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Everything posted by feneur

  1. The original (as far as I know) definition of Alpha/Beta stage is to use the Alpha stage to implement the features that the game needs, and the Beta phase for fixing bugs. Nowadays it seems like many developers don't really follow these definitions however (especially with many games continuing to add features even after the game has been released).
  2. Wildfire Games does have a dedicated server, not sure how much impact hosting games on it would have, but in either case, I doubt money for the server(s) is the biggest/first issue: someone coding it is probably more relevant. And also, it needs to be decided if it's something that's wanted at all. It might seem so for this specific issue, but there are other things to think about as well. I don't know the more technical details, but if nothing else there is a greater responsibility to make sure that a server hosting many games works and is secure. If the server goes down (even for maintenance) that could disrupt many games, but if one person's internet connection breaks or they quit it just affects the relatively few people playing that one game.
  3. It was implemented, but I think it was when Philip rewrote the pathfinder that it got removed since it made the calculations a lot more complicated (and/or made it possi9ble to do something else, I seem to recall there being a limit to the different passability types, and by removing e.g. the roads as a specific type it was possible to use it for something else).
  4. It's weird that it never works for you, it's been slow, but working for me apart from one time. Not sure how much of my experience is down to my computer being old and slow as well, so hard to tell for sure how slow it really is. I'm not sure how to investigate it further, if @implodedok doesn't know either then I don't know where to go from here
  5. As far as I understand it you can sell it for as much as you want, but you have to provide it for free as well. Hypothetically you could also sell any art/code that is not based on 0 A.D. art/code separately without having to provide it for free, but in practice, it's probably hard to define exactly what is separate enough.
  6. Most likely your graphics card (and possibly the rest of your computer) is too old to run the game. To help with making sure this is the case please go to the 0 A.D. alpha entry in the Start menu, then click on Open logs folder. In the folder that is opened please find systeminfo.txt file, and attach it to a reply in this topic.
  7. (Topic moved to mod art forum.)
  8. If you would like us to be able to help you solve an issue it would be helpful if you would provide some information Just knowing you are having some kind of issues doesn't really help us I'm afraid
  9. Have you set the AI up for the opposing player?
  10. Are the Civic Centers on different heights? That could perhaps at least explain some of the difference, though I doubt it would change the angle that much
  11. I did experience it in general yesterday, but not specifically with that tab. Perhaps it was just a coincidence (or maybe it's indeed due to capacity problems in one way or another and that function takes longer). @implodedok could you please see if there's something on the server side which is causing this?
  12. If that is the case the easiest way to solve it is to reupload the attachments, I don't think we found a way to fix it otherwise.
  13. Was this topic possibly moved? I remember that causing similar issues in the past.
  14. And https://www.gog.com/game/oxenfree is free on GOG for 42 hours There are so many free games
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/368230/Kingdom_Classic/ is free for a little while (it says for 24 hours, but I can't see when they began counting ) Also, on uPlay there's currently a bundle with Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Watch Dogs and World in Conflict (til the 23rd).
  16. The variance could be limited so it doesn't go up (or down) too far
  17. True, but this is a different thing: the sound system uses the existing sound files and slightly changes them to make it sound as if there are more different sounds than there actually is. So the solution might be to tie that modification to the entity rather than just have it random
  18. Done And thanks @av93 for the detective work, I've been busy at work, so I didn't really have the motivation to investigate further when there was no obvious spamming (i.e. no links etc).
  19. I have a feeling this is a spambot, the posts made by this account seem to be disconnected from the rest of the topic and are somewhat nonsensical.
  20. Apparently 43 hours as of this post. Plants vs Zombies is currently free on Origin btw, if there's anyone who still hasn't tried it (I hadn't until I found it there, but it's certainly worth getting, especially when it's free =) )
  21. A bit of trivia: The farmstead in 0 A.D. was originally intended to work in a similar way. You would have placed the farmstead and it would generate plots around it where you would be able to place farms or orchards etc. That was never implemented though, so sadly can't be used for ideas
  22. Split it from my reply It contains the off-topic part of your reply, so no need to do some cutting and pasting or something to split up your post
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