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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Hold the control key to issue a destroy command instead of a capture command.
  2. I would say a yellowish hay roof and a brown wood type (like this http://www.earlybritishkingdoms.com/kids/images/saxon_house.gif)
  3. I think that for this we'd better of with the Celt structure (maybe modified a little?) (for the sake of diversity)
  4. Of course the game time depends on your opponents. But be aware that the main concept of 0 A.D. is built around cities, not empires. The game-mode you suggest would be more something for a campaign idea (with a large strategic map like in Total War?) Also, currently 0 A.D. heavily relies on multiplayer games. For most people 1.5 hours is too long to spend on 1 match (especially since we can't save and rehost it later at the moment).
  5. What we mostly did is laying a general foundation about what 0 A.D. is (or should be) based on the design doc. We didn't step into details yet. We certainly shared nice thoughts and ideas but pushed that aside for later discussion (as we should have a base first) With that general idea in mind we're going to work out the details in that idea (again based on the design doc).
  6. Might be somewhat tricky to already start on special (sortof) buildings if we don't know what the gameplay is going to be... (I figure though that a Fortress / Castle would be some kind of Motte and Baily) So it could be an idea to come up with references and draw the standard Saxon buildings (house + blacksmith etc)
  7. I think there are a couple of things we could use to define the Carolingian gameplay. The most notable are Feudalism (which was invented by the Carolingians) and the Carolingian Renaissance. Also the French army used a lot of horses. I got 2 interesting reads into French history; 1 about the Carolingian Renaissance, the other more broad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolingian_Renaissance http://www.britannica.com/place/France/History#toc40263 Still, feudalism is a fairly complex system. Does anybody has ideas on how to represent that using a fairly simple mechanic, suitable to fit in Millennium A.D.? (I mean, we could look into something difficult and complex like building castles that do some sort of self-managment and gives you taxes and army units as a result (depending on how you treat the castles), but I don't think that would work very nice)
  8. Time for me to dig into french history I suppose
  9. Or an elected (by wfg, I suppose) small-size (3-4?) design committee consisting of active team/forum members with gameplay design knowledge, that takes gameplay decisions (not without sharing and discussion with other wfg/forum members) and that tries to keep the game design coherent?
  10. For me the storehouse is lacking.
  11. You remember that thing I said in the SPM about the color palettes used? Norse: Earthly colors with dark green and brown, like the upper 6 in this one:
  12. No, that links to "It becomes boring because there are just dozens or hundreds of unmanageable unit moving around doing their thing and I don't care what happens." in the TS (unless I understand wow not correctly)
  13. I don't have real problem with the pathfinder really. I'm happy that Itms puts so much effort in this game including such difficult topics as the Pathfinder.What my problem is that I liked how 0 A.D. played when I joined up on this forum (that would be around Alpha 14) but that gameplay was radically changed in Alpha 17 (and IMHO not to the benefit of the game)
  14. To be honest, (it's sad but true) most of the time I find the current state not even interesting enough to start a match (except to test stuff, like playtesting Millennium A.D.) For the pathfinder I understand that we need to give it some time, but I don't really like the way 0 A.D. plays atm.
  15. The Varangians come mostly from the Swedish area: "it is often argued that most of the Varangians who traveled and settled in the eastern Baltic, Russia, and lands to the south came from the area of modern Sweden .[17]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians#Kievan_Rus.27 So I don't think that you can make a sharp distinction between Swedes and Varangians (or Rus') in part 1. (especially since the time-frame we operate in is at the beginning of their colonization activities in Russia. -> though we also go further till the 10th century in which the Rus' states are quite dominant in the area but also the Varangian culture starts to decline and mix up with local Slavish culture)
  16. I think there are 3 options: 1. Say that the current direction for the Norse is a good direction and do nothing with Eastern Vikings. 2. Introduce Swedish units by means of a political decision. 3. Create a new faction for them. I'm personally not so fond of the 3rd tbh. That would mean that we need to create a huge load of additional civs (in order to represent all those subfactions (from other countries too) properly)
  17. I'm not sure if architecture evolution is already supported properly in this game (not talking about the need for a lot more models we would have). But yeah, such differentiation I already planned to cover small subfactions (such as the Hanseatic league in pt. 2) but it makes balancing quite harder since you add extremely influental choices. (Though it is ofc possible to limit the influence of those choices to maybe 2 or 3 units / technologies)
  18. We should be talking about Norsemen in general (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norsemen) but yeah, it seems that our Buildings are somewhat Danish and our units more Norwegians oriented. Maybe it would be fun to offer a political decision in the Town or City Phase that allows you to choose between Economy (trading mostly) or Warfare (so choose between the Swedish or the Norwegians/Danish) and also gives you either the Huskarl and the Berserker or 2 Swedish champion units (dunno which ones though). How do you all think about this? (I know that diversion is limited just to the units and not the buildings but it might be better than nothing)
  19. My favorites are 1 and 3. Maybe 2 as a real different looking (but still the same style) variant.
  20. I fully agree with you but I had nothing else on my hands to use for a smaller house so I made it as placeholder...
  21. I've updated the first post with the buildings (though for the majority there are only concepts available, no references) and a unique technology (I tried to dig through this 24 page forum, it might be that I overlooked some)
  22. 0 A.D. is not the game's full name. The actual names are: part 1: 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant part 2: 0 A.D. Empires Besieged
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