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Everything posted by niektb

  1. There is indeed some code available: https://github.com/0ADMods/resource__blood https://github.com/0ADMods/resource__water I never tested it though and it was made for an old version of 0 A.D. (A15?) so I can't guarantee it works.
  2. The Guilin map is a showcasing map (for taking screenshots in Atlas), not really meant to be played
  3. It doesn't go too nicely yet though as there are no trigger-based implementations of AI's (getting it to work is easy, getting something useful is more difficult) btw, welcome to the community!
  4. I didn't say new units. I said move existing units from the barracks to that Border Fortress. (So you have to: 1. Phase up to City Phase 2. Build a new (fairly expensive) building before you can train those units)
  5. I can remember suggestions of a Border Fortress (smaller fortress). Might it be an idea to add that building and move some of the barrack units to that Fortress? (as to simulate the so called Border army => where was that topic, wolflance?) (given that that Fortress is a phase 3 building)
  6. I am actually not so sure about champion soldiers for the Chinese from the gameplay POV. I mean, they have a broad lineup and are able to respond to almost all situations (they nearly always have unit that can make a stand). Combine that with the other civ bonuses (strong farming economy and walls, unique techs) and you already have a strong faction. Give them killer champion units and you have a Chinese supremacy (I think).
  7. The square rice field should indeed be split up in multiple compartments to let it adapt to the terrain.
  8. btw, this is how they actually look in-game: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15271&p=303947
  9. allow buildings in neutral area. They are kinda seeds of a settlements. Dropsites fit in this list too - not the elephant. And they need support infrastructure like houses or towers for shelter. Also, that spends a clear bot start command: Build a settlement, if there is none, repeat if resources low. Problematic part of these are that most do not have a territorial influence (meaning that they would decay over time and do not have an area around them where you can build other buildings. the CC is rather expensive I think to use for a starting position of a settlement (unless you make them larger but then we're back with the problem stated in the TS). The dock would be the most ideal center if it weren't for it's restriction to the shore.
  10. The problematic part of it is however the performance. Such decals require GPU intensive alpha blending IIRC. So they should only be used in rare cases.
  11. In fact, the Rotary Mill has a working range aura but it doesn't have any range marker (so you don't know which farm(er)s are affected and which not.)
  12. I've been thinking a while but I wondered what you call 'rules' in this case. Could you elude a bit on that? It sounds most logic to place buildings that have a relationship close to each other (so farms and corrals close to a farmstead, blacksmith and barracks near each other. etc.) Another idea to came to my mind would be the implementation of satellite villages. These are tiny villages with a set task that can function independent (to a certain extend) from the others. They could share some services like repairing/building groups. An example of a stone mining village that provides work and space for 10 gatherers: An example of a farming village that provides work and space for 10 gatherers:
  13. I think the technology tree should excel in diversity rather than cost. I must say I'm still a fan of the technology web (the idea at least, the implementation could be discussed about): http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18635&p=300053 The building idea could be done by giving such buildings a (non-stackable) global aura that gives you a benefit. Other than that I think that 0 A.D. plays too much like a deathmatch game (even though you start with low resources). I think it would be good to bring the pace down.
  14. Well, it has been sort of balanced against Alpha 17. (at least I worked on that)
  15. I'm pretty sure that people are willing to help you to get your mod going (think in the direction of organisational aspects) but if you think it is a better idea to contribute to an existing project then you're welcome too
  16. The idea is more or less to release it faction by faction (not a strict rule though) but we don't have enough manpower to actively develop 3 mods consecutively so the releases are not on a very regular base.
  17. Would it cost any resources to choose a god?
  18. I suppose spear cavalry should be excellent for charging (or, since charging isn't implemented yet, able to harrass weak(er) targets easily)
  19. I should recheck the unit mixture with the latest balance changes, they're rather messed up right now.
  20. I'm only not so fan of the huge range of ranged stuff have these days. It is almost impossible to play on smaller maps. Also I believe that Gaul Fanatics are rather useless now (like every champion spearman) The huge spread of ranged cavalry makes them completely useless to hunt (which I tend to do often if there are enough huntables)
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