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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Ahh, haha. (Ich spiel auf Englisch, wahrscheinlich hat's deswegen nicht geklingelt...)
  2. Hä? Wie das? Auf jeden Fall brauchst du Fische, um zu fischen. Ist eine endliche Resource (wie Beeren). Wenn keine Fische auf der Karte sind bringen Fischerboote nix. (Gibt auch Wale, die man mit Kriegsschiffen töten kann und Fischerboote sammeln das dann; mach ich aber nie, weil die toten Wale immer zu weit vom Hafen sind.)
  3. Moin! Ich nehme an du probierst zu capturen; dass der Balken nicht runter geht wird daran liegen, dass die feindlichen Soldaten im CC sind. Geh ausser Sichtweite, warte dass die Soldaten Dir nachkommen, töte sie, capture dann. Braucht evtl. mehrere Anläufe sie alle zu erwischen. Ich glaub mit ~70 Soldaten solltest du in der Lage sein ein leeres CC zu capturen. Wenn du das CC hast gehen alle Gebäude im Einflussbereich verloren, brauchst dich vorher also nicht um die zu kümmern; wenn du vorher barracks und/oder stables capturest (und eine Einheit darin stationierst) kannst du sie danach benutzen. Und ich nehm immer 10 Heiler mit... gl hf!
  4. You have to select a resource you want to sell, then in the row underneath it another resource to buy. Food as the first resource in the list is selected to sell by default; so click on the upper wood icon for example to buy food with that. Hold shift to buy a patch. Did you maybe inadvertently sell your food? Also research the farmstead tecs to increase food gathering (if you don't do that already).
  5. Maybe installing the community mod fixes it.
  6. It's probably not realistic, but sometimes I wish the AI knew how to make additional gates; like when they're iber and the terrain blocks half the gates. When I saw walls in replays they were used for just that: bolstering defensive lines and structures.
  7. Wasn't @Stan` kind of working on a scifi mod? I don't know if he had any ideas about planet mapping.
  8. In the game with the community mod. I guess it's oblong, although the shape didn't occur out of the ordinary for me.
  9. I just noticed that large stone quarries have double the worker slots as metal mines; is that intended?
  10. Great! Probably. How does it work? Is it in-game?
  11. I don't play with corals; yes, they multiply your food, but I feel the investment is slowing me down. When I encounter eles, I select my ranged horses and they go down. Can't say what your problem is. Your games are automatically saved as a replay; load one up and I'll have a look at it. The replays only work if you don't interrupt your game; else you have multiple parts and I don't think you can merge them. Here's how you can find them: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  12. So you caught that different units have differing gather rates? Apart from @Old Roman's reply, you can lower the difficulty of the AI and slow the playing speed; that should help getting into it. gl,hf!
  13. I think that "three swords" button was added then. For all I care it could disappear again. I never use it, and especially for ships I don't think it makes any sense. I have never seen a discussion about, but maybe if more people stated that they would prefer other buttons....
  14. I think it's unfortunate that I can't send a ship with units in it patrolling. Do we really need this "after dropping resources" button?
  15. If the vid is unavailable (after 4.5 years), how do you think @Lion.Kanzen will be able to help?
  16. What are we doing with Agis III? I suggest dropping him in favor of Agis II and give him a siege bonus.
  17. In favor of (limited) range defense. I'd imagine that to be historically correct too. Oh please, NO.
  18. I find the garrison numbers pretty low; when I think of the average army size I set over this would mean nearly double the ships/trips. I wish you luck with your overhaul and hope that ships become more fun. The last time I played a water map I definitely didn't enjoy them; felt like they became even clunkier and dumber, hanging on every obstacle, turning for ever on the spot, with their turn and acceleration times I sometimes even didn't know if they were moving at all...
  19. Since the Han have Archery Training at the stables I assume horse archers also profit from it. Maybe add "and Cavalry Archers" to the descritption to clarify?
  20. I was just wondering if the AIs coordinate attacks or if they just happen to show up at the same time. Since it's usually the members of a team I suspect they are coordinating. In which case: nice work from the programmers. Although not necessarily nice to be on the receiving end...
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