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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Thank you! The question has no purpose (other than showcasing dialogs) in the end since the druid gets killed after performing the preliminary quest.
  2. Well, there are some new features added... (Nomad mode, techology tree, start with the Seleucid artwork etc.)
  3. 6 days ago the SBB did get a champion rebalance though: https://github.com/scythetwirler/0ad/commit/3488c1cdbe2600ddc5029ac4b634755d0046c9b1
  4. Maybe something related to Atlas (seeing the recent activity around there)
  5. No need for that. Your point is clear. What the question is: Is your point valid? And if yes, what to do about it? I don't have the feeling that Africans were primitive (unknown? Yes. Primitive? No.). Recent history of slavery has nothing to do with the Ancient Kingdoms. But looking at the current state of the game I think your best bet is to show off by creating a quality mod to get the enthusiasm of others. (you could look at other mods for examples on how to mod the game just like simongeorges pointed out)
  6. Why bother with new civilizations if the current ones aren't even finished? No kidding, there are enough possibilities to make a mod featuring a civilization. That happens too with the Chinese...
  7. Ah, it seems that I had that folder bloated a bit with custom-built binaries+libraries (which you don't need if you don't compile the game on Windows) and a packaged mod (RotE, which is 60MB in itself). If I would remove that the size would be much closer (if not equal) to yours.
  8. The autobuild functionality was designed for people without a good technical background (like artists and enthusiastic testers). Having them to perform more steps to play with the developer version would bypass the original goal for the autobuilder. Besides: the binaries/system folder is only 500MB large (here on Windows) and I suppose that includes more than only windows binaries. Libraries don't even exceed 50MB. That is only 6% of the total repository size (which is ~10GB, but that includes a dozen of mods and varies a bit on which machine I look). I wouldn't call that significant honestly.
  9. v1.5 is out! Changelog: - implement Shieldwolf's suggestion about the more challenging endgame - update the visibility flag to svn's latest changes See topicstart for a download link.
  10. Is there anything else that I should implement into the next version?
  11. I'd say it should be a hay roof.
  12. I can grow the number of soldiers in the camp of course Anyway, do you think the difficulty is appropriate for easy or is it more suited for intermediate?
  13. As for the Unit Summary Table, it is automatically generated and thus up-to-date.
  14. Ehm, the command on the website is exactly the same as your newly suggested command? Edit: you've seen it too.
  15. You don't need permission to fork someone's public repo on Github. Merging a pull request needs to be done by the owner of head repository (Prodigal Son). So you can make it compatible freely, it doesn't guarantee however that your fixes will land in the original mod.
  16. For me: no, we're already having a hard time with maintaining our mods (look at Aristeia). I don't think it would be a good idea to add another one to the list.
  17. It is already on github and can be found here: https://github.com/prod0ad/0ad_ancient_empires So anyone can fork it, make it compatible with svn and open a pull request.
  18. RoekeloosNL, it has been pushed a bit to the side in favor of a comprehensive tutorial about Scenario Designing from which an excerpt can be found here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19574
  19. You should look into this directory for all those upgrades: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies
  20. Could you explain what you mean by that, Gussebb? (I doubt I have the time for it ATM though)
  21. With the recent questions for help it seemed a good idea to us (shieldwolf and I) to create a tutorial about scenario designing. This post is a small part of it to answer recent questions to creating mods for your maps. (The rest of the tutorial is still WIP and deals with the Battle of Gergovia as you might notice from the text and the screenshots). Click on the images to view a larger size. Setting up a mod and run Atlas Create the folder Browse to <0adfolder>/binaries/data/mods and create a new folder. Call it whatever you like, I call it ‘map_Battle_of_Gergovia’ where ‘map’ is used to distinguish it (for us, humans) from the other mods and ‘Battle of Gergovia’ will be the name of the map. Another option is to browse to My Documents/My Games/0ad/mods and create the folder there. The result is equal. Allow your mod to be recognized by 0 A.D. Open the folder and create a file called ‘mod.json’. Make sure that the extension of the file is changed into ‘.json’. This file is very important! Thanks to this the game will read your mod. Now open that folder in any code editor you like. I use Sublime Text 3 (http://www.sublimetext.com/3) but programs like Notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) are possible too. Your file should read something like my file in the image above. The text you fill in shows up later in the Mod Launcher as you can see further down the post. In the dependencies you define what is needed to run the mod. We choose 0ad since we want people to use it with 0 A.D. It is also possible to specify a version but we don't need that here. Save and close the code editor. Run the Scenario Editor with your mod enabled Now run the game and choose ‘Mod Selection’ in the Tools & Options menu. Select your mod in the list and click ‘Enable’. When in mod is in the lower list, click ‘Save Configuration’ and ‘Start Mods’. After the game has restarted, click ‘Scenario Editor’ in the Tools & Options menu. Atlas will now open and you're ready for the next step. Happy painting!
  22. Did you save the configuration in the mod selector? (The mods you select there are also the ones that get loafed when starting Atlas)
  23. How does your template look and where did you put it?
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