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Everything posted by niektb

  1. No need to start brawling, Brad, no need to. I'm not really eager to invest my precious time if you're acting like that... (Just saying) Anyway, if you just had looked up in the Ubuntu Software Center you'll notice a dropdown by the version number:
  2. Where are the walk ready and run ready anims for? I can't remember them being used...
  3. Why would you need Alpha 16 if there is a newer version available for Ubuntu? (Or is your version outdated?)
  4. You should've converted that to a PNG/jpg (or use F2 instead of Alt+F2). 80 MB is a bit much to view.
  5. I believe there is not much more to be done. (compared to the screenshot above I did another pass on the grass btw). I must say I really like the visual style of the map. The only thing I'm not sure about is the massive presence of gaia soldiers and buildings (since they're not really smart). Alpine_Mountains_(3).zip Alpine_Mountains_(3)_SVN.zip
  6. Grmm, forgot about that! I uploaded a new one. P.S. no need to quote if the post is directly above you
  7. Not long after Mapping Contest came to an end, I started to rework (with permission of the author) the winner of the contest. Now I feel that the map is finished. Therefore I proudly present: Forest Battle My thanks go to the original author Stanislas69. He is the creator, I only did some remastering. The install instructions go like every other mod (although Forest Battle adds only a map). Place the extracted folder in the correct folder and enable the mod in the mod launcher. Have fun and happy playing! map_Forest_Battle.zip map_Forest_Battle_SVN.zip
  8. Mountains anyone? (painted by shieldwolf23)
  9. I think I would go for the Gaul. I like their building style
  10. Like you can select Petra in the game setup you will be able to select Hannibal. Petra is however not compatible with the group behaviour described above. So the answer is No.
  11. He is developing a completely new bot! (Called Hannibal)
  12. To see how it (the textures) looks in your editor I think you need to have the actual meshes that can be found here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/meshes/skeletal/new And for the head(s): http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/meshes/props/new
  13. Problematic with Alpha 17 however is that everything is compressed. You can however grab a copy of the needed files here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/skeletal
  14. Impressive! Depends on the version you are working with. Do you have Alpha 17 installed or SVN (if you don't know what the latter is then you don't have svn installed )
  15. Indeed, Alex|D-Guy (or one of his other nicks $alex or @ABothe) has been working on that and it landed a few days ago in SVN.
  16. You did try using the cross button next to the enabled list to move that items from the enabled list to the disabled list? And if you completely close the game you need to press save configuration to preserve the lists.
  17. What mod are you actually trying to disable? If it is your own mod all that is needed is to disable it in the mod launcher, recognized or not it won't have an impact on your game (unless you modified files in the public mod)
  18. Mimo: unfortunately Aegis was difficult too. I was trying to start with something more simplistic but I already struggled with basic tasks like training and building. Simply because I did not know where to look (and Aegis didn't help me much further with its fancy planning system)
  19. I must say that the hurdle to develop a new AI has been proved too high for me in the past. I actually landed in this forum a while ago with the intention to develop a new AI (you know, I had created a AoK AI but wanted to have more freedom). With that in mind I encourage every attempt to ease the road for newcomers (although it is unlikely that I would eventually develop a fully fledged AI myself considering my other tasks around here and the amount of time I have available) so that they don't strand before having something that works.
  20. Somehow smoothing the movement out is the keyword I think. The stance looks good (at least that is what I think) Some read stuff: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Animation/Editors/Graph/FCurves This books contains loads of info (and also with regards to animation) and explains very much: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Basic_Animation And if it helps: http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/animating-a-character-in-blender/ http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Books/Essential_Blender/06.1.Character_Animation:_Hands_on
  21. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?675230-THE-EUROPA-BARBARORUM-II-CHRISTMAS-APPEAL&p=14279506&viewfull=1#post14279506
  22. Yes, but it involves new animations too. That is because the models do have a completely new rig that allows for better (read: more natural and detailed) animations. The old ones are really old and I believe the rig wasn't really supported anymore (but I'm not entirely sure about the latter)
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