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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Hi Tomcelmare! Your English is fully understandable, no excuses needed for that... I think you could describe A17 best as a solid release. It doesn't add much new features but it improves and creates a solid base to build further upon. (It fixed a lot of stuff and with the addition of for example triggers new things can be created). The technology pairs were removed as a lot of players complained about them since the tech that were paired did not have anything to do with eachother. The unit upgrading system is not removed but the only way to upgrade them is through fighting and gaining experience not by researching the technology. P.S. the latest release of Rise of the East is not compatible with Alpha 16.
  2. Whoops! Sorry! Thanks for correcting me, leper!
  3. ? Like: "dependencies": ["0ad"]
  4. An update: I roughened the legs by adding more wrinkles and reworked the underclothing (visible near the neck). Is it better?
  5. Version refers to the version of the game to be used with (so 0.0.17 for Alpha 17 and 0.0.18 for SVN) Dependencies should be set at 0ad (the public mod folder) assuming you want to use your AI for 0 A.D. instead of an other Pyrogenesis game (if they exist). I think I would set the type to be something more specific e.g. "ai".
  6. An Unsharp mask in Gimp should do the trick.
  7. But compared to last release it is much closer to final...
  8. Yes, it does support OS X (it only adds content).
  9. The Council is both happy and proud to announce a brand new release!!! Rise of the East What is it? Rise of the East focusses on one faction the Chinese, during the Han Dynasty to be precise. With it's fancy theme this is surely one to mark! As a release name we've chosen Xù yuē. This means something like revival or renewal. We called it that way because of the huge changes to our project! What is new? The buildings are completely reworked with a brand new texture and various new buildings were added. I would like to thank Enrique (art dept. lead at WFG) in particular for helping us with it. Two songs were composed by Omri Lahav (the composer of the 0 A.D. soundtrack). These songs function as in-game music. Also we ironed out a couple of historical inaccuracies thanks to Mei Houwang (Chinese Historian). Current features: - One playable faction: Han (No worries, the civilizations from the main game are still playable) - 2 Custom Random Maps: Loess Plateau and Gobi Desert (made by Spahbod) Who are we? The Council of Modders was formed up of two small modding teams and a few newcomers: Aristeia (about the bronze age) and Millennium A.D. (about medieval times) CoM aims to create a umbrella for all wannabee modders and help everyone needed and of course create their own projects, one of them is Rise of the East. Rise of the East was added to the project list in early-2014 after an agreement with Scion's lead Rob Kimball. That having said: A lot of work in this release was done by Scion Development (almost everything), so we owe a large one to them for having paved the road for us to continue in their absence! How to: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into <installationdirectory>/binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod! Download: han_china.zip Mirror: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rise-of-the-east/downloads/rise-of-the-east-x-yu-17 Our thanks go to everyone that helped us to achieve this mod through contributing, play testing or in another way! If you have tips / suggestions, feel free to let us know. Also if you find bugs, let them know too. Support 0 A.D. if you like us: http://play0ad.com/community/donate/
  10. I know but it was the best Greek Army picture I could find.
  11. Hi to you all! In continuation of the last contest we organize a new one: Mapping Contest 17. (Number 17 because the current release is Alpha 17) I'll elaborate the requirements of the to be created map further down the announcement. With the new implementation of the mod loader and triggers we decided to be a bit more lenient towards the map designer. It is now allowed to create a trigger-based scenario and add graphical mods. This time we have removed the Northern Highlands theme, we however felt that Ancient Highlands wasn't used in Mapping Contest 16 and hence pushed it once more as a theme. The theme list for this contest is as following: 1. Ancient Lands: Once there was a highly civilized kingdom, now only pain and rocks. However, rumors say that great treasures are to be found beyond the walls of this destroyed city. 2. Amorica (Nowadays called Bretagne): A large peninsula with epic cliffs, catchy beaches and beautiful grasslands. 3. British Lowlands: Although this flat and rainy landscape seems peaceful at first sight, danger could lure around any corner. 4. Peloponnesian Wars: For the trigger-based scenario we decided to push this one as inspiration. These themes are meant as an inspirational source. If you have a better idea yourselves, don't hesitate to use that one. As for every contest there is a set of rules:The jury is not allowed to participate in the contest.Taking inspiration from other maps is allowed, literally copy-pasting isn't. Note that too obviously being inspired by other maps results in a lower originality rating.The jury always has the final word.It is up to the designer to use either the SVN repository or Alpha 17. Jurying is twofold: The community votes for the best map in the category (which are listed a bit below) and the jury rates every map. Then the results are compared by the jury and the winners are announced. This is the points-breakdown the jury will handle: Gameplay 30Aesthetics 30Originality 30Overall Harmony / Coherence 10 As for the jury, the jury consists of the following members: Shieldwolf23: Lead jury, veteran scenario designer, co-creator of the Gallic Wars map Thamlett: Co-jury, initiator of the Council of Modders' Mappack Niektb: Co-jury, creator of the Schwarzwald Random Map and the Gallic Wars map For each theme we do have the following awards (note that the italic awards only apply when there are more than 15 submitters): Best overall mapMost originalMost aesthetically pleasingBest gameplayThese awards are: A badge / medal to beautify your forum profile, as well as an icon in the map preview image. The ultimate victor (the best of both themes) lands as the default map in the next release, Alpha 18. WFG reserves the right to make little tweaks and / or additions to this map.Winners get into the Council of Modders' Mappack if they're not included in the main game.In a submission we require a zip with the following: All the map files should be included.In case you choose to create a Scenario triggers are required!One screenshot and a 400x300 map preview image. (Reduce the fog if you have many to get a clear overview, please no signature in the preview image) To create a screenshot in Atlas: Zoom / rotate till you have the part at the screen that you want to create a screenshot of, then click Misc hacks in the top bar > screenshot. Check the message for the save location.The map should be either normal or medium sized and should have 2-4 players (depending on the flavour of the designer). The amount of players is not important in case of a trigger-based scenario. We also require to release the map under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license to be able to land in 0 A.D. or in the CoM Mappack. By submitting your map you automatically release it under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.The deadline on the submission is 00:00 GMT 30th November 2014. You can submit your map by posting an attachment in the topic that will be created at the Wildfiregames forum, a week before the deadline. After this deadline the community is allowed to vote (in a topic that also will be created) and the jury will discuss the winner behind closed doors. We're trying to organize a contest every Alpha release, so no worries if you don't win, just try again next time. One last tip: Make use of the Environmental and Post Processing settings to enhance the look and feeling of your map. It can really make a huge difference: For technical discussion refer to this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19229 For any other question you can ask in this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19230 (announcement in the WFG forum) Have fun and may the best win!
  12. This topic is specificially meant for technical discussion / troubleshooting in Atlas for the mapping contest. For general questions, refer to this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19230
  13. Or add a mod.json file to your directory (like in the public folder) and use the mod launcher (Options > Mod Selection)
  14. An update from my texturing businesses. I made the blue somewhat darker to better match the reference and emphasized the shadows a little more:
  15. Normally you wouldn't see that red, but if you take a screenshot it appears (in this case)
  16. I'd say, Citizen Soldiers are one of the key elements that make 0 A.D. unique. New players complain about it as they expect a distinct soldier and citizen unit. Not a combination of the two. That doesn't mean there is no room for refinements but I think the idea itself is good. (Also gameplay-wise)
  17. This is roughly what it looks like from the default angle (less epic, I know. I didn't really create a composition to fit the mountain in.):
  18. This was fully made using the terrain tools in Atlas (except the stone actors) If it would be a modeled actor much more detail would be possible. That is actually also the difficulty with pre-fabbed cliff actors (how would you do the obstruction BTW?), it would be hard to give it an equal amount of detail compared to the rest of the map (that is made with the rough terrain tools). Now where did I move that screenshot to...?
  19. Oh wow, didn't expect to get such positive feedback! You mean some wrinkles at the legs or in general?
  20. How is that? I reckon the gold is in the diffuse texture?
  21. Recently I put some effort into researching the creation of more realistic looking mountain and today I would like to publish my first results: As you can see, I focused on the middle and didn't bother too much about the sides. What do you think of this? Where and how could it be improved?
  22. I made a new texture for the Han Elite Infantry Archer and would like to get some feedback. The white archers are for comparison : This is what I used as reference: I didn't add the helmet in the reference as I can't model.
  23. The Steppe biome is not really the best choice for a good-looking map. I think I would go for something like Savanah in combination with temperate to get your desired graphical location. (haven't really tried that out though) Also, do you have crossing in the water? I think it would be good to mark it with some plants in the shallow water. I think I would put some more features to the map design like some shallow pools, some animals and surrounded by trees (oasis alike). And how about a dry riverbed crossing the grasslands?
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