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  1. What is AutoCiv This mod is an aggregation of features meant to enhance the 0 A.D. game experience. I usually implement these extra features as they come up with no general plan in mind. Download (how to install section below) autociv.pyromod autociv.zip Feature list General Readme: press Shift + F4 to open Player mute Player reminder (show a written note when a certain player joins) *** Link opener (opens URL links from the chat) Help command: type /help to see all available commands Console with autocomplete (Ctrl + C + L) Lobby Resize bars Host name mark Remember playerlist state Better performance when reloading lobby Shortcuts to create host, navigate gamelist Game setup Auto-assign civilization with chat (only works if host has the mod) Custom population limit Custom starting resources Custom map size Countdown to start the game Maps Skirmish Volcano island (8) In Game Hotkeys for (see hotkeys with hotkey viewer) Buildings placement Multiple buildings per hotkey (optional, user.cfg) How to use: Copy the hotkey you want and remove the "hotkey." prefix, next replace the hotkey key for the buildings you want to cycle and separate them by a space. Buildings selection Units selection Formations (selected units) Stances (selected units) Auto-train (selected buildings) Minimap expand Custom selection filters by: health rank class group Pause game overlay now shows only in the top area Stats overlay Settings Max corpses visible Download options Download and install from one of the two files from the start of this same page. Download and install manually the github repository (instalation file on the releases section) https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv Use 0 A.D. mod downloader (not always newest version) https://0ad.mod.io/autociv Instructions to install MacOS (thanks @HMS-Surprise) Linux/Windows: Open the downloaded file with (both ways should work): pyromod file: Double click the file (should autoinstall the mod for you and send you to the mods page inside 0ad) Right click → Open with → 0 A.D (or pyrogenesis.exe) ** NOTICE: in Alpha 25 the pyromod installation will trigger an error message: to fix just disable autociv, restart the game and enable autociv again. zip file: Copy folder inside the zip file into your mods folder Mod compatibility(s) The mod is compatible with: 0 A.D 0.0.27 Probable to work alongside other community mods as balanced maps spec mod (monitor) custom_rating boonGUI Should work with all mods that don't have extensive code changes. More stuff & goodies For more info just read the whole thread where I post new features. Questions & feedback You don't understand how it works? Feeling confused? Just wanna comment? Ask and post. Source code public repository https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv
  2. Today, we are proud to announce the first design team dedicated to 0 A.D. Scion Development is a collection of ambitious developers and game enthusiasts who have come together to develop third-party content for Wildfire Games' real-time strategy title. Our group of talented, tight-knit designers donate their free time to development with a common goal in mind: to contribute to the 0 A.D. community and further the limits of the game. After extensive construction of the team's logistic aspects, we are thrilled to announce our debut project, The Rise of the East, introducing a brand new faction to the game: China. As a team, our mission is to deliver quality modifications and scenarios to the game community, all while adhering to a policy of high expectations and strong work ethics. Through our dedication to development, we hope to become an integral part the 0 A.D. community. The Team Rob Kimball is a texture artist from Solana Beach, CA. Mikhail Filimonov is a marketing representative and scenario designer from the Bay Area, CA. Robert Schultz is a 3D modeler from New Jersey. Matthijs de Rijk is a 3D modeler from the Netherlands. Joining the Team At the moment we are open to any person willing to contribute to the team, particularly those with artistic abilities or those who possess some form of experience with Atlas. Obviously, anyone wishing to join must have a genuine passion for mod development and must be able to actively contribute to the team on a regular basis. If you think if you have the mindset, and more importantly the skills to become a part of our team, fill out and post an application in our forums. The form and job descriptions may be found in this thread. Rise of the East The Rise of the East is a modification that strives to bring China as a civilization into the game, meticulously researched to be as historically accurate as possible. In addition to the civilization, we plan to implement a full campaign, featuring recreations of famous historical moments, new random maps, and more. As development progresses, we will periodically update the fans with the latest news, and release promotional media although it will take some time before the entire modification is finished. To commemorate our debut, we've released a small unit pack to give the fans a preview of what is to come, which can be downloaded below. Follow us on our official Twitter for the latest updates and news. Also, be sure to stop by our forum and introduce yourself to the community and the rest of the team. We'd love to hear from you! Downloads Below, you can find a small demo of our progress so far. We've included three infantry units from our Chinese faction in this demo release: Dāo Fú Shǒu (刀斧手, infantry swordsman), Cháng Máo Bīng (长矛兵, infantry spearman) and Nú Shǒu (弩手, infantry archer). We've also released the Bīng Yíng (兵营, military center) so you'll have a building from which to train your three new units. Download Rise of the East Demo Release : Infantry (0.1)
  3. Please report any bugs you find here or on Github(preferably) and feedback is greatly appreciated! grapejuice_r12_a26.zipgrapejuice_r12_a26.pyromod
  4. Americas Ancient Empires Mod DD v 2.0(Or some better name xD) Gameplay: It is very similar to 0 A.D., with some changes listed here: A new resource water. Civilizations have different ranges for their units There is no cavalry or stable. Each culture has its own animals. The boats are classified in this way: Canoe, Median Canoe, Large Canoe. Current Civilization are: I decided to remake everything, there no added civilizations( I don't like how was the civilizations except models and textures so i will redo all the ones I already had ) Well here is the final Planed Civilizations(whit names and some incomplite general information, need investigation) i like to show this as a table but i don't find an option for this Note: School of Nobles and School of Common People/Plebeians? are available for the mexicas,tlaxcalans and toltecs also unique militar and economic tech respectively and the chinampa are available to the nahuas civilizations Mexicas(Main Bonus: 25% in trade profits and They gather food for 5% faster,Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: Skull wall defence aura?,Cultural Bonus: They can have a greater influence on the villages / communities that are under their control(more benefice)). Tlaxcalans(Main Bonus:Militar Buildings 15% more strongers in every phase starting in city phase,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Mountain Fortress,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Toltecs(Main Bonus:Gather rate stone is 15% faster is added 15% Gather rate in every phase starting in the villager phase ,Team Bonus: You ally can train your basic soliders from embassy ,Unique Buildings:Toltec Embassy(your ally can build),Cultural Bonus: TODO) Incas(Main Bonus:The Tambo generate metal and the buildings only cost stone, but the units cost 5% more metal ,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Tambo,Unshu,Pukara,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Mayas form Tikal(Main Bonus:They have 15% more cultural influence,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:Observatory,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Mayans Kaqchikels(Main Bonus:They buildings cost -25% of stone,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings:TODO,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Pipilians(Main Bonus:Her soldiers are 15% more weak but get 15% of attack,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings: TODO,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Tupis(Main Bonus: All buildings cost wood,Team Bonus:TODO,Unique Buildings: Warhut,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Hopis(Main Bonus: Some of its buildings have double functions,Team Bonus: TODO, Unique Buildings: Pueblo,Cultural Bonus:TODO) Tarahumaras(Main Bonus: All units are 15% faster(Who needs those dirty horses?),Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: Trading Post?,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Auracanians aka Mapuches(Main Bonus: Adaptable civilization, has better defence,Team Bonus: TODO,Unique Buildings: TODO,Cultural Bonus: TODO) Villagers/Communities A neutral village you can capture the villager to get soldiers, resources and techs the resource depends of the villager, i dont complite the idea but heres the avaliable villagers Zapotecs Villager Caribeans Villager Nabajo Villager Mixtecs Villager Huastecs Villager Chichimecans Villager Muiscans Villager Moches Villager Apaches Villager I will add more Cultures: Not info for now. Maps: Here is my idea of the posible maps. Sonora Desert,Western Sierra Madre,Eastern Sierra Madre, Southern Sierra Madre,Chihuahua Desert,Paint Desert,Texas,West Ocean(Veracruz Coast),Anahuac,Yucatan Peninsula,Chiapan Jungle(Old name of Chiapas),Coast of Oxaca,Cuaxtemalan(again other old name this time from Guatemala),Orinoco,Andes Mountains,Atacama,Auracana,Patagonia,Pampas,Amazon Jungle,Antillas,Easter Island,Llanos Hiden Civilizations: They are unlocked by doing certain actions during a game which unlocks a button that allows you to become one of the civilizations that are available based on what you have done to unlock them(i dont make a spoiler :v) Soon I will make the technological trees of the main civilizations and the villages. Note 1: I hate writing in English >:( Note 2:If someone wants to help improve this design document feel free to post your suggestions, i realy needed xd
  5. Adds a more advanced bot(based on PETRA) to the game. UPDATE: Version 0.3.0 For the Volatile Market mod: Added a feature for building an Embassy. Prioritize exchanges to get resources(food, wood, stone, metal). Batch Size changes depending on the amount of food resource available. The more resource available, the larger the size can be. UPDATE: Version 0.2.1 Changing priorities and some other settings. UPDATE: Version 0.2.0 Bot adapted for the Volatile Market mod. Actively barters new resources and researches technologies. Settings are more noticeable after 15-20min of play. Focused on players with experience. Bot with the same bonuses for each difficulty level as the basic PETRA. At population limit(e.g. 300) it will hire units up to the ceiling. More technology and economy oriented at the start. More active in the Market. Builds more buildings to hire units. bot_PETRA_Expert_0_3_0.zip
  6. boonGUI User interface mod for the RTS game 0 A.D. Everyone can follow the development, contribute to discussions, report bugs, suggest features or even make pull requests. Install Choose your preferred method GitHub git clone https://github.com/LangLangBart/boonGUI.git Linux: ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ macOS: ~/Library/Application\Support/0ad/mods/ Windows: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\ Pyromod Drag and drop the file over the 0ad start icon or double click it. The mod will be unpacked and placed in your 0ad mods folder ZIP Unpack it it in your /0ad/mods/ folder Launch 0 A.D., click Settings and Mod Selection. Double-click boonGUI, click Save Configuration and Start Mods. Troubleshooting If you get errors/warnings after upgrading, delete the existing boonGUI folder and install the mod again. If that doesn't help, just post a message here or on GitHub.
  7. A few players asked me to make a mod that would allow for the auto-queue (native) feature to be able to resize itself. And I now I've done it. https://gitlab.com/4trik/resizequeue It's a light mod, for players that can't play with heavier mods. But you still have a bunch of settings to customize its behavior. Features: - Resize batch training every time to adapt to resource and pop available. - Stop / Resume auto-queue after no resource or pop-limit reached. - Prevent autoqueue from using the resources you'll need when placing a building. If anything doesn't work as expected, please tell me. Enjoy!
  8. It looks like the community maps mod hasn't been updated since a23, so I've made a temporary fork of the project called community maps 2 It's pretty basic, but it gives access to the maps again. And I've run some migration scripts on the maps themselves to make them compatible with >=a24. Though I haven't checked them all for warnings or errors. If you notice any problems, just open a ticket on the community maps 2 repo and I'll try to fix things up; or you can make a PR if you feel like it. The pyromod file can be downloaded from the releases section
  9. I have just tested my new map of South America. It's a giant map for eight players with a lot of resources. I tried to make position of resources balanced and all biomes and vegetation are inspired by real ones (it was very difficult due to lack of new world specific vegetation and the variety of biomes). I know that it's not historically accurate (obv) but It's only for fun. Please say to me what do you think about it or some advice to improve it. If the community likes this work I will continue with other continents. South America Baelish.zip
  10. If you are a community member of the Wildfire Games' forum, you might already had noticed that a new modding team is being formed, which consist of a few old modding teams. The merge process being almost finished, we discovered that we could use a few additional hands to help us in modding several aspects of game, with the ultimate goal the create an enormous mod pack targeting 0 A.D. in an as large as possible timeframe. Yes, indeed, this is a quite ambitious goal, but with your help I (and with me the rest of the Council) am sure that we will manage to achieve it! Let me now explain in what area's you could help us out. We are currently looking for persons capable of fulfilling the following jobs: Researchers, 3D artists, programmers, Scenario designers, Playtesters & balancers and finally 2D Artists. Researcher: A game falls or stands with information. Without, it is impossible to create a historically accurate game like 0 A.D. aims to be. Therefore we need people who like to dig in history and come up with information, plans to get that information implemented in the right way and finally provide references for the artists around. As already said, we like to get a large timespan so you will get acquainted with all kinds of history and learn lots of it. 3D artist: In case of 3D artist we have two kinds of jobs: Animators: Animations are needed to get a dynamic moving game. Imagine a game with only static puppets moving around! No one wants to play that! We need therefore people who like to animate all kinds of objects, including ships, animals and units. Modelers: Beside animators we do need persons creating the 3D object itself, before it gets animated or textured or something. Modelling a variety of objects you need to follow the references provided by the researchers (or get them yourselves if you like to do so) and get it usable for the other team members. Actually you provide a fundamental base for the game to get playable. Programmer: Modding includes programming. Therefore we need additional programmers capable of JS-scripting in various aspects of the game. Think of programming completely new gameplay features but also creating technologies, auras, modifying templates and creating Random Map Scripts and possibly AI scripting. It even is allowed to create your own glsl shaders if you like to! Scenario Designer: Of course we like to feature some scenarios of our own specifically created for our own projects. It is also possible to create Random Maps in collaboration with the programmers. Playtester / Balancer: To get a nice, playable game we need playtesters. They are there to improve the game's playability and eventually come up with ideas for gameplay features in collaboration with the researchers. It is also a possibility that it is needed to adjust some stats yourselves. For this you'll need a basic knowledge of XML (which is very easy to learn I can tell you). 2D artist: 2D artists can choose between various assignments in the following areas: Conceptual artist: Being a conceptual artist you'll pick up references and create concepts for it to be used by the 3D modelers. It is also allowed to search for references yourselves or collaborate with researchers in doing so. 2D designer: 2D designers take care of the UI. Think of designing new buttons, drawing wallpapers and everything you like to do to improve the GUI and create a lot of other art. The list has now come to an end. Nothing is prohibited and everything is permitted in our Council (sort of). If you feel that your function is not listed above: feel free to ask if we need you. If you feel you're not skilled enough to apply: we are there to help you improving your skills and get them good enough for you to be part of our team. If you do not exactly match a jobs description: no problem, we can use every hand to help us, also hands that are not able to (or do not like) certain parts of the jobs. On the other hand: if you might want to fulfill more than one job, you're welcome. To summarize: Everyone who is interested, whether he is capable or not, unable to spend much time or not, is allowed (or even better: asked) to apply! To apply, send me a PM or reply at this topic.
  11. === Once, some new 0ad player created a map called "map-rheinland". It was supposed to play around a river in old Germania. He tried to imagine how such rivers might have been like, long ago. He had no experience in the game and no idea of the balance whatsoever, so he simply decided to place ore in the mountains and rocks in the swamps and rivers. It was published soon. Since the original map became unloadable with vanilla, a multiplayer / skirmish map is being created from scratch. The main thread, which you are reading now, has been edited and renamed. This could someday become a map pack. I am not sure yet. === While there is further development, i provide the mod in this thread, so it can be used until existing problems are fixed. Also, please consider that it is recommended to use Alpha 27 with Vulkan Backend for good performance / stability. Maps can be huge and contain many resources. For me it works fine with Vulkan on mid-end system. The A27 version of the map... requires Delanda Est, which does not apply to the old A26 map. For some reason, after i had opened the map in Atlas - with DE activated -, the game cannot find any objects when loading it with vanilla 0ad. I try to find out why that happens and will provide the fix. While that is so, the Skirmish version of the map is supposed to work on Vanilla (although, as mentioned, it does not, right now). But for now, it should not be played anyway. I was focussing more on the DE scenario (see below), so that the Skirmish remains kind of unfinished. TBD. The A27 file can be found at the end of this post. Delanda Est Patch On top of that, you can then use the Delanda-Est patch if you like to. It contains a Scenario (1p vs 4 AI) aswell as balancing changes for DE that are designed for this very map. So please remember to turn it off when you play another map - else it will likely disrupt the balance of the original mod. The old file... If you want to play the vanilla map, you can still get the old A26 modfile on mod.io (ingame mod menu) - but it only has 3 player slots, it is not balanced and the terrain and forests are much more generic and dull. Also be aware that there may be changes in the file structure - renaming for example. Need to get a better overview of the map Sources for creation (for myself; can contain german articles. Feel free to share knowledge about how the terrain might have looked like at the time): "Geschichte des Waldes in Mitteleuropa" - Wikipedia (has translations) "Wie breit war der Rhein früher" - the-duesseldorfer.de "Der Rhein in römischer Zeit" - neuss.de "Maps reveal the historical path of the rhine" - uu.nl "Publius Cornelius Tacitus described "Free Germania" (Germania magna) in the 1st century as "terra aut silvis horrida aut paludibus foeda" – a land, covered by horrid forests or loathsome bogs. Tacitus' Mediterranean homeland at that time had already been a cultural landscape for centuries, its forests cleared for fields, orchards and towns, to say nothing of the use of wood for home fires and maritime construction." - Wikipedia Current Map: Old image: ================================================= FILES map-rheinland.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND Delanda Est (for now) map-rheinland-v02-patch-delanda-est.pyromod REQUIRES 0ad A27 AND map-rheinland.pyromod AND Delanda Est =================================================
  12. I was adding my first faction to the game when I came across a process that I am unfamiliar with. An error stating: "g_CivData[playerState.civ] is undefined" : I do not understand how to "define" a "playerState". Anyone think that they can help me out? Edit: I added a pic of all of the errors I am getting just to give extra details...
  13. I create a new map of North and Central America, I tested it on my own and now I would like to share it and use in multiplayer, but I don't know how to do it, because it's my first time. Can somebody help me? I attach a screenshot of the new map, I hope that you like it.
  14. Hello everyone! I hereby present a 0 A.D. mod aimed at evaluating the rating of players. Official mod page on GitLab here. Introduction Before diving into the description, let me introduce the problem this mod aims to solve. In 0 A.D., the ELO system is used to rank players in the lobby. This is good; but is it representative of the players' skills? As you know, the rating system in 0 A.D. only takes into account 1v1 rated games. Team games do not contribute to the ELO score of a player, as well as 1v1 unrated games. Also, the scoring system only takes into account the outcome of a game (victory/defeat) and not the "performance" during the game. Can we do better? This mod uses statistics. It extracts data from all the replays of games you (the mod user) have played. So, if you have played 20 games (1v1s, team games, other..) with a player in the lobby whose name is (for example) strangeJokes, the mod will assign a rating to strangeJokes based on the 20 games you've played with them. The rating system The functioning of the rating system is described in detail here, but in short what it does is: it considers the average performance of the player during the entire game (and not only at game's end). the rating assigned to a player is a percentage: for example, a player with a rating of 5.00 performs a 5% better than other players on average, while a player with a rating of -5.00 performs a 5% worse than other players on average. you can customize the rating system by giving more importance to military, economy, exploration or other factors to the aim of calculating ratings. Keep in mind that this mod is based on statistics; data are taken from your (the mod user) replays. Statistics might not be fully representative of reality; therefore, a player's rating could be inaccurate, especially if you have played few games with that player. The more you play with a player, the more accurate the rating of that player is. Installation ‣Recommended: LocalRatings can be downloaded from the game menu: Settings > Mod Selection > Download Mods. ‣Alternatively: Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Latest version announcement Explanatory pictures Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  15. I have added some commands to great AutoCIV my development steps can be viewed here or/and the mod downloaded https://github.com/sl5net/autocivP/releases/latest its for v0.26.2 and v0.27.1, one for both Versions. it uses more autocompletion : people might think its using hotkeys when you use autocompletion When others see you quickly accessing and completing code with minimal effort, they might assume you are using hotkeys. Autocompletion helps you find and insert the correct snippets without the need to manually search or remember them. This efficiency can make it appear as if you're using hotkeys. it uses profiles for diffent thinks it sets some check-boxes and some values like 250popMax,300food, alliedview, .. for the game that probably / hopefully everybody love
  16. Hi community! This is a mod implementing macro recording. With the Macros mod, a player can: Start recording, with a hotkey. Do some actions. Any action. Stop recording, with the same hotkey. Execute the recorded sequence of actions with a hotkey press, at any time during the game. I see great potential in macros. The more I think about it, the more I find use cases. Therefore, I propose: try the Macros mod, find use cases and share them. There's much space for new features (and you're welcome to suggest); more than that, I'm very interested in the game-changing aspects of macros. Be aware that... This mod executes automated actions. This can be considered as a cheat. When you play a game with this mod, make sure other players are aware you are using this mod and agree. Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  17. Hello 0 A.D. friends, I have been thinking about the possibility of making a mod implementing macros and came to the conclusion this is feasible, albeit complicated. Despite my good intentions, I will be in shortage of time very soon, and this is the kind of project that takes a while to be developed. Perhaps, this is also the kind of project that triggers the interest of some of you smart guys populating the forum. If so, this is the topic for you. If any of the developers has considered this before, I'd be curious to hear from them. This might not be a new idea after all. This post is organized in sections, so a reader can skip the parts they're not interested in. 1. What are macros? 2. Why do 0 A.D. players need macros? 3. Why macros, when there are mods around? 4. What's the proposal? 5. How can a player define a macro? 6. Implementing macros can be complicated
  18. Yes, you read the title correctly: this mod causes extinctions randomly destroying your entities. Official mod page on GitLab here. It's a semi-serious (working!) mod, whose idea originated from joking conversations in the lobby. Too OP and want to balance games? This is your chance to set it right. Features Set the entity reduction rate and the frequency of extinctions. Intensify/alleviate the entity reduction rate and frequency over time. Choose which entities can or cannot be destroyed. Totally voluntary usage: other players don't have to install it to play with you. Is that serious? Yes and no, I mean... it can be fun! On a serious note, scenarios or campaigns can be designed on top of it. After all, the idea is not that different from already existing features such as the rising of water level in the Extinct Volcano map. Events like the spreading of the Antonine Plague, imported by the Roman legions from the Near East, immediately come to my mind; although this example is outside the 0 A.D. time frame, events like this might well fit a scenario/campaign. Mod options (screenshot) Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  19. Hi! Let me start with a quote from 0 A.D. - The Vision: The above quote neatly summarizes the reason why I made QuickStart. QuickStart is a mod that allows to automatically perform predefined actions as game starts, reducing initial micromanagement. Official mod page on GitLab here. Initial steps can be customized from the Options menu, see image below: QuickStart and proGUI In short: proGUI mod embeds QuickStart, with differences. But if you enjoy stories and moral concerns, keep reading. Be aware that... This mod executes automated actions. This can be considered as a cheat. When you play a game with this mod, make sure other players are aware you are using this mod and agree. Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  20. Hello everyone, I'm sharing with you this mod that I made long ago, hoping it is useful to somebody. The mod is named CircularCamera (official page on GitLab) and it provides nine new cameras, each pointing at a fixed position on the map. Each camera can be accessed with a hotkey. See image below. Features Nine new pre-set cameras are available: one points at the center of the map and eight point at the eight corners of the map. Jumping to any of these cameras can be done via a hotkey. Hotkeys can be edited from the Hotkeys menu. Distance of cameras from map center: the default distance from the center, as well as the increasing/decreasing step can be adjusted from the Options menu. The distance of the cameras from the map center can also be changed in-game via hotkeys. Hotkeys: search for circularcamera in the Hotkeys menu: all the relevant hotkeys can be found and edited there. Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  21. Introducing God's Eye. I've been working on this mod for about just 48hrs now. Not so lone but due to the pace I'm moving, I am almost done with beta version .0.01 and I'm looking for testers who will use the mod, discover bugs and add it to the known issues so that i can get it patched and release the entire mod to everyone as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to inbox me if you are willing to help build up this mod or have any interesting feature you would like to request. My arms are opened!, Request a feature or suggest and it will be added as soon as I can. PM me if you would like to test the ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God's Eye was created in attempt to bring back our favorite mod of all time, Fgod mod - by @ffffffff This mod is inspired by FGOD Mod, part of the code may be from the original fgod mod made by @ffffffff , all rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.0.1 updated: v0.0.2 (6/30/2022) updated: v0.0.3 (7/02/2022) updated: v0.0.4 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup updated: v0.0.6 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup updated: v0.0.7 (9/28/2022) - compatible with a26 Features Overview Auto Login Vision Ally Stats Auto Away Start into lobby Improved UI Design Functions with all mod Network warnings Late Observer Joins Auto Share Resources Among Teammates When You Resign A Team Game Fight Ratio Calculator Lobby Notification from in-game New music added Sound on message sent added New chat notification sound added Ping players to ready during game setup Ping players to join your game from lobby Added easy team numbers to easily set your hosts to 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 , ffa , etc. Added smurf highlighter - Highlight smurf in the game easily with a single button Added buddies sorting Known Issues Minor typos ( fixed ) Unclickable chat input Installation guide; 1. Download both mod.json and godeye.zip files ( attached to this post ) 2. Make a new folder and name it godseye in your mods folder 3. Paste the mod.json and godseye.zip file, no need to unzip it 4. After following the above steps, you are good to go! Open the game and you will see it in your mod list Alternatively, you can download it from the game through the mod downloader or visit https://0ad.mod.io/gods-eye-mod?preview=c0076b5082eb4209ca4277950830f43d Mod Folder locations- linux into ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/godseye windows typically: ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\godseye mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/godseye New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) mod.json godseye.zip New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) godseye.zip Main Lobby Page Player List Panel Game List Panel Chat Panel ( Additional Buttons ) God's Eye Settings Page Main PreGame Page
  22. Overview This mod adds morale system to 0 A.D. Please read an overview of morale in Wikipedia page here. This mod tries to represent military morale and to some extent also employee morale (for workers). Morale system here is inspired from a mix between Total War and Stronghold style morale. So basically the higher the morale, the better your units at gathering, building, and fighting, and vice versa. Morale is influenced by unit's health, being attacked, being near other units, etc. On a very low morale, units will flee the battlefield. I originally develop this mod for Happiness system in my City Building Mod, however it became more complicated so I decided to release it separately as Morale system. Therefore, this mod is designed to be as bare-boned and customizable as possible, so it will be compatible to many mods, although the mod should be quite playable as it is. Features Every unit has morale icon to represent its current state. Some aspects that can influence unit morale: Presence of other units on viewing distance. Allies increase morale and enemies decrease morale. Being attacked. Arrow shots would decrease morale, even if it missed. Health increase/decrease. Morale would increase/decrease accordingly. Unit death would cause significant morale decrease to nearby allies and vice versa. Low morale can cause a unit to have decreased gathering rate, building rate, and attack rate. Extremely low morale cause unit to flee from enemy and became passive. Units reaching max morale would cheer and start becoming violent. Structures can also have morale. Structures with low morale can have reduced attacks speed and also slower training and research time. Garrison units with high morale inside for increased morale. Some variables that can be customized for further modding (mostly need to edit component variable but later planned to be customizable via template): Significance (the higher unit significance the higher influence it has on nearby units) Range (by default it uses unit vision but can be altered) RegenRate (default morale regenerate rate) etc (please look at Init function of Morale.js) Installation Clone or download the mod from GitHub page to My Games/0ad/mods folder. (I will add mod.io link later) Contribute This mod is very much a work in progress. Everyone is certainly welcome to contribute by testing the mod and tell me what you think! If you found issue or have some ideas you'd like to implement, feel free to discuss here or even create Pull Request to the GitHub repo. I also currently have no access to a better quality computer to create high quality screenshot/video preview, so you can share your screenshots here as well! Credits Thank you very much to: @Freagarach, @wraitii for helping out on problems I encountered with some components (see the discussion behind the scene here) @Grapjasfor letting me adapt his Wounded feature from Grapejuice mod (another interesting mod you should check) @wowgetoffyourcellphone for arrow morale damage suggestion and fear units (implementable by Significance, but not yet).
  23. Why ? What is there to say: I like to look at something different once in a while. Installation note: No guarantee that it will be compatible to any other mod, but if you want to try it, it's probably best to enable this one last (after) everything else. Current version: 0.27.3 (testing/ A27 / SVN) | 0.26.3 (A26) Where to find it: For A27/ SVN: newest testing version https://api.mod.io/v1/games/5/mods/1965214/files/3658747/download (needs manual installation) For A26: It is available through the in-game mod downloader or manually from: https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/shiny Some features: In case you don't like the new backgrounds: There is now the option to enable or disable it and switch between the new and the old backgrounds. Just go to the options and click on "Disable new background" _________________________________________________________ Credits to: @Langbart who gave me the idea and with whom I discussed much about the initial design/ who generally helped, @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @Radiotraining for tips on the design and a general thanks to everybody who gave their opinions and suggestions in this thread.
  24. Hi 0 A.D. friends, the FieldManager mod I am presenting in this post is aimed at reducing micro-management on fields. Official mod page on GitLab here. The mod has been around for a while and I see players on the lobby already using it. I was hesitant to announce it on the forum, for I wished to come up with more functionalities but... I couldn't so here it is! Despite its ostentatious name, the mod provides few but useful features: Select military/non-military/all gatherers from selected fields. Select one gatherer from each selected field. Evenly distribute gatherers across selected fields. Here's a screenshot of the commands available when selecting a number of fields: Be aware that... This mod executes automated actions. This can be considered as a cheat. When you play a game with this mod, make sure other players are aware you are using this mod and agree. Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!
  25. Hello! I tried to make a simple addition to the interface where by clicking a resource on the top panel, it will send a message to notify allies how much of this particular resource you have. The idea is that in multiplayer games, you like to ask for resource you need and offer the ones you have a lot of. Sounded simple and in my reach . Little did I know how little I know... I first tried the simplest thing, I added an attribut to the object tag in \gui\session\top_panel\Counters.xml onPress="Engine.SendNetworkChat(resource[n])" But just adding the "onPress" attribut here seems to break everything; the top panel, and other unrelated things like music. Next I looked into CounterManager.js to add to the existing onPress method of the class, but the class doesn't provide a way to identify the exact ressource I'm clicking on. Last CounterResource.js seemed more promising as "rescode" that provide the names in a string ("food"..) is defined in the constructor. But here, I can't make an onPress method that would work just by naming it. I was just trying to do just this : onPress() { Engine.SendNetworkChat("I have " + this.count + " of " this.resCode + "!"); } Any ideas of what am I missing, please?
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