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0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series


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The last match has been played, we can now start the 2nd round! Standings are here as always: https://challonge.com/sv36zmko/standings

But first I have an announcement: the new version of feldmap (0.2.1) has been signed! It is now available on mod.io. This new version drops the quite imbalanced Nubia biome, so now we can drop the previous convoluted biome rules, and back to simply a random biome setting. Note: if you previously installed feldmap manually and wish to update through mod.io, I recommend you first delete the mod to avoid bad surprises.


Round 2 matches:

@ValihrAnt vs @Edwarf
@Feldfeld vs @LetswaveaBook
@Player of 0AD vs @Dakara
@MarcusAureliu#s vs @Philip the Swaggerless
@borg- vs @chocapoca
@rm -rf vs @BeTe
@alre vs @seeh

The deadline for this round is Wednesday 23, 23:59 UTC. If all matches are finished sooner we could try to get closer to the original schedule but that's not a priority.

Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences.

Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.


EDIT: I see there is a new Community Mod version released, please update and use it for this round!

Edited by Feldfeld
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2 hours ago, seeh said:

its  011235813 (1609) vs BeTe (1153)

was a bit confused dont found the replay first.


I watched the YT video and saw you are about to cast my game and was very happy...  and then suddenly you thought you have wrong replay and casted another game. So much disappointment for me :D  

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Unfortunately, borg- didn't connect for more than a week.

I had multiple players tell me they thought they were / would be eliminated from the tournament if they lost one game. It is not true as we are playing a Swiss system. All 5 rounds are played by every players, and there will be a ranking in the end. I didn't properly explain the system and I am sorry about that. This may be the reason for borg's inactivity, in any case, I hope there won't be more players getting confused by this.

I decided to forfeit borg- from the tournament. I could have tried to replace him but either it would induce even more delay to the tournament or could lead to some big unfairness.
But forfeiting borg is still quite unfair to @MarcusAureliu#s, as it hurts his Bucholz (first tiebreaker) quite a bit while it should have been pretty good after he got a win against a favorite. That may cost him a few spots when we get to final standings. I still salute his win which I think also showed improvement of his level.


Round 3 matches:

@ValihrAnt vs @Feldfeld
@Dakara vs @Edwarf
@rm -rf vs @chocapoca
@Player of 0AD vs @BeTe
@Philip the Swaggerless vs @alre
@LetswaveaBook vs @MarcusAureliu#s
Bye (no game for this round, +1 point): @seeh

The deadline for this round is Wednesday 30, 23:59 UTC.

Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences.

Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.


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34 minutes ago, seeh said:

i was not able to watch this :( i have no idea



Maybe try to only possibly have one Community mod version read by the game (0.26.2). This means temporarily removing 0.26.3 from game files, not just deactivating it. Then try again

When you had 0.26.2 activated only it looked like there was no compatible replays while there should be some played in that version, or maybe it was still the result of a previous filter.

And make sure your 0.26.2 community mod has the exact same mod.json as the original and the replay file has not been modified

Edited by Feldfeld
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1 hour ago, seeh said:

thats Version: 0.2.1 ... ah. there is a button

Previous Releases :cheers:

update 22-1125_0012-24 i give up to show this. idk whey its not work for me. lets look forward. some other good games will happen.


You have community-mod 0.26.0, this shouldn't be on your system. You'd need 0.26.2 to watch the specific replay, or 0.26.3 from now on (latest version)

Anyway fine if you don't want to spend anymore time, indeed it's just a game

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10 minutes ago, seeh said:

I'm not sure if I understood that correctly.

now it's clear to me there is simply no opponent for the round for me. thank you for the information :)



Yes, sorry, that's a consequence of having borg- forfeit the tournament.

If nothing changes next 2 rounds will have a different player getting a Bye as well

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