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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. In fact most soldiers were just civilians that took up arms in times of war so the CitizenSoldiers seem historically legit. To tackle the impossibility of harassing the Eco of the enemy is was suggested to let them drop their goods and fetch their weapon at the nearest military building but that suggestion has been dismissed because it would add too much micro.
  2. The announcement mentions 'today' 1800GMT but people in the eastern probably lived already in Sunday...
  3. I think Shieldwolf (I'm not sure though) wants to wait till he has more time so he can actively participate in directing the development of the triggers in the map. Another reason could be that he ha(s/d) some issues with SVN. The bad side of a message buffer is that players could lack important info (as GUI messages should contain only important info) when they actually need it because they get the message too late. Maybe the static objectives shouldn't be shown in the same box as the messages but in a different screen / window / place? Is it possible to color the message text? Think of a conversation between 2 storyline units (that doesn't really happen in our scenario, but what if). What would happen? It would probably look better / be more readable if we would implement a similar approach as the chat messages players can send to each other.
  4. All participating players need to have the hosted map IIRC.
  5. Let cavalry pack and unpack between weapons? (Might not be the nicest solution)
  6. Could it be that the statue on the roof is really dark?
  7. Ah, I haven't updated the list. Thanks for pointing me out. Can you quote me on the word 'perfection'? I can't remember I used that. And I really hadn't the ambition to drag RotE on endlessly, I assure you (Why would I?). But I think achieving High Quality is a good thing to do (and doable considering our current state).
  8. Hmmm, we should create a British Lowlands skirmish map someday
  9. I never said that. I said that we wouldn't finish RotE before Alpha 17. Anyway, I wish you all the best with your future work.
  10. Could you check if you have appended --sdl2 to your update-workspaces.bat? (WSDL is also removed)
  11. That is true. SDL has been replaced by its successor SDL2.
  12. A couple of weeks ago. What are you doing when the error occurs?
  13. Stan, sounds like the issue I had, but that has been fixed recently.
  14. It is too late (I think) to make a groundbreaking change but it would be worth investigating... How about a group training mechanism like you see in Age of Empires 3 with the Chinese faction? This means you could train those armies (border army, provincial army etc.). They would consist of a specific combination of units and would be trainable from different buildings. (the provincial army could be trainable in the farmstead and such ideas)
  15. @wolflance: I commited a variety of your suggested translations.
  16. What would you do with the Mongol ruling under Kublai Khan? That lasted a couple of decades...
  17. Indeed, the hard counter system has been discarded.
  18. Just looking at the design doc the Marian Reforms replaces all soldiers with Marian Legionnaires. From the design document:
  19. In fact, there is a Marian reforms tech but it is disabled (not researchable). Gaius Marius was alive during part 1, no reason to push his reforms to part 2, IMO. Those Reforms technologies are the most interesting to me. It is however required to be able to disable the training of units by tech research (so you could for example swap one unit type for another)
  20. Interesting to see that the building set has resemblances but also differences with the Frankish and the Norse buildings.
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