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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Indeed, auron2401. The stone cost has been removed.
  2. I still remember those old days back in 2013 when I first enrolled the Millennium A.D. project. How time can fly! Today I'm happy to write the first Development Update ever. We're still busy with the first Civilization. These are the Vikings. They're starting to take shape with some cool buildings and ships. The buildings and ships are modeled by our 3D artist Stanislas69 and a couple of concepts are drawn by Le Druide Gaullois. Buildings and ships Here are a few screenshots: Balancing and gameplay Balancing, implementing different gamestyle and fixing are mainly done by thamlett and niektb. The Vikings play differently from other civs and require adaption from the players, which is nice in our opinion. Emblems and logos The Civilization emblem is made by niektb and Lion.Kanzen, the Millennium A.D. logo is created by Lion.Kanzen. Sounds The soundtracks are created by Antti Martikainen. You can find more of his work here: http://anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/user/AJMartikainen This is the theme song: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ml6p6pvouybx8vp/To_the_Ends_of_the_Earth.mp3 So far, so good the updates for now. We're grateful for everyone that helped us this far! We'll keep in touch!
  3. Cliff Detection! Really? That is what I've been waiting for!
  4. Purely Aesthetically speaking, I feel it lacks a certain kind of visual variety. You use only one type of trees, one texture for the beach, one texture for the cliffs, one texture for the rocks, etc. Try to find compatible textures / trees and combine them in a realistic, good-looking way. Could it be that you have barely building space? Also see if you can adjust the environmental settings to create a better look. This post might come in handy: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18801&p=293531
  5. Three weeks left to the deadline: A good time to open a submission topic. You can participate in the contest by posting a zip file here. In this zip the following should be included: All the map files should be included.One screenshot and a 400x300 map preview image. (Reduce the fog if you have many to get a clear overview, please no signature in the preview image) To create a screenshot in Atlas: Zoom / rotate till you have the part at the screen that you want to create a screenshot of, then click Misc hacks in the top bar > screenshot. Check the message for the save location.The map should be either normal or medium sized and should have 2-4 players (depending on the flavour of the designer). The map should logically correspond to one of the two themes. We also require to release the map under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license to be able to land in 0 A.D. or in the CoM Mappack. By submitting your map you automatically release it under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.Also state whether you created your map with SVN or Alpha 16 to make sure the judges play the map like it was intended.In this topic no posts save submissions are allowed. All other posts are being removed. Instead refer to the following topics: For technical discussion refer to this topic: http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=18896 For any other question you can ask in this topic: http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=18897 (The announcement in the WFG forums) Think of your own creative, original name! Do not name it after the theme!
  6. Although the release wasn't that long ago, already a lot of changes were made last months. I've got much to tell so let's dive right in! New buildings and textures: Enrique Keykens (Art Dept. Lead at Wildfire Games) reached out and created a brand new building texture for us. Atop of it he modeled a new Civic Center: Thanks for that, Enrique! In the mean while our own artists haven't sit still and created additional buildings for our beloved Han faction. Here are a few samples: This wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for our concept artists who have done great work and made modeling the buildings a convenient task. Here are some samples, scan our forum for more of these: Units: In the past months several units were added/modified and some general balances and gameplay issues were fixed. Also a couple of helmets and armours were added. Expect a complete new feeling with the next release! New emblem: As sharpeyed people already might have noticed, we've added a completely new Faction emblem: Soundtrack: Omri Lahav (composer of the 0 A.D.'s soundtracks) created some music for us to feature in our mods. Here is a draft of one of the songs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wunlvnpuzmy6j5z/Omri%20Lahav%20-%20Hill%20of%20Sorrows.mp3 These were the most changes made till date. Keep in touch for more updates! P.S. the screenshots were made in the Custom Random maps in the mod, Leoss Plateau and Gobi Desert.
  7. I thought this was a more appropriate place for such a topic. (btw. welcome to the council pkyrkos7 ) I could recall that someone was already working on a wallplacer for Atlas.
  8. Well, it has been reported multiple times already.
  9. You also can PM me if you like keep it hidden for the time being... No worries, I've seen multiple unfinished mod projects (no wonder either, taking into account that I'm a modder myself and involved in multiple projects)
  10. The skirmishreplacers are completely changed. Nowadays they are defined in the civil .json files. This is far more convenient. I think playing around with unit classes could work but I'm not sure since I don't know the exact look of your units. Could you upload a zip with your mod?
  11. Can anyone help me with the original names of several buildings and units? I'm looking for the native names of all buildings and the translation of the warrior classes (I already have the Huskárl and the Berserkr but need names for basic advanced and elite warriors (e.g. farmer > warrior > chieftain or whatever works)):
  12. I've added banners to the list.
  13. I hereby declare the topic opened What do we look for in this topic? 1. A design proposal with a line-up of units, buildings and special technologies. Also we need to differentiate the gameplay from other factions. 2. General looks of units and buildings and references. 3. Historical info for descriptions. 4. Faction emblem and banners. 5. Miscellaneous. 4. Faction Emblem Maybe the Carolingian Cross would be a good symbol? 5. Differentiating the gameplay My suggestion is that we use feudalism as a keypoint. Personally I had the following idea: The player would be able to build Castles (rather than a fortress) that would function (maybe with tech research?) as a economic center (Dropsite / Trading site etc. etc.) . However, it is not allowed to build them near your Civic Center (which stand symbol for the cities) Thus a certain expansion is required for the players. Lastly the Castle is the place is where the players recruit the main heap of units. In the City Barracks (mainly) only armed citizens (e.g. peasants with a pitchfork, simple bowmen, levy spearman) are recruitable. This makes the City harder to defend which forces careful placement of the Castles.
  14. I've added a song called Through Enemy Lines as the second battle song.
  15. I looked onto those but I wasn't really satisfied with them... (could be as placeholder though)
  16. It is all lined out here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TortoiseSVN_Guide Indeed SVN isn't compatible with A16 anymore.
  17. Good corral (but with hay roof? => not too much of a problem since I do not like the current texture, I indeed desire a darker hay variant as Le Druide Gaulois points out.)
  18. Could it be that I'm not seeing the enhanced market?
  19. If it plays well: no imbalance, fun/interesting to play. Basically stuff that is related to playing the map, rather than looking at it.
  20. Here in the forums (maybe using PM) would be enough. We'll proof-listen the music and add it to appropriate places.
  21. You already had some fonts? (Carolingian) http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17862&p=279304
  22. I thought we already had a background for RotE? (Or do you mean something different?)
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