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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Yes, the blend files ánd the rigs are all useful. But the 8-direction renders are not useful since 0 A.D. is a true 3D game and doesn't use sprites to display units.
  2. We should have some way that the skybox gets affected by fog too for the player's view (so that you don't see those white silhouette while the skybox retains it's original color)
  3. You could've saved yourselves some work by adding the shields that are already in-game. (just saying)
  4. Hmm, my bad. I assumed you made a git repo of it (seeing the file size) but it's just because of the art files X)
  5. I'll send you a PM about that (since this topic is about your first two custom maps).
  6. It's a hidden folder so you must enable viewing hidden folders first.
  7. Would you mind deleting the .git folder in the zips you upload? Saves a lot of space
  8. Cool, we could use the bronze age units for Aristeia. (A bronze age mod)
  9. Seemingly there are no other proposals and therefore I added the currently existing to the poll. (I'm afraid you have to copy over the link). Please vote everyone! Mesopotamia Silk Road: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19860&p=307676 niektb's lay-out: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads//monthly_06_2015/post-15513-0-71652000-1433502378.png leper's lay-out (1): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads//monthly_06_2015/post-13954-0-68220800-1433709146.png leper's lay-out (2): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads//monthly_06_2015/post-13954-0-86767500-1433709219.png
  10. I have an i5 in my notebook too but normally it runs on my Intel HD4000 (till I changed it to run on my NVidia). You're invited to participate in the Trade Route map team (which is currently a 1-person team) if you like to. Do you need to find your files? If you already found them you can zip them and upload them here (Using 'Use Full Editor' button when posting) Yeah, I'm Dutch too
  11. It isn't in the game yet (though a player can let a trader move between two markets/docks) and that's what makes this map unique. The trade route will be made using triggers.
  12. Then you'd better check if 0 A.D. really runs with your NVidia card and not on your Intel Integrated GPU since I have no problems (true, I have some lag but not unworkable) in Atlas with a 610M (though mine has 2GB VRAM it is a lot weaker).
  13. Hmm, what GPU do you have? BTW, under the tab misc hacks in your title bar there is an option to do a screenshot (so you can make a picture of your map without the interface of Atlas)
  14. Not in Alpha 18 but in the upcoming Alpha 19.
  15. @Itms: apparently the Rogue team split up (though the comments from some ex-member, which pointed that out, have been removed). There have been ideas about Empire Earth like: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19573 but nothing too serious indeed. Unfortunately the modding community is anything but big atm , so it would be best if you somehow would be able to attract contributors from outside the wfg community
  16. It might be nice to enable those settings when you are working in Atlas (so that you can show off with a nicer looking map (which people with a faster PC can play of course)) The fact that you don't see a lot changing when you try Wraitii's suggestion is likely caused by the fact that you didn't turn on those settings too. You can alter the water color by going in the tab with the sum icon: There you can change water color / sun color + angle etc. etc. There is a way to place bushes without having obstruction/resources called actors. They are only visual and have no influence on gameplay. (You can select them after you placed them by selecting the Move tool and by holding the Alt button) You could check out an old Mapping Contest (it has a list of possible themes): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19230 You also could consider to join up here: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19860
  17. Looks actually like this commit is the problem: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16747 Did you update your main menu, wowgetoffyourcellphone?
  18. That's because the civ .json files have been moved in SVN (and as LordGood points out it's in A18 state)
  19. I more or less agree with with Yves said above. In addition to that I think you can push the look further by changing stuff in the Environmental tab (like water color, sun angle+color etc.). . Check out Sporades Islands for an excellent example of that (I really love how the creator combined the water color with the sun color!) Some other examples (just picked two): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17326&page=3#entry305493 http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17326&p=306278 (Make sure you turn on the graphics settings in the options menu)
  20. That actually happens really often. I've seen plenty of games using images of AAA games to advertise on Facebook.
  21. I think a similar thing could already be achieved if the (really) high movement speed would be reduced a little (say to the amounts you had in Alpha 16 for example) and the LOS ranges be reduced back to what they were in A17. (just my 2 cents). A nice read btw, wraitii.
  22. I played EE2 and I can tell you that they cheer at these buildings.
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