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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I vote for removing that animation completely and replace it for some sort of health bar enhancement.
  2. With blocking I actually meant a sort of voting system that kicks/does something with a player that affects the whole server. But muting is done by one player (say Itms annoys (rare case) me so I silent him. Other people still see his text messages but I don't since I muted him)
  3. I think that a Mute function would be better than a block function (since blocking other people is a right that is often misused by people)
  4. No, it doesn't have spec and bump maps yet. So <material>player_trans_ao.xml</material>
  5. Some file types are in cached format and therefore not usable/editable (like XML-templates)It could be that this isn't the case with 3D-models.
  6. Not sure if they're editable in A17 (release versions)
  7. Off-topic: the moddb page wasn't updated since there wasn't much to write about. We do have a new roof texture though.
  8. I had that texture once when I tried to make a new roof for the Norse (Millennium A.D.)
  9. It might be useful for the record to compare though... (still I'm curious to your new BO since this one looks quite logical (from my own experiences) )
  10. You mean like only have one hero at a time? Look at simulation/templates/special/player.xml
  11. utf-16 encoding isn't the case for sure, line 1 of every file you say reads this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  12. In that case I can help you. For the map 'A Silent Day In Gaul' I needed the player to be in a later Phase to allow him to build a Civic Center. I doubt it is the most elegant way to do so but it works. var cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);var playerEnt = cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(1);var technames = ["phase_town_generic", "phase_city_gauls"];var cmpTechnologyManager = Engine.QueryInterface(playerEnt, IID_TechnologyManager); for(var i = 0; i < technames.length; i++) { var template = cmpTechnologyManager.GetTechnologyTemplate(technames[i]); // check, if technology is already researched if (!cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(technames[i])) cmpTechnologyManager.ResearchTechnology(technames[i]); }At the second line the playerID is defined (player 1 in my case). At the 4th line the to be researched techs. Your full trigger code would then be something like this: Trigger.prototype.ResearchStartingTechs = function() { var cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager); var playerEnt = cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(1); var technames = ["phase_town_generic"]; var cmpTechnologyManager = Engine.QueryInterface(playerEnt, IID_TechnologyManager); for(var i = 0; i < technames.length; i++) { var template = cmpTechnologyManager.GetTechnologyTemplate(technames[i]); // check, if technology is already researched if (!cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(technames[i])) cmpTechnologyManager.ResearchTechnology(technames[i]); }};var cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger);cmpTrigger.DoAfterDelay(0, "ResearchStartingTechs", {});Edit: forgot argument in latest line.
  13. Do you mean it to be scenario specific?
  14. Even faster shooting rate for archers? They already shoot as fast as machine guns!
  15. Are these civ emblems already done or still needed?
  16. I figured out how the batch buildtime is calculated: To conclude: Time is what matters with batch production. you will be able to train units faster (on average). Delay between training two batches nullifies the advantage of batch production. So Training females in batches is beneficial resource-wise when you train multiple consecutive badges directly after each other (at least three). The aforementioned delay can for example be caused by a lack of resources or the pop cap. Also individual training requires a little more micro work (since you need to task a female every 8 sec instead of 5 at once per 32 sec) I think that the early game preference for batch or no batch depends a bit on the playing style. If you build very much within the first minute (with Ptolemies) it might be good to train the first few females individually to maximize early building speed. Overall batch production has the edge though.
  17. Wait, the build time of 5 females is 40 sec and the batch modifier is 0.8. 0.8*40=32 not 29. Sorry, overlooked the time bonus for consecutive batches.
  18. Can I ask you how you calculated it? My calculations show me that training 5 female woman in batch is less beneficial resource-wise than training them individually: My calculation stops when both methods have produced 5 women, so with time = 40 sec. Walking time doesn't need to be taken into account here since the first woman has 32 sec to gather which doesn't fill her capacity (16 out of 20 would be filled). I also assumed that the farm was already present. Adding multiple batches does nothing but stacking these amounts (except possibly introducing walking time).
  19. Also a standard citizen cav gathers 5 food/s not 7.5 so it could take a cav 27 sec to gather 100 food from a sheep (20 gather time + 7 walk time) so there is one corral needed to maintain one citizen cavalry. You shouldn't forget, bouke, that you can place your corral and farmstead strategically to minimize walk time, such as:
  20. What are your computer specs? (In other words: is serverA capable of running the game or does it lack drivers/hardware support?)
  21. I suggest you take a look at the timespan 0 A.D. covers. Crusaders come over 1000 years later. You're free to create a mod for it off course!
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