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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. It could easily be a scenario or campaign or something in EA. Or the destruction of the colossus leaves a permanent rubble that can be mined for metal. Rhodians and Pergamenes definitely probable for DE eventually.
  2. It would be awesome if you built the Colossus, and then 5 minutes later it spontaneously broke apart and fell over.
  3. You are not mistaken about the intent of the feature, however it is bugged.
  4. This is the major annoyance for me. I hope this can be fixed for Alpha 24. If so it'll be looked at as a great addition to the game, even if there are a couple minor bugs remaining.
  5. Well, you don't have to censor anything for DE. There can always be an uncensored and censored variation.
  6. Right here is how it should look, IMHO, except for an octagonal pedestal. (no leaf-covered penis either)
  7. Right: aspis_athen_alpha_01.png aspis_athen_alpha_02.png aspis_athen_alpha_03.png
  8. I noticed you gave the Athenian heroes much less interesting shield patterns. Themistocles just gets the standard champion shield and Pericles a generic blurry winged horse texture?
  9. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23645 @Alexandermb @Nescio Athen Alpha, surely? Not Lambda.
  10. I believe Salvador Dali's representation of the Colossus of Rhodes is as close as I've ever seen: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Colossus_of_Rhodes#/Posture
  11. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23639
  12. It would be great to have a "berserk" feature in the game. The Persian War Rhino could have high health, but low Discipline factor so that it goes berserk and attacks everything soon after being sent into battle.
  13. You mean like mud covered rocks? That was the terrain in the films. lol We could just edit some maps (and make a few new ones) based on the terrain from the films.
  14. Preliminary ideas: Stats should exhibit extremes. For example, all Spartan units are trained at the elite or champion level, but are super expensive; all Persian units (except the Immortals Ninjas and heroes), only exist at Basic rank and are super cheap. The Athenians are in between these extremes. Spartans Units Spartan Villager Spartan Hoplite (Elite) Spartan Swordsman (Elite) Spartan Skirmisher (Elite) Spartan Horseman (Elite) Royal Guard Spartan (Champion) Heroes: King Leonidas, Queen Gorgo, Captain Astinos, Lieutenant Stelios, Dilios Persian Units Persian Slave Persian Spearman (Basic) Persian Swordsman (Basic) Persian Archer (Basic) Persian Horseman (Basic) War Elephant (Champion) War Rhino (Champion) Persian Magician (Champion) Throws explosives Immortal (Champion) Über Immortal (Champion+) Heroes: King Darius, King Xerxes, Admiral Artemisia, General Bandari, General Artaphernes, Persian Emissary Athenians Athenian Citizen Athenian Hoplite Athenian Swordsman Athenian Archer Athenian Horseman Athenian Marine (Champion) Heroes: Themistocles, Scyllias, Aeschylus Possible Map Creeps and Atlas units Ephialtes (roams the map and if you capture him he allows you to use the Spies feature) Oracle (dances around; capture her and your units gain extra vision range) Ephor Daxos (perhaps capturing him can grant you some free Arcadian soldiers) Theron Executioner (the dude with scythe arms)
  15. Right, we can edit some (all?) of the maps to include the lighting/color scheme from the film.
  16. I was thinking of making a 300 Spartans mod if folks would like to help. Two versions, one compatible with Empires Ascendant and one for Delenda Est, Alpha 24. They'll use the same Spartan building set as the more realistic versions in the base game. We'll mostly replace the units with versions that look like they're from the films 300 and 300:Rise of an Empire. If we want to, we can do the same for the Athenians and Persians as well to make a well-rounded mod. GitHub repository (SVN compatible only; Alpha 24) https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/300 I want to gauge interest from fellow modders and artists before I proceed. I don't want to do this one alone, since I have hands full keeping DE up to date. It'll need textures, models (props and units), and animations (to mimic the kung fu-esque combat of the films). Preliminary ideas: Stats should exhibit extremes. For example, all Spartan units are trained at the elite or champion level, but are super expensive; all Persian units (except the Immortals Ninjas and heroes), only exist at Basic rank and are super cheap. The Athenians are in between these extremes. Spartans Units Spartan Villager Spartan Hoplite (Elite) Spartan Swordsman (Elite) Spartan Skirmisher (Elite) Spartan Horseman (Elite) Royal Guard Spartan (Champion) Heroes: King Leonidas Queen Gorgo Captain Artemis Lieutenant Stelios Dilios Persian Units Persian Slave Persian Spearman (Basic) Persian Swordsman (Basic) Persian Archer (Basic) Persian Horseman (Basic) War Elephant (Champion) War Rhino (Champion) Persian Magician (Champion) Throws explosives Immortal (Champion) Über Immortal (Champion+) Heroes: King Darius King Xerxes Admiral Artemisia General Bandari General Artaphernes Persian Emissary Athenians Athenian Citizen Athenian Hoplite Athenian Swordsman Athenian Archer Athenian Horseman Athenian Marine (Champion) Heroes: Themistocles, Scyllias, Aeschylus Possible Map Creeps and Atlas units Ephialtes (roams the map and if you capture him he allows you to use the Spies feature) Oracle (dances around; capture her and your units gain extra vision range) Ephor Daxos (perhaps capturing him can grant you some free Arcadian soldiers) Theron Executioner (the dude with scythe arms)
  17. Note: The gate doors themselves don't need to go the entire length of the long palisade. It can have 2 stationary "wings".
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