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Everything posted by niektb

  1. See my response in the other topic
  2. Indeed, a new pathfinder has been added not long ago to improve the game performance quite a bit but it has some issues. Most notably are stuck units, ships over land and units not being able to gather or drop resources.
  3. I think this one covers most of your questions: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18396
  4. Slingers with good pierce armor and a proper siege attack sound quite overpowered to me TBH...
  5. The wall glitch was a packaging issue
  6. If it's the version from the store then you probably are playing 0 A.D. Alpha 15 Osiris (while we are already at version 18)
  7. The 'Easy to Learn, Hard to Master' sentence is commonly used for simple (mobile) games, the gameplay mechanics are very simple but by means of (extensive) practicing the player can (maybe) really master the game in the end. And often that's the point where players are going to seek another game to have a new challenge. 0 A.D. is obviously not going to that way. It is a game with a relatively complex gameplay mechanics that needs teaching. Of course all these gameplay mechanics should be gently introduced through a tutorial, but the game changes so often that this is nearly impossible.
  8. Could you check the version of the game on your Linux Mint? It sounds like you have an outdated version there.
  9. It started of as a AoE2 mod but not very long after the start the team decided to develop their own engine. Regarding that 'blue line on the ground': Rise of Nations would've had the same issue but the game didn't have that problem, right?
  10. Ctrl + W/S are the camera angle hotkeys you're looking for...
  11. After reading a couple of articles it seems that the Frankish cavalry was more a sort of mounted infantry, that also excelled when fighting on foot (see Battle of Tours). Under the reign of Charlemagne it seems that the Frankish Cavalry Elite started to develop. Given that, I'm a little in doubt which to pick. I'm a little biased to having a costly heavy cavalry unit with limited training amount (as these soldiers were formed up from the noblemen, which are quite hard to replace). I'm unsure though if they should be stronger than the later Norman Cavalry as it is likely the Norman Cavalry is heavily inspired by their Frankish counterparts.
  12. I think it would be best to re-disable formations again, since that's where the most pathfinder bugs come from.
  13. Also I'm curious what the last question is you answer. I can only see 10 questions, while you reply to 11...
  14. Yeah, I meant greenknight32 (you told us already your price ($500), Bobo_1)
  15. Out of curiosity, what did you end up paying for your rig, greenknight32?
  16. niektb

    help please

    You need to post at least 5 times in this forum before you can send a PM. 3 to go!
  17. PC 1: AMD Athlon II X4 780K @4.2 GHz 8GB RAM @1600 MHz NVidia GTS 450 Steinberg UR22 (I'm somewhat into music production) PC 2: Intel i5-3230M @2.6 GHz 6 GB RAM @ 1600 MHz NVidia G610M
  18. I think it would be a niceidea to have metal as the major resource for Carolingians, certain buildings (market and castle) generate metal to simulate taxes. (using feudalism and taxes as keypoint) I suggest a strong separation between Cities and Castles. Castles cannot be built nearby Civ Centers nor the opposite. A Castle is a standalone building that is able to train certain soldiers, generate metal (taxes) and bonuses farming slightly (you know, protection makes farmers happy). On the other hand the city contains all buildings and has a economic nature; the barracks only trains some levy unit types. In Phase 3 stone defense buildings will become available, prior to that the player should rely on Castles and wooden defenses.
  19. Well, I suspect that there are people around here that expect a weekly report after the meeting and who probably would get confused if there isn't a post.
  20. Hello miniFazz Thanks for you interest! In order to test the Millennium A.D. mod (which we really appreciate you want to do ) you need 2 things: 1. The developer version of 0 A.D. 2. The mod sources of Millennium A.D. 1. for the Developer version (also called SVN version) things are explained here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Windows 2. Millennium A.D. uses github: https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad You can download the mod as zip but also clone it with a desktop client (https://desktop.github.com/). I would prefer that you would clone it (as it gives you the opportunity to stay easily up-to-date with the latest changes) but it might be a little difficult if you're not so technical. Once again, thanks for your interest!
  21. They're too late to be included in A19 since we're already in string freeze for the translators (and adding new maps require additional strings to be translated)
  22. There are tons of ways to balance such army groups, that wouldn't be an issue.
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