 5 and 10 minutes. The second, third and fourth scenario cover the Village, Town, and City phases respectively. It is possible to set custom victory conditions from scenario scripts and the idea is to make it the winning goal of the second scenario to reach Town Phase, and of the third one to reach City Phase. And to let them build on each other, so at the beginning of the third and fourth one just tell the player "Do what you did before." and start guiding again once the player has reached a point he hasn't been at before. For technologies, my idea is to not individually instruct to research every single important one, but rather tell the player "This structure has important technologies. Periodically check for available ones here and research them as soon as you comfortably can." and remind them to do so if they forget about it. Nothing is set into stone. Especially the story might need some refinement. Any ideas how we could include Mastia? And do you think it's an issue that we have Hasdrubal the Fair fighting battles? Any other suggestions? (Personally, I'd not do more than 4 scenarios, though, or else the length could scare off players)
    4 points
  25. Hello! Imagine a perfectly symmetrical world... Where harmony is the most important virtue... Can you survive this seemingly endless war? Can you dominate the world? Welcome to the Endless Arena! Features: Automatic adjustment of allies/enemies depending on their military power Fair support for weaker players High difficulty due to equilibrium oriented design & scripting Unique gameplay leading to test new ideas. The key to victory is use your cunning and maintain balance. You'll have to use stratagems and art of wars rather than sheer military power. Notes: recommended 64bit version of 0 A.D. Alternatively you can lower population limit in game setup if out of memory occurs during large battles. Version : 1.5.5 Map Created : 10/27/2024 Last Edited : 1/14/2025 Map type : skirmish Players# : 8 Size : Giant Tested @ 0 A.D. Alpha 26 Changes: v1.5.5 [1/14/2025]: replaced turkeys with chickens, changed map preview to fit 0AD convention Mod io homepage (always latest version): https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/map-endless-arena Direct ZIP download: Endless Arena v 1.5.5 or *.pyromod format in attachment My idea was to create a map, where the gameplay on the one hand could be extended as much as possible, and on the other hand it remained fair and symmetrical for everyone. To achieve these goals map uses set of algorithms to calculate power of each player and use this information to impose balance between them. Calculating Power As a short introduction, you need to remember few things. Typically power of a state is the sum of its kinetic power (known as military) and potential power (widely known as economy and R&D). Economy and R&D is treated as a potential power only because it may be forged to build military power later in the future. Otherwise it could be completely irrelevant. In fact many scholars often ignore economic power, because it is typically being used for purposes other than building military forces. It becomes useless in predicting or explaining various events from the large scale perspective. History proves this may be good approach. Many states ignore economy as a mean to create their own military power (either involuntary or coerced by other powers), leaving real future of a state in the hands of other greater powers. Whatever the reason, most of the economic power is usually wasted. Same applies also to 0AD to some extent. Since it is difficult to tell how much economic power would be turned to strength in the future, and how useful technology investments would become for military uses, Endless Arena uses only military might as power indicator. This is not perfectly accurate, and later addressed in "Divine Intervention". But in the end it is military might that determines the future of a kingdom. Unlikely to in-game military score, only current military power is being used as a factor. In dynamical systems, historical achievements does not determine future at all if they possess Markov property. And most chaotic systems we observe in life, seem to have this property. 0 A.D included. What matter is power "here and now" (factor "A" in below equation) and how well it is being used. History may tell us only about how well power is typically applied by a given state (strategic culture, quality of commanders, leaders). In Endless Arena this is represented by factor "B". So the formula used to calculate power of a kingdom in Endless Arena is following: Power = A * log(B) Where: A - Current military power potential B - How well military power is being applied Current military power Current military power is being calculated based on all of your current population, its cost and health. We can easily assume the more expensive the unit, the more powerful it is. If your soldier is heavily wounded (25% of health), we can also assume they're tired and 4 times less capable of fighting comparing to freshly recruited one. Of course there are many other factors, like forge technologies, that should be applied to this to be more accurate. However, during tests this heuristics appeared sufficient. Other players development progress was usually similar, hence easily ignored - especially in the late game experience. So to recap, to determine power potential Endless Arena uses: current demography, their cost and their well being. How well military is being used There exists simple indicator that helps to determine how well you're managing your military: Kill/Death ratio (KDR) and this coef is being used for "B". During tests it appeared to be important to use logarithmic function with this coefficient, as it operates much better toward equilibrium. We can fell it - there is not much difference between someone who manages to have 100 KDR comparing to 20 KDR. It doesn't really mean they are 5x better than the other. They're both skilled generals. And the difference may be related to luck, weaker enemies or geographic properties. Typically geographic landscape and players proximity should also be taken into consideration. The reason is, that "power" (soldiers) shifts and flows according to certain geographic properties. In this regard in some places power would always equal to zero no matter how good it looks in raw numbers. Even if state is equipped with elite soldiers and high demography (consider oceans or mountains as an example, where people and their goods simply cannot be present). On the other hand there are some places of extreme importance. Consider mountain passages or straits, where soldiers would have to always be displaced in order to reach, gain or defend "something". Therefore I decided to create symmetric map with equal distance to each other player, equal number of resources etc. This way we could mitigate geography factor in our equation. Technical details Endless Arena map calculates power and alliances each 5 minutes. During the assessment process, algorithm calculates all possible alliances combinations and permutations, and chooses best according to the simple rule: the more similar in power the alliances are, the closer to equilibrium such alliance set is. Mathematically, the smaller standard deviation between the power of each Teams (alliances), the better set of alliances. After the process of deciding who belongs to what alliance, each player change their teams automatically. Typically weaker players are paired with better one, best players are usually lone wolfs facing bigger threats alone etc. Map tries to keep balance at each stage. Divine Intervention Previously there have been described some issues with economy value used to calculate power. On the one hand you can't use 100% of economy value to calculate power as most of it is wasted from the power perspective (same applies to military power, however in military we can easily determine how useful it is examining units health). On the other hand, however, some of the economy is being used to train your soldiers, research military technologies helping you with your military power etc. This definitely should be used to calculate might. How to find a good solution to this? Given the level of entanglement in game mechanics and possible outcomes, there seems to be no answer to this problem. Hence my approach is a little different. I'm not using economy potential to calculate power at all. But, during assessment process, each player is estimated how much military power it lacks to the best player. Let's assume Player 3 in terms of military is best player (100%), and Player 1 is at 84%. Player 1 lacks 16% of power to the best player. Endless Arena assumes that Player 1 must be lacking some military resources to achieve Player 3 level. These missing 16% are calculated to manpower that would be needed to get to 100%, and then converted to regular resources amount (food, wood, ore & stone) needed to recruit these missing soldiers. Next, these resources would be distributed to the Player 1 as a divine help during the next 5 minutes in form of tranches (one small tranche each 10 seconds). These additional resources should be used to build missing military capabilities. But if the Player already have "missing resources", no help would be given at all! Game assumes, that if a player already have enough resources to build military, but for whatever reason they are not building it, it's their business. Volenti non fit iniuria. Lets consider few examples how it works. Example 1. Sometimes you could face the situation to inadvertently become target of the whole world. Just imagine the situation, especially in the beginning of the game, when you're the fastest developing player (as a human comparing to AI) and in the numbers become stronger than sum of 3 other players. You're not as good as all 7 others, but still considering raw numbers they'll be coerced to form a strong alliance against you! Initially you could even repel some waves of the enemies, but in the end this will even worsen your situation as officially your power increases thanks to high kill to death ratio in the next assessment (you're also skilled tactician). After few initial victories you probably won't have enough time and resources to heal all your soldiers... And even if you do, your enemies have operational depth (in spite of facing huge losses at the front!). This depth helps them to continue their development, while you're occupied with warfare. Weak alliance you'll be part of, probably won't be much of a help due to problems with coordination. They would even expect help from your side, since you're powerful! You'll find yourself quickly in a big pressure, typically rolling back most of your hard earned progress! Yeah, it's true that after such a defeat, with next estimate you would be part of a strong alliance, but what about your destroyed economy and kingdom? Not an easy thing to start from scratch, when everyone else is at City Phase. Thanks to divine intervention, you'll receive big help as a severely weakened player in comparison to other, more powerful. First you violated equilibrium with your outstanding development, then another equilibrium is violated to help you and eventually balance will be restored. Just like with tight rubber band that tries to find natural position after being released. Example 2. Similarly, just imagine you won few battles with AI due to your tactical skills. At some point they refuse to develop and build military.. This is typical problem in most regular 0 A.D. maps. Mostly due to destroyed economy. Result of one or two great battles determines future forever. Game is ruined, as you totally dominate world. To address such issues with balance, AI will be bestowed upon with lot's of resources (but not more than it is needed to attain your military level) that'll help them to repel your vile actions. Again: the point of the game is to keep balance as much as possible, so everyone could exist and live as long as possible. Known Issues There are few known issues: When diplomacy changes, we can witness short lags. And since there are many alliance changes (depending on situation there may be even >20 changes each 5 minutes) you may expect short lags in game each 5 minutes. I don't know how to mitigate the issue and whether it's related with AI or internal game engine, so the only solution to this was to add ~2 second delay between diplomacy switch. During tests in Windows, there were sometimes problems with memory (Out of Memory exception). Solution to this is to use 64bit version of 0 A.D. Optionally you could limit the number of population in game settings to control memory usage. Map wasn't tested in online play. Currently it's unknown whether script works correctly in on-line game. Hope you'll like this map! I'm appreciating all feedback. Thank you! map-endless-arena.pyromod
    4 points
  26. 0 A.D. will be present at this years' FOSDEM event in Brussels, Belgium. We will have a stand run by team members. You can come by to say hi to the developers and maybe pick up some goodies. We are happy to meet community members at the stand! What is FOSDEM? FOSDEM is the "Free Open-Source Developers European Meeting" held every year in Brussels in the first weekend of February. It is a weekend long conference with stands, lightning talks and more than a thousand lectures. For more information about the event see https://fosdem.org/2025/. Where is FOSDEM? FOSDEM is held at the Solbosch Campus of the ULB university in Brussels, Belgium. See https://fosdem.org/2025/practical/transportation/ the address. When is FOSDEM? FOSDEM is held in the weekend of 1 and 2 February 2025. Where can we find 0 A.D. at FOSDEM? Our stand will be in the K-building at ground level throughout the weekend. Who will be present from 0 A.D.? Stan, Itms, Phosit, vladislav, plumo and bb will be there.
    3 points
  27. Hi folks, the second RC for A27 is out. Thanks for testing the RC1. At this point we are not going to include balance changes in A27, we are only fixing breaking bugs. There is a chance that we release this weekend if no big bugs are found, so the timing for your testing weekend might not be the best. We could wait for after the weekend in case your match session allows us to detect breaking bugs, but it would be better if you could start testing as much as possible. If issues are found in the next days we'll do our absolute best to have a RC3 ready for testing on Sunday.
    3 points
  28. Thanks much for writing this up as a step-by-step guide with screenshots and downloads. I consider it quite important to be able to use both versions of the game when a new version is being seriously tested. The "shortcut" created by the batch script is actually a symbolic link (also known as symlink). This is necessary because a simple shortcut would not tell the game to look at the destination folder for storing its files. Note that the batch files make symlinks for all three folders, not just the config folder. You might want to add instructions and screenshots in the guide for users to, before running any batch scripts, rename 0ad to 0ad26 in each of the 0ad user data folders. This will preserve their data for the current version of 0ad. If they don't do this then the batch script won't work correctly, since the RD commands (abbreviations of RMDIR) won't work unless the directories are symlinks or empty. Sometimes there are problems caused by copying the user data files from one version of 0ad to a newer version. An example is a black or very distorted user interface. Another example is old configuration entries causing the game to malfunction in a very significant way, such as no audio or a strange screen resolution. In that case, I advise starting with empty user data folders for alpha 27 and configuring 0ad from scratch through the game interface. It might be necessary to right-click on a batch script and click "Run as administrator" in order for symlink creation to work correctly. Anyone who wants to use these scripts should read and understand what they do before running them. It's all plaintext, and each command has documentation here. If anyone wants me to explain how the scripts work line-by-line then talk to me via Element. guerringuerrin, would you mind crediting me in the guide for sharing the ideas of installing to a separate folder and using batch scripts that make symlinks in order to give each version of the game separate config folders? I think that I told you about this before alpha 26 was released and sent example batch scripts. Either that, or I shared them with someone else and they shared them with you. I see that the scripts were modified in good ways to make them more organized. Again, thanks for writing this up and sharing the information and scripts. This is quite helpful for the user base.
    3 points
  29. My two cents: Use "order one unit" command hotkey to easily distribute each woman to a different berry. This will cause your berries to deplete more slowly, giving you a small food advantage.
    3 points
  30. Local ratings mod tries to do this. See the current last posts there about my opinion on it though. I looked a bit how other games do it and currently I think the team elo system in this video makes more sense to me. How it really plays out needs to be tested ofc.. LR also tries to show the development of the player. When I look at my stats it shows no improvement. I rejoined after a long break and one would expect to start lower and improve when I get the timings better for the development of the civilization.
    3 points
  31. https://replay-pallas.wildfiregames.ovh/Replays/ReplayDetails/F2D537C430CC0174
    3 points
  32. Welp physical violence threats is probably were this should end. Locking this thread.
    3 points
  33. You seem to have a very aggressive personality... Just to clarify, I do not wish that you would be "expelled" or "kicked out" I dont even have a problem with you. Bur maybe think about what you write before you send it a bit more. For example, what was the purpose of your first message in this thread? Who could benefit from what you wrote? You were just toxic and destructive (as opposed to constructive). Also, did you just try to threaten me? Because I pointed out your hypocrisy regarding good manners? That will surely convince everyone of your values...
    3 points
  34. As you've already noted I don't comment publicly on specific cases of moderation. Everybody affected by moderator actions will however get a detailed explanation of what he did wrong when asking for it privately. I can assure you that each and every moderator tries to be as objective as possible. If anybody believes a moderator doesn't follow the rules for moderators as documented in https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/121838-moderation-of-multiplayer-lobby-irc-and-forums/, please let me know. Players affected by moderation actions may feel that they are treated unfairly, as they're often not aware of how other players are treated for similar violations of the terms of use. In addition, other players might not be prosecuted for similar violations, because no moderator was made aware of such violations. That's why I can only repeat that it's important to report players which violate the terms of use to one of the moderators! There are also players which will use the missing public reaction from moderators to claim they're being treated unfairly, while knowing that they're not. How violations of the terms of use are sanctioned depends on the severity of the violation and the number of violations the player already made in the past. For example for first time violations of low severity a verbal warning or a short mute might be issued, while repeated violations or violations with a high severity might be sanctioned more extensively. If players decide to continue to violate the terms of use over and over, without showing any will to improve, we might even need to issue a complete ban from our services. That's a situation we try to avoid, but unfortunately sometimes have to take to foster a healthy community. Usually that only happens after a moderator talked multiple times with the offending player, tried to explain why their behavior violates the terms of use and tries to get them to change it. (That's of course only possible if the offending player is willing to talk.) Our goal after all is to have a welcoming community and that only works if certain behavior isn't tolerated.
    3 points
  35. I'd like to get the default stance of new units as "defensive" when they are created. Is there a way to define the default unit stance'
    3 points
  36. Officially I mean. There are a lot of things those mods offer that I want to see in the game.
    3 points
  37. I'm Eva, from Spain. I´ve just registered to thank you guys. This game is amazing
    3 points
  38. Good observation. Perhaps after a scenario or two of war, the player finds it beneficial to ally with said enemy and halt hostilities. Run the full gamut. So then the player learns about the diplomacy and trading features that way, by making peace with a faction you were at war with. Common enemy? (Romans are encroaching now)
    3 points
  39. Humble suggestion to improve the 0AD homepage: Wouldn't it be useful to update the revision log on the 0AD homepage (at least once a month- while nightly built, so potentially manually mentioning the major changes in SVN) ? Currently it still looks like development has stalled - which is not true at all. You know: "do good stuff and talk about it"
    3 points
  40. Scythian princess or priestess https://www.inform.kz/ru/obshnost-kultur-proslezhivaetsya-na-prostranstve-velikoy-stepi-kazahstanskiy-restavrator-ea94d3
    3 points
  41. Honestly, I'm not so keen on repainting everything a second time. I think the current textures blend together quite well already, but my opinion here might be biased by all the effort I put into it. Here is the map in its current state: carthago_nova.pmpcarthago_nova.xml What do you think?
    3 points
  42. Has anybody used an AI application to get gameplay answers? "X" formerly Twitter now allows you to use Grok to get answers. I asked the following question: "In the game 0AD can healers heal from inside a building?" Question: "In the game 0 AD should healers go with the troops into battle?"
    3 points
  43. 3 points
  44. That sounds like a plan we’d just have to design scenario 3 so the player couldn’t conceivably brute force their way to victory without becoming allies but we should be able to figure that out .
    2 points
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