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Everything posted by niektb

  1. In the time of Charlemagne they are still called "Franks". (Charlemagne was also Emperor of the Frankish Empire)
  2. The nature of skirmish maps is that they are handmade and generic across all computers. Random maps are however generated at run time, they are different whenever you run a game with that map selected.
  3. I think I would extend the glow since the tip of the nose and mouth fall in the dark.
  4. You can use these mods in SVN. If we would package a release for Alpha 17 it would be playable in A17. Does no one know what the civilization in the latest image is?
  5. Belgian Bog is a skirmish map isn't it? That means it is generic across all installations.
  6. You can center layers using the align tool in Gimp, Stan.
  7. These new icons are certainly better than the old one, but I think I would go for a different pose. I would try to make the glow darker (and a more subtle noise) and the wolf itself brighter.
  8. Time for a fresh update from our Medieval mod. The Vikings have been renamed to Norse as that seems a more accurate representation to the faction we have in mind to create. Welcome to Hvanndalir... Hvanndalir is the name of a beautifully located town on an Island in the North Sea. Isolated as it is, the Norse inhabitants that colonized the island face a challenge to stay alive and build a thriving town. Let us take a look at this island that some of you already might have seen. (with the difference that it is winter now). A blacksmith has been built (by Stanislas69) and you can see that the smith is doing some fine labour (yes, it is animated): When we turn around we'll see the local Norsemen carry their newly created weaponry (also created by Stanislas69): Some of the accompanying portraits: Now let's walk to the harbor, this building has been rebuilt from the ground (by Stanislas69) and the wharf is now able to build larger ships then before: Soon, the island will grow to small for this growing town and they will need to explore and colonize new areas. Do you know whom they might discover? (Buildings are created by Stanislas69) That's it for this update. Keep in touch for more news!
  9. I think it could probably be done by adding noise to the background and a more subtle (different color) and larger glow.
  10. High time to bring some fresh updates to you! Let's kick right of! Our 3D modelers have been busy these days Stanislas69 has made a brand new Fortress that replaces the Athen one: Radagast. has finished his Storehouse and it was updated to the new texture by Stanislas69: Stanislas69 has created a blacksmith and yes, that wheel is animated! The wallset has been reworked by Stanislas69 and this is the result (here is the gate posted): We have worked (and are still working) with educated Chinese Historians to check our mod for historical accuracy and I would like to thank someone in particular: Mei Houwang. He has provided us with lots of usable info. Most of the results of this collaboration are still Work-In-Progress and will land in due time. That is enough for this Update. Keep in touch for more news!
  11. For Gimp you should install the layerfx plugin. I personally use it and gives way more options than normally.
  12. If you're running Alpha 16 you'll find games in the lobby. In Alpha 15 it is most likely that the lobby is empty. These are the steps you need to follow to get the latest version (as the one the the Ubuntu Software Center is older): http://play0ad.com/download/linux/#a0A.D.providedpackages
  13. It might be good to create a sort of benchmarking protocol so that results are produced under generic circumstances. Also it might be worth investigating what the built-in profiler (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/EngineProfiling) could do for us and maybe split the results up in GPU and CPU time to get an interesting comparison. For a heavy map with both water and lots of trees I suggest Azure Coast.
  14. Save your configuration and restart the game. It is a generic bug that happens with everyone.
  15. In fact, when I designed this map I always made sure that the forest edge is closed (except some points where I intended to leave it open). You can check it in Atlas by enabling the passability map Hence it shouldn't affect pathfinding at all.
  16. Replacing trees with actors doesn't enhance performance. I just wanted to state that removing heroes is not a huge problem if we want to make it Alpha 17 compatible. The code is a deal breaker, the heroes aren't.
  17. I think these are player colors, Fabio.
  18. The heroes wouldn't be too much of a problem to remove (stuff needs some balancing anyway). The code added however is the deal breaker.
  19. What it says: Go to this directory: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/0ad/config/ and create a file called local.cfg. Specify anything you want, it overrides default.cfg
  20. These errors are with Alpha 16? In that case, I run Ubuntu 14.04, GTS450, 340.52 without any problems at all.
  21. Hence I wondered if someone else has the branch on a server which I would be able to checkout. Edit: I see I can check it out on my laptop at school (unfortunately that doesn't apply to my desktop on which I have 0 A.D. normally running)
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