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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I'm willing to test! It would be good (and cool!) to have some kind of AI that analyses capabilities and drawbacks from a civ on the fly (100% compatible with every mod and civ so to say)
  2. Although the first list is said to be original version, I'm not sure whether it is really in English. Sometimes you'll get French subtitles (VOSTFR) or plain French version (VF). There seems to be broken links as well (I did,'t check all of them). May it inspire you!
  3. I think tents would be too 'mobile' (and not really coherent with the rest of the buildingset). We could however add tents (with house functionality) for scenario designers (scenarios centering the Norse explorations). You mean this blacksmith? The building is a bit low IMHO. Nah, leave the other buildings that are not modeled yet. They're not really fitted to the Viking texture. My screenshot... (Which one exactly?) Not too small though as they function as a small standalone base (resource dropsite, ranged attack, ability to train units) What was that Crannog again?
  4. We've postponed the Polling freeze till Monday 00:01 GMT to allow for more testing.
  5. Some work on the painting side needs to be done (the grass area around the village needs some work).
  6. You can rename it to Norse indeed. It also noticed that the house was too large. I think the easiest way is removing the campfire (but I thought you were working on a new long house?) The movie is linked a few posts before that post. The settlement scheme doesn't has much detail so I am not sure if it is usable. The building in in the later pics dates from 1150. Not really in our timespan.
  7. For RotE here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18823
  8. You should've told you were running svn... In that case you indeed need to use the git 'thingy', the zip posted above won't work with SVN. What kind of issues I'm curious? (mod-related?)
  9. I think you will encounter errors with the git version as it is not compatible with Alpha 16. You did run the game using the shortcut? Mods should work for everyone.
  10. - Communicating to the player would be fairly easy I think. Just put another box next to the resources with a multiplier. Maybe a tool tip showing a small graph with the territory/gather-speed relation. 1. It depends on how you shape the graph. You can use it for various purposes. You can use it to handicap stronger players but also to encourage expanding, to name some possibilities. 2. Could I get a quote? I never heard someone complaining about the game lasting too long... 3. It is indeed not good to have one exactly optimal territory area. It would be best to have the player try to find the optimal amount of territory for his strategy (that would be influenced by above described mechanic). 4. It could indeed be done with map design, but if it would be applied map-specific it is way easier for the designer than having to shape the map completely for it.
  11. Then the solution is simple. Every modfolder holds a .json file in which some basic info is listed. The mod manager scans for that file, can't find it (the file wasn't included in A16) and omits the public folder.
  12. I'm currently looking at an Alpha 16 folder in your screenshot. I think you're in the wrong map. If you would enable 0ad and press start mods the main menu should show up (although it currently crashes at Windows).
  13. The file in the post is the complete mod. That is the one you need to download for usage with Alpha 16.
  14. That is not an issue, that is intended
  15. Those issues are not strange if you consider that triggers do not exist in Alpha 16... it will be playable with A17 hhowever.
  16. You'd better upload it in your own topic then but not here. I'm hiding your post.
  17. Shame on me, I picked the wrong archive: Waterfall Mountain revised.zip
  18. Small update: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=8749 This is Waterfall Mountain with correct teams.
  19. Stan, the environmental settings would be reset (because of the waterchanges)
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