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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Oh, lol! anyway, good work!
  2. Cool, what grade did you get for it?
  3. For the record: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18595 It was BTW a very nice read, Thorfinn. In case you're interested wowverylongname, Mythos made a rebalance after the criticism on Alpha 16 (but also after he retired) that should be somewhere around in a Github branch. highlights of the changes: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18870&p=297049%C2'>
  4. I think the most important thing you need to work on are the grass textures. I think you should use more grassy textures and some less shrub textures.
  5. Hmm, that doesn't really match with our building style, does it?
  6. Another unique building sounds good! What would it look like?
  7. I don't think the rosters itself would be re-usable directly but the ideas and information behind these rosters certainly do. Thanks for sharing that with us!
  8. The deadline of the Mapping Contest was today and we were a little surprised to see that no one submitted a map. We therefore decided to give a little extra time to create/finish your map. One month to be precise. The new deadline will be 2 January, 00:00 GMT. So if you didn't know of the Contest or just hadn't enough time to finish it, here is your chance! For the records I'm linking to the important pages: The announcement: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19230 The submission topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19351 One thing I should mention: as we hope that Alpha 18 will be released by then, the award to land in Alpha 18 is no longer valid. Hope to hear from you!
  9. *week. I don't have the time for that this weekend. Oh, and don't expect too much!
  10. And the Egyptians too... Also the Huns come a few centuries later. Babylon was conquered by Persia and the Mongols were nothing more than a small nomadic tribe (the became great during the Medieval times, not during the Ancient Times). And for China we have a mod called 'Rise of the East': http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19233
  11. Only one day left! Is there anybody participating?
  12. It wasn't meant as solution, it was meant to discover the error.
  13. Just a random guess: What would happen if you would put the sheep template in the Units folder and change its class to 'Unit' (and removing Animal)? Edit: what do you call work? For every sheep the food trickle speed increases?
  14. It actually happened with a fresh Git checkout (I was curious to Itms's pathfinding branch)
  15. Can you garrison other units in the corral? (To narrow the problem)
  16. I actually experience exactly the same error when building on Windows 8.1 using VS2012.
  17. Update #1 A week has past and so it's time for another update. The map has received a number of painting updates including Geographical changes suggested by Prodigal Son. Also the field of Marathon is moved a little to the North East to better match the original circumstances: We also included a visibility flag like you once saw in AoK: It's non-selectable and indestructible but has a vision range and a player owner. That concludes it for this week. More updates are Work in Progress and will be included in coming updates so keep in touch!
  18. When I look at the screenshots the first thing I see is that the texture variety is extremely small. I think you've used 5, maybe 6, textures in your whole map. Texture variety can greatly improve your look of your map. Compare the following two screenshots from the Gallic Wars map: the first uses only 1 texture for the cliffs, the 2nd multiple: I also suggest that you revisited your underwater textures. Here is a very good sample of someone who did that very good (Pkyrkos7): Also, how are the players supposed to attack to each other? They're barely connected (as far as I can see).
  19. Can't you use <Builder.Rate> <Multiply>1.15</Multiply> </Builder.Rate> Instead?
  20. Confirmed and created a ticket for it: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2945
  21. Could you check that against this patch? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2900 Also, would you mind to list some of your features (apart from balancing and tech tree)?
  22. What's so different about that idea and the current state?
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