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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Yes, that's why I used it as reference. Maybe I should have used "AM" too, to differentiate more clearly from 20:00 CEST.
  2. I like the idea. Maybe at 8:00 CEST so that people from different time zones can participate (more conveniently)?
  3. With the spread, do you have an idea how many arrows would hit that dude 1m behind the target?
  4. Yeah, the discussion there veered a bit off the intended topic. Personally I don't think FOSS is dead, but I don't know, for example, how market shares are developing.
  5. I looked it up, seems legit. https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/divorce-by-combat-d9309701f718
  6. @Genava55 Our nanny bot sure is stupid.
  7. Why do I have a line at ~80% to the top of the screen that makes shadows appear/disappear? Is it my settings?
  8. Maybe not without replacing it with anything? I don't care about the details, all I care about is that the extra range allows the tower to protect the foot of the neighboring tower. (Since we have that arbitrary minimum distance of towers.)
  9. You can also select units and use the "garrison" icon (and then clicking on the ship).
  10. btw I have to think of Jericho the whole time. While some believe the walls were brought down by magic horns (trumpets, whatever)/divine intervention, I think it's much more likely that while some put on a show with a procession and music that secretly miners were working on bringing those walls down.
  11. I believe it's the territorial influence. The territory size. The extent of the borders.
  12. I think the current bonuses are based on historical events. Like one civ having a superior navy at a time, or introducing coins which greatly stimulated the economy.
  13. As 0AD is supposed to be based on historicity and those "inexplicable events" are poorly documented, I am very skeptical about introducing divine interventions to the vanilla game. As a mod: whatever you like.
  14. I think this is already the case; as your screenshot shows, the radio button for valid mods is selected by default. Aren't the mods that are available through the in-game mod selection already approved?
  15. No, as I said, I didn't leave the game; I paused (and made a save); then I resumed the game. That shouldn't screw up the replay. As a "full disclosure": I paused the game before it began (at the loading screen) and saved it at 00:00:00; I then exited and looked at the replay [which were just the starting positions (to determine whether I wanted to play that map)] and re-loaded (at 00:00:00); I think that worked fine in the past.
  16. I can't say anything about vladislav. Maybe it would be possible to treat flags differently? Like, step one: here's a flag; and then the next steps would be to assign a symbol and a color; I mean it works with the player color?
  17. It's amazing how much this replay isn't showing what was happening. I didn't leave the game; I paused and saved around 4:26, I believe that's when the latest logs were created and the replay totally drops the ball. Should you watch it: I sent all my (four) inf to build the barracks and ofc it went up before I built the storehouse next to it. All those idle units around the ~5 minute mark and afterwards didn't happen. I think the length of the replay is accurate, but by that time I had not only built another CC but conquered all four enemies with zero losses. replay-2023-04-02_0003.zip logs2-4-23.zip savegame-0367.0adsave
  18. Ah. Ein Bauernhof. Das eine schließt ja das andere nicht aus. Ich würde auf jeden Fall empfehlen ein Bauernhof zu bauen und die tecs zu erforschen. Meist reichen mir die Felder rund ums CC nicht, die anderen gehen dann an einen Bauernhof. Manchmal lohnt es sich auch mehrere zu bauen. Wenn's irgendwo reichlich zu jagen gibt und man den Weg der Pferde ~halbieren kann zB. Wenn ich extra Beeren habe dann baue ich da natürlich auch einen hin, und erforsche dann auch "Korbflechterei".
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