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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Looks good to go. I find the laurel unnatural the leaves are too close to each other I believe, but it looks nice still. Would be nice if you could fix the metal texture of Seleucus' helmet.
  2. Reducing 0 A.D. to it's rugs would be a bit unfair don't you think. Removing carpets is easy replacing them will be more tricky.
  3. Can we keep it civil please ? The aim of this game is also to share knowledge. Also we don't know how long everyone will be there so having books to rely on when asked in the future is nice.
  4. Did you clean and update workspaces again ? It wouldn't build for me otherwise.
  5. The full Lossless music can be found here → https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/audio
  6. Hey @odalman You should be fine playing 0 A.D. on this box, though don't expect huge performance (It will be quite decent though). With graphics at a reasonable amount, and not too many units you should be fine (We are waiting for a patch to thread the pathfinder which will hopefully improve performance) If you go for it, let us know ! EDIT: @feneur, might need to unlock his account.
  7. Well I trust you'd judgements on those matters and you have been making quite a few fixes in the in game documentation
  8. Well the main reason we have for this is as nobody signs a contract, you can't trust anyone on the internet, especially if you are a 15 years old project
  9. Hello and welcome to the forums. Indeed there is a difference between the two. Only team members can add their changes to the game directly. Other contributions needs to be reviewed by a team member. so let's say you improve drastically a part of the documentation in the game or in the code it would have to be reviewed before it's added to the game. @Nescio knows the documentation well but @Itms, our project leader should be the one to talk too as he might be the one you need to contact as your changes might only go in with the approval of a team member.
  10. For the little story between a18 and a19 the height information in maps was changed to be less precise but more variable.
  11. I don't or I follow the instructions on the wiki. But while you can build it with VS2015 it breaks the code.
  12. Because a prebuilt version is already bundled with svn on windows.
  13. I believe you, can you try to revert to pinpoint what caused you
  14. try reverting to rP22038 and see if it's the skybox commit then rP22032 to see if it's the camera then rP22015 to see if it's me with the rally points then maybe try to revert to A23 to see if you can reproduce. Do you have a crashlog.dmp ? What does the call stack says ?
  15. On Windows you usually run of memory because update workspaces bat doesn't have the --large-address-aware flag hence the game reaches 2GB on some maps and crashes.
  16. Me too I have high hopes for @vladislavbelov
  17. Well A24 might have some nice changes How do you know ? I guess people can try to contact @BrynnOfCastlegate and see if she is up to making videos for their mods.
  18. Could you compare a degerate user.cfg vs a sane one ?
  19. I'd like to tell you, but unfortunately I don't know
  20. We wont go on steam or any other platform until we reach beta. If we added the game on steam and for some reason decided to change a feature that everyone loved between two alphas the comment section would absolutely crush the game and that's advertisment we don't need right now. I usually read the comments on a game before buying it if its all red I'm not likely to buy it.
  21. The skybox has been improved in the dev version. You might want to try it. As for your initial question not to my knowledge however you might be able to do what you want if you have a height map. I'm not sure you can export and import ones in Atlas. If you can you just have to change the levels and reimport the height map. If not you'd need to write a script to change all the height in the PMP file and that will probably meds your map up.
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