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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I have some other stuff included like a visibility flag. But you need a maps/scenarios folder and a mod.json file (with your own description inside) to allow it to run as a mod correctly.
  2. When you post, click on the more Reply Options button to go to an advanced screen on which you can upload files too.
  3. You can actually upload it here on the forums too
  4. When you download it, you have to put it in the right folder (obviously) and enable the mod under Main menu > Tools & Options > Mod selection. Please note though that it is not compatible with Alpha 17. Similarly I advise you to set up a mod for easier sharing and playtesting (for others) like explained here: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19574
  5. For your info: the blendfile Enrique used to create the Han Chinese texture (http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18078&p=295763) can be found here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/textures/skins/structural/china/blends
  6. I checked them out and they look nice from standard camera view (in my opinion) and the same goes for the color but they blend horribly with (actually not at all). Not because of the colors but you would see quads and lines when painting across them with other textures.
  7. The grass in the first two images is made using 3D grass actors. Nice to see but a pain in the @#$% performance-wise.
  8. I was about to point to that map to let you see what you can get with basic AI behavior
  9. How would a collaboration with you on this campaign look like? What are you capable of doing and what would you expect from a collaborator in the first place?
  10. You can send PM's as soon as you have posted 5 ordinary posts.
  11. In fact it is true what Alekusu says. I made a table of the gathering speeds from the templates in SVN (in amounts / sec):
  12. Or you can ask spectators to record (and comment)...
  13. Github has a very cool feature for such testing called 'branching'. You fork a mod, implement your changes and when you feel it is ready you can open a 'pull request' which notifies the other about that you want something to merge from your merge into the master branch and creates a small discussion thread. You indeed added a GPL3 license file to Aristeia (why actually?) Which means that code in Aristeia can't be merged into 0 A.D. itself.
  14. The fact that it was closed-source made it nearly stall. Going open-source saved this project a couple of years ago.
  15. I second new terrain textures. Note that the temperate textures are not even that bad (compared to the other biomes) when it comes to detail. I could (as a somewhat experienced map maker) fairly easy come up with a list of textures / biome(parts) that could use an upgrade. However I'm not sure if we could achieve the same amount of detail on slower computers (and yes, 0 A.D. is played on really old computers) as on those PCs normal, spec and AO maps are disabled (and should be disabled since they're too slow to render those) AO maps are actually supported (with the exception of animated object IIRC). They use a second UV channel layer (see http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17542&p=273078 ) That texture does actually blend poorly with other textures. (paint another texture through that texture and you'll see why)
  16. Would you mind discussing your changes before committing them? Especially since you retired from the team you shouldn't make changes before asking the team's opinion. I personally would like to see an in-game screenshot with your icons for example before you integrate them in the mod. A little while ago Zophim stated that he was getting more and more a definite vision on how Aristeia should look and feel. Consequently I think we should consult him on changes, especially since he did (and does) a lot of research and design docs. Unfortunately he has little time now but he will be more available from May and onwards. Instead it might be a good idea to double check content additions with other developers till Zophim is more available. For the tech tree: what are the ideas behind the techs? Is there a coherent idea behind it or is everything just taken from other games (without looking if they fit together gameplay-wise)? Also is it historically accurate? Does it fit in our timespan? I see techs that are taken from games that describe a much later (or different) history timespan
  17. Do none of them show up? Edit: did you download the release of RotE? (http://www.moddb.com/mods/rise-of-the-east/downloads/rise-of-the-east-x-yu-17)
  18. What does the xml of your decal look like?
  19. I think though that you need to specify that material for the decal only (assuming that the building itself shouldn't be self-lit)
  20. It doesn't get a glow map with that material, but a self-light that is based on the specular map (if I understand the shader code correctly). That means you need to apply that on a mesh that doesn't need a player color or other effects. (except specular since that is also added by the material). I'm actually not entirely sure what the alternative material tags defined in the materal file does though... (I need to check that with the graphics devs) Nice building btw, is that effect on the terrain a decal?
  21. No, it is a spam bot on the forums.
  22. Not glow map itself but you might be able to achieve the same goal using a spec map(?).
  23. I have a new version available. It adds the suggestions done by Alekusu. That means that Red will be able to build a dock in the south and that Blue can also build a dock near it's base. I also converted some fishes back to gaia. I've amended it to the topic start.
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