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Everything posted by niektb

  1. That's funny, overall the performance is much higher in A18 (compared to A17) (noticable). I can play A18 without (simulation) lag if I keep the popcap reasonable, I couldn't with A17.
  2. I edited the poll by adding one more question with regards to the Biome. I also changed the answers on the market amount.
  3. Know your history, zippy: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_B-29_Superfortress
  4. Absolutely, but ideally one trader should walk to all markets (a bit like AOEIII) But is it possible to trade with gaia-owned markets? That would be nice for a poll question, unfortunately I'm somehow limited to 3 questions in the poll...
  5. Hi everyone! I have no ideas where this would lead to but I fancy to make some sort of crowd-sourced map in which everyone can bring up design ideas, gameplay elements etc. and which could be discussed about or voted at by means of polls. Now what I initially had in mind is a Trade route map in which a trade route would desperate the teams. This trade route has some markets (that can be captured with the new mechanism in svn) (probably surrounded with a small village to make it fancy). The traders would be owned by a trigger-controlled computer player and spawn regularly. When a player captures a market he gets a share of the trading income. The trade income should probably be doubled or tripled to make it worth it. The only technical issue that should be solved in this is to let the trader walk along all markets and a proper mechanism to divide the trade income. What do you think of it? Even though the design decisions would be taken by the crowd I would prefer to have a small team that actually develops the map according to those decisions (and of course share the progress of their work+change according to feedback). So if you would like to participate, feel free to leave a comment! (I think 1~2 JS coders for triggers and 1~2 map designers would be appropriate) The map would be developed at SVN due to the capturing mechanism found there and the changed map format so that should be a requirement to participate in the actual development. Check this for information on how to set it up: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Windows Current poll decisions: Map size: Normal Teams: 2v2 Amount of markets: 5 Biomes: Multiple Map layout: Name: Silk Road
  6. Alpha 18 requires one additional step to play the mod due to a packaging oversight: In the public.zip (which is in the public folder) there is a mod.json. Copy it and put it just outside of the zip file. (so you have 2 files inside the public folder: public.zip and mod.json)
  7. niektb


    sounds like a memory leak that causes you trouble...(I could be wrong though since I'm no expert in such stuff)
  8. At this moment I have this list (1st post in the Millennium A.D. PM): Part 1: Byzantines (Eastern Roman Empire) Norse Norman Saxons Franks (or Carolingians) Goths Arabs (Umayyads) Chinese (Tang Dynasty) Japanese (Asuka Dynasty) Avars (Nomads) Part 2: Byzantines Poland France (with researchable Crusader units) England (With researchable Crusader units) Holy Roman Empire (with researchable crusaders units (or would some Teutonic Order units be better?) and researchable Hanseatic League units) Chinese (Song Dynasty / Early Ming) Japanese (Kamakura Dynasty) Mongols Turks (Seljuk and Ottoman) Italians (Venice, Genoa) Russia (Early Muscovite) The Khmer BTW: the Japanese described here http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18648 do even fall beyond part 2 I think
  9. niektb


    Hi Goths will certainly be implemented some day (we already had it on our list) so any information you can provide (though please summarized a little bit to suit our needs better) could prove useful to us.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Could you explain what you do exactly and what buildings you can't build (names)? (Please note btw that we didn't release a version with Alpha 18 so expect to encounter a few more warnings/errors, also newer commits could break compatibility with A18)
  11. Not sure about the exact ration actually but Northern Island is based off a real-world heightmap (just fyi) so it's certainly possible, for large maps I would first check 512x512 or else 1024x1024 (for extremely huge maps) You don't need to bother with the pathfinder since a new one is in the works: https://github.com/na-Itms/0ad/tree/pathfinding You can send PM's as soon as you made 5 forum posts (spam protection rule)
  12. So true (that's one of the main reason our latest Rise of the East release isn't as great as it should be)
  13. Nice, nice, nice... hi, btw Welcome to the forums. I haven't played the mentioned game(s) but your plans sound like something that is achievable (though depending on what 'more depth' stands for ). (I like it when people set realistic goals) Right now I'm very curious on how the city management would turn out, it sounds like something that I definitely want to try playing some day. You can contact me for questions about modding (and setting up your mods) and scenario designing! (though the forum generally works too) Removing Petra can be done easily by throwing the Petra folder away (though you might want to replace it with some other AI in order to make stuff playable ofc)
  14. Ranking up for units has been disabled in Alpha 18.
  15. Ah yes, capturing has landed in the developer version and will land in Alpha 19.
  16. I'm going to disappoint you, Alpha 19 is not going to support 10.6.8
  17. I suppose that there are enough ways to inform the player about capturing (tutorials, game manual, trailer videos etc.). That's better than removing the option to destroy IMHO
  18. For the sake of modability, I think you should allow units to destroy buildings from a technical POV (I suppose that a WW2 soldier with a Panzerschreck should be able to choose between destroying and capturing a building)
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