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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Those issues are not strange if you consider that triggers do not exist in Alpha 16... it will be playable with A17 hhowever.
  2. You'd better upload it in your own topic then but not here. I'm hiding your post.
  3. Shame on me, I picked the wrong archive: Waterfall Mountain revised.zip
  4. Small update: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=8749 This is Waterfall Mountain with correct teams.
  5. Stan, the environmental settings would be reset (because of the waterchanges)
  6. Ah, of course! Norse != Norwegian. Seems reasonable to change the name then.
  7. The deadline has come and the submissions are in. Time for testing. Play, look and decide: Which map should win Contest 16? We have 5 entries made by 4 submitters. Since the submittercount is not above 15 the special awards and the subcategories do not apply. Still we have a shiny emblem and a small icon for the previewimage. The maps are attached. All maps should be tested against Alpha 16 except Forest Battle. That map was created in SVN and should be tested with it. How to install: Alpha 16 (On Windows) Place the mapfiles in My Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes. SVN Place the mapfiles in [0ADDirectory]\binaries\data\mods\public\maps\skirmishes. Mappreview should go in [0ADDirectory]\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview Vote and give your feedback in this topic. In the meanwhile the jury will vote behind closed doors. These votings combined will produce a winner. The voting freezes this Monday (1 September 2014 00:01 GMT). Good luck! Stanislas' Forest Battle Forest Battle (4).zip Llanos' Northern Highlands (2v2) Northern Highlands (2v2).zip Juanjo's Northern Highlands (4); Northern Highlands (4).zip SwampGremlin's Castle Battle Map (2v2): SwampGremlins Castle Battle (2v2).zip SwampGremlin's Waterfall Mountain (2v2): Waterfall Mountain revised.zip
  8. How should the teams be set (is it a 2v2 or a free for all)? They're all set to 1 here.
  9. I've added SwampGremlin's Waterfall Mountain since there was an issue with permissions while downloading it. Waterfall Mountain.zip
  10. Normans were initially Scandinavians that settled on the mainland indeed but they mixed up with the Neighboring French and by the time William the Conqueror went to England the Normans had a completely different culture, different language, different architecture => completely different people. They were not really Vikings.
  11. I thought of a feature that dynamically balances (as in weak vs. strong player) the game: Make the resource gather speed dependent on territory size. This graph is of course only an example. But this approach could be used for various aims (by adjusting the values in the graph): 1. Give stronger opponents a slight handicap to make the game more interesting. 2. Give (little) room for late-game comebacks (Something you hear casual gamers complain about often) 3. Encourage early game expansionism (to get that ideal territory percentage) and discourage turtling (or the other way around). 4. It would also be fun if it could be changed by triggers to enable asymmetrical maps (attack / defense style). 5. Etc.
  12. I think it is this one: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19019&p=297329
  13. Well, okay then. If you change the map from 8 to 4 players we won't complain about the size.
  14. Stanislas hat es schon gesagt. Ich weiss aber nicht genau welchem...
  15. 1. Why? Sweden and Denmark are also vikings... (AoM is not really historically accurate ) 2. If you look a few pages back, I already had posted a couple of references for a fortress there. This is one from the Taleworlds' Topic. 3. My research showed me that Vikings did not use Defense Towers. Hence I removed them and powered up the outposts instead.
  16. Gear up! 16 hours left before the deadline!
  17. SwampGremlin, seemingly it is also an eight player map...
  18. I see that there is some misunderstanding about the name. Think of your own creative, original name.
  19. How about decreasing the buildtime from structures? (non defensive)
  20. There is no fast way. The only option is to remove them and place entities back at the same spot.
  21. Reminds me of how I use to crouch with shooter game (Pressing the Left-ctrl with my handpalm instead of a finger)
  22. Every time I play another RTS who hasn't WASD keys to move around I instantly hate the game (for the first few minutes). It really gives a speedup to me. I think however that camera rotating is less important. (And shouldn't actually be placed so near to such important hotkeys)
  23. To answer your questions: No you can't adapt grass to slopes, maybe you can make grass unnecessary by using a different texture (depending on the angle of the slope) Best use HDR. This is the most used in other maps and has the least impact on performance.
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