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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. You can play it in svn but you need to replace all Colour (like TerrainAmbientColour) with Color (TerrainAmbientColor) inside the xml file.
  2. Sounds nice! How did you implement the farmland aura?
  3. I sent you a PM to not clutter this topic too much. (but certainly there is some kind of design doc but it is spread across the Norse faction proposal topic )
  4. Nice icons, Lion! In what direction would you like to do something for Millennium A.D. or RotE?
  5. Yeah, happens nearly everyone on Windows. (though occasionally they succeed on my PC resulting f.e. in the Seleucid Architecture images in the announcement and the water screenshot a few posts above)
  6. Absolutely, I think the buildings would fit very well (maybe with some modifications) in a European civilization (mostly 2nd half of the Middle Ages but maybe some hay roofed buildings also earlier on)!
  7. A screenshot with beautiful water. It is taken from an upcoming Millennium A.D. showcasing skirmish map (made by Skhorn and edited by me).
  8. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2824%C2'> It can be done manually right now by copying a actors / entities group and place it in a random text editor (and save that file).
  9. When in texture paint mode, you can shift-click on a texture and that texture will be automatically assigned to your paint brush.
  10. I thought it might be a good idea to explain to you how to make the most of your git(hub) repository and work effectively in a team or make sure your master branch is always clean and stable. That's where one of git's most powerful feature comes in: branching. Let's kick right off! In this tutorial I'll be using the Github for Windows client as I experienced it to be intuitive and user-friendly. Also I'll use Aristeia as example. Righto, in your program create a new branch. Do so by clicking the '+' button as shown in the image below: Give it a name and the program should show something like this: Make the changes you want. Now we need to publish the branch to make it available to others (you can also make changes after you published your newly created branch): Open your browser and go to you Github page, if you did everything correctly you can now see your branch online: If you think your changes are ready to commit, click on the green 'Compare & pull request' button. After that your screen should show something like this: Give it a name and a description and click on the 'create pull request' button. There you go, a pull request is created and it directly offers a discussion thread. Other team members are also notified of your pull request: If other people noticed bugs you can append new commits in your github for windows client. If they think the pull request is good enough they can merge it (or you can do it yourselves if you have the rights to do so): Tada! You're changes have landed into the master branch! You can now delete your branch or use it for further development (and create a new pull request over time)
  11. There are no planned maps AFAIK so it's best to think of a cool concept (or grab someone else's idea => unfinished maps, campaign scripts etc.) and create an epic map for it. After that share it on the forums. (We have a special subforum for it) For your information, trigger scripts need to be manually coded, there is no GUI for that ATM.
  12. Actually that 'market' you see in the images are just some Persian tents that I placed around. I'm glad it looks so good that you all mistook it for a real building
  13. You know what I discovered, Kicking_Bird? you're looking at the old version of the Persian buildings. This is what they're supposed to look like in Alpha 18: The old Persian buildings didn't even have normal maps or something...
  14. Lol, I only now see the word joke I made Anyway, in case you didn't notice the map from which this screenshot was taken is released in the mean time: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19653
  15. Having the town phases means that you start a small village that develops till a major metropolis. (if you play the game right) Logically in the first phase the villagers are relatively poor and that could be easily represented by having 'humble' buildings (that consist of hay, wood whatever). Requirement however for implementing such buildings is an accurate source of how those wooden buildings would look like. As the village develops (with research the Town Phase and City Phase techs) those buildings could be replaced by 'richer' versions with more ornaments/other materials (along with unlocking new buildings) Why it hasn't been done till date? Probably because of the amount of artwork that would be needed to reach this?
  16. Explain, Lion. I don't understand what you're referring to. Kicking_bird: Enrique revisited the Persian only a few months ago so it might be good to double check with Enrique if you're not doing (accidentally) unwanted stuff. Enrique's work landed in Alpha 18 IIRC (dunno what version you have installed)
  17. I'm actually a little uncertain about the mixture of plain and busy (eyecandy) textures, that looks a bit inconsistent and doesn't blend too well in terms of visual style IMHO.
  18. You need to obtain a special license in order to use them for our purposes: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/licenses/sans.php
  19. How did you do the obstruction? And could you show an image of the current stable and former ram?
  20. Definitely, you can really use cavalry for a high food income early on. Also I often task a corral to produce batches (first research the training time tech for sheep's) of 5 sheeps nonstop and task 1 cav on these sheeps.
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