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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I re-uploaded it. Naamloosdocument.compressed.pdf
  2. You could try and use the Greek map already in the game (or the Peloponnesian Wars map in Delenda Est). Saves you a lot of work I think. In the past I already had some ideas on a Peloponnesian Wars scenarios (but never did anything with them since): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads//monthly_03_2015/msg-15513-0-23207900-1427398501.png http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=9707 Maybe you can utilize these (if they are match-able with your ideas)
  3. I would like you all to think about the map layout so that we can collect a number of map layouts and vote on it. I've attached an empty grid and an map-layout I made myself. In my layout I used red and yellow to mark the starting positions of the teams. Orange is the trade route. Dark blue is impassable water and I made it light blue on the shallow (passable) places. The green spots are the markets. Brown are mountains. The idea behind my map layout is that you have two focus points: the trade route on one side, the enemies on the other side. So actually you have a soft choice between attacking your enemies directly or trying to capture the markets. Here is the empty grid:
  4. The warning happens here: this.maxCp = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Capturable/Max", +this.template.Max, this.entity);But when looking at the Schema it seems that there is no Max property: Capturable.prototype.Schema = "<element name='CapturePoints' a:help='Maximum capture points'>" + "<ref name='positiveDecimal'/>" + "</element>" + "<element name='RegenRate' a:help='Number of capture are regenerated per second in favour of the owner'>" + "<ref name='nonNegativeDecimal'/>" + "</element>" + "<element name='GarrisonRegenRate' a:help='Number of capture are regenerated per second and per garrisoned unit in favour of the owner'>" + "<ref name='nonNegativeDecimal'/>" + "</element>";So we talk about a bug here rather than a missing feature. I think it should work when you replace Max with CapturePoints so that line 232 looks like this (haven't tested it though): this.maxCp = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Capturable/CapturePoints", +this.template.CapturePoints, this.entity);
  5. Nearly forgot to answer Thanks for sharing, although they might not be of immediate use, we certainly could use them in the future. We maybe even could use them for certain other European factions (since I doubt we will have good voice actors in the nearby future)
  6. Maybe post this too on the Social Media?
  7. What does your template look like?
  8. btw, nice work Stan!
  9. Wouldn't it really look out of place when you combine largeĀ® / standard sized units with those tiny rowers?
  10. That's explained here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote/news/sun-tzu-18-now-available
  11. Maybe give fishermen a max garrison of 1/2 (and no attack/boarding capability)?
  12. It has also been suggested to let herdables autogenerate food when they're garrisoned at corrals. What do you think of that?
  13. Exactly, the fast gameplay pace (your build order is poor if you ever stop producing units) introduced since Alpha 17 is the key element I dislike in the current 0 A.D. (though the battle pace is much better in A18 compared to A17). (other more minor stuff are the huge LOS (which makes scouting close to useless) and firing range and walkspeed) I think that Delenda Est (gameplay mod) (haven't played Ancient Empires extensively) does the economic pace a lot better. Delenda Est also has a range around the Civ Center that debonuses the farming speed to (softly) 'force' you to put your farms further away. Combine that with the ability to build farms, houses, storehouses and farmsteads outside of your own territory and certain terrain (only in Skirmish maps yet) that gives you a farming bonus (which does DE both but the farmterrains/farmlands are a bit hacky implemented) and the base building part becomes much more interesting. Also (as a sidenote) in DE only female citizens and 1 basic citizen-soldier type is trainable from the Civ Center. With regards to farmlands in Random Map, I think that's doable (irregardless of the work that it takes to edit all those existing random maps) since the Random Map Script knows the layout of the map and should technically be able to put farmlands on a correct spot. P.S. in case you didn't know: the topic about Delenda Est can be found here: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19379
  14. No, it is still work-in-progress and can only be found atm in the github repository linked above.
  15. Also make sure to visit https://kiwiirc.com/client/quakenet/0ad-dev to chat with the devs (if they're online ofc).
  16. There's actually a new pathfinder being written: https://github.com/na-Itms/0ad/tree/pathfinding Check the documentation here: https://github.com/na-Itms/0ad/blob/docs/docs/pathfinder.tex
  17. There should be a balance between realism and 'arcade' (as in: hyper fun, but no sense of realism) gameplay. But that's where the difficulty is: everyone (more or less) has a different opinion about what the balance between realism and 'arcade' should be. 0 A.D. (at least that's what I understood from my time around here) tends to try to follow history where possible (especially when it comes to unit rosters and civ bonuses) but ofc realism has to be sacrificed every now for the sake of fun. I think that there should be some sort of design commitee (The previous one is no longer active) (preferably consisting of some longer active, well-known guys that are quite good players (that excludes me)) that takes a thorough look into the balance of these two aspects (amongst other stuff ofc) and really set those in stone, accessible and readable for everyone. <= that's what I lack a bit ATM. (these are just my two cents )
  18. It's licensed with CC-BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) so I fear it isn't compatible.
  19. Should be fixed in: https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/commit/f065624f8c9bc6b12d605a6c11ab22c686154624
  20. Templates are indeed in XML. Technologies are in .json
  21. Hi I'd say, begin with this tutorial (though it isn't really extensive): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19218 You also can try to ask questions in the IRC dev channel: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev
  22. To me it seems a pretty unique faction with a rather unique gameplay too. So I personally am in favor of adding this civ to the roster.
  23. There's a patch pending to fix the issue. Once that has been committed it should be a matter of hours before it will be fixed on Millennium A.D. Note though that this fix won't work on A18 (but rather break compatibility with it)
  24. Hehe, seems like we got ourselves another voter! (thanks Trinketos). That means multiple biomes is going to be it. Anyone suggestions for the next design questions?
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