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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. It seems a good idea to me to draw some conclusions from the poll: Map size: Normal Teams: 2v2 Amount of markets: 5 The Biome has a draw between Multiple biomes and Desert. What should we do with that?
  2. Isn't sending submitting a few quality patches a very good way to prove that 0 B.C. is a lot more than 'a minor "offstream" that is not worth merging'? If you think that doesn't work then I think that (based on your words) there is no point in seeking a cooperation with 0 A.D. yet.
  3. What version of the game did you install?
  4. Ah, I always loved the American Conquest sequels. This is surely one I'm going to try!
  5. Did you see that 10% has a screen resolution of 1024x768 (or 768x1024) in your last link (not counting the people that would be affected with your proposal, that have a higher res than 1024x768 but lower than your suggestion)? (even though that is not representative data for the 0 A.D. player base)
  6. Hehe, this civ is about medieval China, I don't think that fits together.
  7. Collaboration is something that should be bi-directional. What has 0 A.D. to offer to 0 B.C.? But also the other way around, what has 0 B.C. to offer to 0 A.D.?
  8. May I raise a question? I would sincerely like to know what it is you seek. Code exchange isn't possible as you explained above but what kind of collaboration did you have in mind if that isn't possible?
  9. No, this mod is over 2 years old.
  10. The Carolingian timeframe seems better to focus at (at least to me) when you pick the zenith of each faction (like 0 A.D. does it)(just like we pick the Viking Age for the Norse rather than also covering the centuries before it)
  11. Just FYI your first aura does apply to every situation soldiers are close together (the formation doesn't matter) What is the error?
  12. Aw, it doesn't add Super Mario to the game? It should work if you load the public mod and your own mod whilst your own mod contains only the modified files (in the right folder structure)(and a correct mod.json)
  13. Ah, you mean the same thing as Empires: Dawn of the Modern World does? Even then you're going to need a pathfinder (since you need to know the path from one building to another) The problems mentioned above do not apply though
  14. Indeed, CGTextures is not usable because of their licenses. The licenses you can use are CC-BY-SA (2.0+?), public domain and CC0. We should check if we can merge the usable part of your textures with our own texture pack (to save us re-UVing the other models)
  15. That's what I forgot in the PM. You can find our Millennium A.D. sources here: https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad You can download them using a simple Github client like Github for Windows (though others prefer TortoiseGit): https://windows.github.com/ This was btw the concept for Longhouses: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17918&p=303012 There is an art subforum which you eventually could use to create a task topic: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=442 (could help to structure the forums)
  16. That one is 35k to be more precise. But the Han Civil Center goes above 30k too.
  17. Almost working. Some files need to be updated. Also, that's AoK style converting. I believe the team is looking for a more automated version (American Conquest?)
  18. (You see, we have a group PM) Make btw sure that you download the developer version (since our mods are developed on SVN). Here is described how to:
  19. That could turn out confusing (2 Daniels) Welcome to the forum, Daniel! Very nice models I'd say We are still in the need of a couple of Viking (or actually Norse) models so you're lucky. There are plenty of other areas where you could help but we could talk about that later. ATM, it's a little silent around Millennium A.D. (basically because our sole 3D artist is highly occupied with school) but as soon as you start modeling I figure it would give full live again to the project. As you might know, we use blender as our main software (as it integrates near seamlessly with the engine using the Collada exporter). P.S.: You will obtain PM access as soon as you have posted 5 times in the forum (spam protection mechanism) (unless some site admin comes around)
  20. http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18093&p=293977
  21. Can you select the objects?
  22. Really not. (but that is also because I had a different PC back then) I find 300 is too high to play with (ain't fun no more). I myself prefer 100~150. (roughly the same amount I had with AoK.
  23. Per leper's request I also added the option for multiple biomes.
  24. Just so you know it, the Han would've easily beaten the Romans if they would ever get into touch. I'm not sure if that's a fun game to play Kimball has no vote in it anymore (after all the ownership of the project was transferred to CoM and with it his vote, right?), so it would be up to CoM and WFG.
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