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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. @CovenantKillerJ I think the more important question is if we have proof of the use of eles. The production buildings are a game play mechanic; do we have proof of CCs, barracks, stables...
  2. AFAIK his parents had an emerald (?) mine in apartheid SA which is also the basis for his wealth. And further AFAIK Zuck practices martial arts and has fought in tournaments; so I really think Elon would have his butt handed to him quite swiftly.
  3. I just hope both suffer. ^^ I read today it could be more a debate than a physical fight; if not my money is on Zuck.
  4. Don't really like that part, especially since my melee pedestrians rarely level up anyway. But thanks, I will see what I'll do with them.
  5. Great! I still have only a vague idea what they (can) do, but I guess I'll learn it eventually.
  6. "Champion Centurions". Great! Probably. Maybe. I can't find any information about that unit in the structure tree. I suggest to find a place in the structure tree to describe that unit. Since the Romans don't have specific technologies there would be space in that column. Edit: Or maybe where other civs have their trainer units.
  7. @Vantha One healer wouldn't make the numbers fit. He started with ten units, trained 70 and lost when his 80 units had been killed. Add the eleven livestock to the trained units and you get the numbers shown in the screenshots. Edit: Like his Maurya pal in the line above him, there needs to be a difference of ten units trained/lost.
  8. I was wondering why Tantanami was defeated with less units lost than trained, but obviously the livestock was counted as units trained; I don't think it should?
  9. I guess you mean a swastika. In the historical context it's not a Nazi symbol. I don't know what rules you are referring to. I don't know a country where this sign in historic context is forbidden.
  10. In other news: the University of Tübingen has put a database online with 2,400 prehistoric sites. https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/university/news-and-publications/press-releases/press-releases/article/database-with-2400-prehistoric-sites/ https://www.roceeh.uni-tuebingen.de/roadweb/smarty_road_simple_search.php
  11. Just throwing it out: maybe something could be done with those overlays, because as it is I don't get a visual feedback when pressing those buttons to the left. (With the result shown in the next cycle and everything I often don't know if my click registered.) On a completely different note: 0AD has ~always prevented the screensaver on Windows to come on, even when it's minimized in the task bar; if that could be changed that would be great.
  12. AFAIK the chariots have a bigger hit box, so for now I go for the archers.
  13. When I looked it up I took "Philopater" more as "fatherland loving" than about the actual father; "patriotic" if you will. I'm fine with the originals.
  14. Alternatively you can ask your ISP to change to a service where you have a real IP address instead of CGNAT; or change your ISP. (I recently read about the first case in a blog.)
  15. Well, if you put it like that... Yeah, I think that accurately describes that session. Don't know if you can see that as well: it was Random Random maps.
  16. @vladislavbelov I literally did nothing in that game! I paused at the loading screen (as I usually do) and then just looked at the screen for a moment (deciding if I want to play that). I don't think I even moved the mouse. No unit selection, no order, no camera action...
  17. Assertion failed: "textureToBind->IsInitialized()" Location: devicecommandcontext.cpp:903 (Renderer::Backend::Vulkan::CDeviceCommandContext::SetTexture) logs300723.zip
  18. When I attack move my archers and they're standing on a building site while others want to build there I can hear shooting, but they are not hitting nor moving off the site. (While that lion that got hit one time before the building attempt commenced got ever closer...)
  19. I'd say it's metal in general; alloys have been used for ages in all kinds of ways and all kinds of stuff were made with it.
  20. @seeh From the context it was clear for me that it is a messenger app of sorts; still found the additional info interesting.
  21. I think you're not supposed to be logged on multiple times.
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