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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I made some good progress on the painting so I thought it might be nice to share some pictures. Feedback very welcome. Firstly I painted the Savannah, on the fly I changed the color composition a little to be somewhat warmer: I did some experiments on the riverbed (to make a nice transition between savannah and desert). This is the point where I would like to have detailed feedback on. I also made bridges for the road: Lastly I made a small oasis to justify the presence of food: I also made a github repo so you all can follow my progress. It's currently made in the Alpha 18 map format. https://github.com/0ADMods/map_Silk_Road
  2. qBot is indeed ancient The latest release you can find is indeed Alpha 18. The files you try to download are however in the developer version which is continuesly updated. Check out this link to see how to download the developer version: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  3. What version of the game do you develop against? Recently a new pathfinder was introduced to which the Petra code you downloaded is adapted. Therefore the AI script is no longer compatible with Alpha 18...
  4. Such random stuff sounds a bit like something that would be horrible for competitive gaming (Since one player could have luch and get a stronger army even though he has spent an equal amount of resources)
  5. Actually I think that the champions are some form of a standing, professional army rather than citizens that have their normal life and being called to war sometimes.
  6. Concept v3. I'll consider this as my final concept if there are no remarks on it. Also it seems like we got ourselves a name: Silk Road
  7. Looks nice, I'm only curious what you mean by the title
  8. I would like to talk with you about resource distribution, do you have any general recommendations / directions for a proper and fun distribution of the resources.
  9. Not necessarily, Ayakashi. According to this map the Silk Road crossed a huge area running from China all the way to the Middle East:
  10. Version 2 of the concept showing the separation of biomes:
  11. I've added the suggested names to the poll.
  12. In that case I would rather make it something like Road of the Rising Sun. But it could lead to the confusion that it is a map in Japan (while it isn't) Any other ideas for a name?
  13. If anything I would doublecheck the trousers. I'm not sure if you've seen them but I have collected some image references for every unit type we have in the game (make sure you stick to my posts only and the links I provided when browsing through this topic since I realize there is quite a lot of garbage in this topic too. But you can always ask too.): Warrior (swordsman/axeman): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&page=4#entry280934 Spearman: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=281348 Hunter (Bowman): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=282347 Huskarl: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=282683 Berserker is already done. Also we should think about which texture(s) we assign to what type so we can easily distinguish different types of units when playing a game, but that can be done later I guess. btw, I also added you to our PM's.
  14. Here you go! I managed to find the original psd files so the gray pelt was just a matter of disabling a layer. I had to do some additional work on the brown version though. I think it is best to name it differently than the original texture (as we don't want to change the spartan units and we might possibly want to use the brooches for the advanced rank (I think it could work in combination with a chain mail armour) You should place the attached textures ~\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\skins\props and change cape_hd_pelt.xml according to the new texture name.
  15. There is a better way to make a building invulnerable. Armour.js has a invulnerable tag, I'm only not sure how it can be applied to the xml scheme: I can't read that from the file.
  16. btw, now that we have a layout we can also discuss about a name. Does anyone have original and cool sounding ideas?
  17. Seems like we got ourselves a winner! I figured I could go ahead as well and draw a concept. So here is a quickly drawn and ugly concept version of the map. I thought about the following biome distribution: the river delta and the coast line mediterranean, the center of the map and the mountains tropic / savannah a-like and the area where the players start desert.
  18. Nice work indeed! If you can tell me which texture is used for the cape, I can try to remove it.
  19. I think Schwarzwald is Prodigal Son's worst nightmare concerning this forest issue
  20. Sorry for reviving this topic but I noticed that AoK II: HD is now on sale in the steam store. Today it'll cost you €3,44 with The Forgotten Empires included (thought it worth sharing since it's a way more reasonable price than €20+TFE costs)
  21. The metal armors you see in our promo images are grabbed from the gauls/britons as placeholders so I think they need a replacement someday. If you compare the proportions with your first image they don't look to small. (they're roughly equal)
  22. To answer your second point: it's only a helper but doesn't prevent you from placing it.
  23. I figure he means Visible Garrisoning on ships, Stan.
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